Cult of personality. What unites Stalin and Hitler?

Each person is an individual member of society. At the same time, he can both pour into the mass and be an independent bright personality that will strongly stand out from the rest. As a rule, such people quickly make their way through any, even the toughest, thorns, confidently pave the way to their goal. Aspiration, rigidity, adherence to principles, desire everywhere and always to be the first - these are the main signs of a nascent leader. Typically, these people easily find a common language and understanding with the public, are able to competently present their beliefs and views, in such a way that the rest simply can not think otherwise.

It is not surprising that strong and vibrant people often become the subject of adoration and worship of the led masses, whom they amaze and literally fascinate with their oratory. This kind of deification, as well as the idealization of a leader, is called the "cult of personality." This concept was especially pronounced during the Soviet Union. The clearest example is the figure of Joseph Stalin, who, despite the more than strict policy of regulating public life in the country, was the subject of true worship of the masses. However, not only socialism had signs of endowing a person in power with some super-qualities.

The cult of Hitler’s personality is another striking example of how an energetic leader who can influence the consciousness of people can take a leading position in the country. Moreover, the Führer, who left a great bloody mark in world history, raised a huge number of soldiers to a great battle. He literally infected people with his idea of ​​the superiority of the Aryan race. The soldiers were ready to lay down their heads in battle to justify Germany's hopes placed on them. In this case, their ideology was precisely the cult of personality that spread even beyond the borders of one state. He embraced the minds of many rulers who supported Hitler in World War II.

However, it was precisely in these difficult and bloody years that one could observe the real confrontation that caused the cult of personality. This happened because the ideology of Soviet soldiers was no less strong. They fearlessly walked under a hail of bullets and perished for the sake of their homeland, family and, of course, the great leader. It was with his name that the real heroes of that contradictory and difficult time died.

If we take a closer look at these two figures on the political horizon, we can distinguish a number of common qualities that unite the two rulers of the once-fought states. Both of them harshly suppressed disobedience to the law, which they themselves represented. Moreover, the personality cult in this case played not only a positive role. Sometimes people were afraid to once again pronounce the name and surname of their idol, because punishments and repressions persecuted everyone who did not please the leader. Everyone knows the harsh camps in which many people died even after the end of the war.

Both Stalin and Hitler had a pronounced charisma, which made them visible against the rest of the citizens. At the same time, both rulers strictly adhered to one specific goal, which was achieved by any means. A vivid confirmation of this are the German concentration camps. The cult of personality of the ardent and energetic Fuhrer managed to convince of the need for the physical elimination of all who belonged to a different race. Moreover, his followers would never have decided on their own such cruelty. However, as they could not have so clearly, clearly and clearly formulated a social ideology, as Hitler did.

Sometimes a single person can radically change the course of history. And this does not always happen for the better for people. But from time to time, such vivid and non-trivial personalities explode the public with their ideas, hopes and faith in something high.


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