Change of TCP when changing the name: step by step instructions

Do I need to change the TCP when changing the name? Every modern driver should be able to answer a similar question. Observe traffic rules and know about the documents necessary for safe driving - this is the responsibility of citizens. Otherwise, drivers may face a number of problems. For example, with fines and confiscations of cars. These events cause a lot of problems. But they can be avoided if you know the features of the replacement of the TCP. What exactly is useful to every modern driver?

change of title with a change of surname

About car passport

Title is a vehicle passport. A document without which it is impossible to carry out legally significant transactions with a car. The absence of this paper makes registration in the traffic police inaccessible to the citizen.

In the TCP, the characteristics of the car are indicated, as well as information about the owner of the car. Each driver must have such a document, although there is no need to carry it with you. Do I need to change the TCP when changing the name? And if so, how to bring the idea to life?

Reasons to replace

First you need to understand the circumstances under which a passport replacement is required. There are a number of situations involving such an operation.

These include:

  • change of personal data of a citizen;
  • changing of the living place;
  • replacement of the owner of the car;
  • there was no free space in the previously issued TCP;
  • the document has been lost or stolen;
  • there was a spoilage of a previously issued TCP.

On this our list ends. It turns out that changing the TCP when changing the name is a mandatory operation. After all, a citizen's personal data is changing. And so you have to update documents on the car.

change of title when changing last name fine

Where to ask for help

The operation under study is carried out in certain organs. But where exactly?

In Russia, a change of TCP when changing a surname is carried out in the following organizations:

  • multifunctional centers;
  • local traffic police units;
  • State Services website.

In reality, everything is simpler than it seems. And each driver himself can decide exactly where to turn for help. Most often, citizens turn to the traffic police for their own ideas.


Do you need a change of TCP when changing your last name? Documents for receiving this service will have to be prepared in advance. Otherwise, problems may arise in the process of issuing a new passport for a car.

The following papers are included in the package of documents:

  • marriage / divorce certificate (or other document indicating a change of surname);
  • statement;
  • check confirming payment of the fee;
  • identification;
  • old Title (if available);
  • STS;
  • auto insurance policy.

Usually, conscientious drivers do not have any problems with the preparation of the listed papers. An application of the established form is filled in place at the registration authority.

change of title for change of surname

About the timing

The terms for the change of TCP when changing the name cannot be called flexible. The thing is that replacing a previously valid passport with a car will have to be done as soon as possible. A citizen is given 10 days to submit a request from the moment he receives a new surname. And therefore, during the implementation of ideas in life problems are not excluded. In particular, due to the fact that the operation requires identification. And it can be made more than 10 days.

Direct receipt of the studied paper takes a minimum of time. In our case, a passport for a car with new information about the driver will be issued within a few hours after submitting a request of the established sample. But there are exceptions.

Which ones? If a duplicate of the TCP is issued due to the loss or theft of the document, it will take up to 30 days to wait for the idea to be implemented. The same rule applies to the submission of a standard form application via the Internet.

change of TCP when changing the name documents


How much does a change of TCP cost when changing a surname after marriage or divorce? It all depends on the situation. But in general, you won’t have to pay much.

In 2017, the state fee for the operation under study is 350 rubles. How much does it cost to amend a valid passport for a car. If you turn to the help of Gosuslug, you will have to pay 30% less - 245 rubles. But that is not all.

Sometimes in the course of the operation under study, a citizen is issued a completely new TCP. In this situation, you have to pay more. How much will the change of TCP when changing the name? The duty will be 800 rubles. In the case of "State services" - 560 rubles.

Accordingly, if there is free space in the passport for a car, you can simply make changes to the paper and save. And if you use "State services" to translate ideas into reality, then spending on a new passport for a car will be minimal.

We order ourselves

How does the change of TCP take place when you change your last name? Let's start with the simplest scenario. This is an independent order of the document under study.

change of TCP when changing the name after marriage

Guidelines for amending the vehicle passport will be as follows:

  1. Prepare the documents necessary to translate ideas into reality.
  2. Find out the details of the traffic police-recipient.
  3. Pay the fee in the prescribed amount.
  4. Contact a place chosen in advance with a request for entering new data into the TCP.
  5. Get the finished document along with the updated STS.

Done! Now you can easily drive a vehicle. But this is only one of the possible scenarios. What to do if you want to submit a request via the Internet?

Title and Government Services

Changing the TCP when changing the name is not such a difficult task. Especially if you apply online. But for this, the user will have to register in advance on the State Services website. After that, you should confirm your identity. And only then will it be possible to get full access to the government services of the portal.

Suppose registration is done. What's next? The instruction for ordering a TCP in connection with a change of surname will have approximately the following form:

  1. In any browser, open the site
  2. Go to the "My Account" on the portal. To do this, you will have to use your username and password.
  3. Visit "State Services" - "State Automobile Inspection".
  4. Select the desired team. For example, “Amending the TCP” or “Issuing a Passport to a Car”.
  5. Click on the "Get ..." button.
  6. Fill out the application form.
  7. Download scans of previously listed securities.
  8. Choose a convenient place to obtain a vehicle passport.
  9. Indicate the method of payment for the service.
  10. Enter customer account details.
  11. Confirm the operation.

After the actions done, it remains to wait for a notification about the completion of the request processing. It will appear in the "My Account" on the "State Services". Then you have to go to the traffic police or to the MFC with a prepared package of papers and get a new passport for the car. Fast, easy and convenient. And most importantly, without leaving home.

change of title when changing last name duty

Delay Penalty

Failed to timely change the TCP when changing the name? A fine is what threatens a slow driver. Avoiding him will fail.

For untimely replacement of the vehicle passport you will have to pay from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles. The exact size of the punishment can only be found with the sanction.


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