Varieties and types of zucchini: description, characteristics, features of growing

Zucchini is a dietary vegetable characterized by low calorie content. Moreover, it contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Due to this, this product is often used during diets, as well as for the treatment of renal failure, heart and liver diseases. To grow this vegetable in a suburban area is not difficult, just understand the variety of varieties of this culture. It’s worth starting with varieties of precocious zucchini.


It’s worth starting with this type of zucchini because the first crop can be obtained quite quickly. At the same time, the plant continues to bear fruit for 2 months. Therefore, enjoy fresh zucchini until late autumn.

Externally, this variety can be distinguished by elongated fruits, whose length is up to 22 cm. The weight of one fruit is about 300 g. Vegetables grow on small bushes that do not take up much space. The pale green zucchini is distinguished by juicy light pulp. As a rule, this variety is used for the preparation of caviar and other cooking.

types of zucchini

Vegetables of this species are resistant to overriding, therefore they are perfectly stored and do not lose their taste.

This variety of zucchini is unpretentious. The main thing is to provide him with a sufficient amount of moisture and sunlight. You also need to make sure that the plant is in nutritious, light and sufficiently acidic soil.

Iskander F1

This variety is distinguished by fruits of a standard form and a length of up to 20 cm. Moreover, zucchini grow quite large and can weigh up to 650 g.

If we talk about the characteristics of this type of squash, it is also worth paying attention to the fact that the plant begins to bear fruit quite quickly after planting. In this case, from one bush you can collect up to 17 kg of fruit. This zucchini has a green skin and pulp of a standard cream color.

The main advantage of this variety is that it is resistant to most common diseases, so it does not need to be treated with toxic poisons.


Speaking about the earliest types of zucchini, it is worth highlighting this particular variety, since the plant gives the first fruits 30 days after planting the seeds. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that you need to take the crop at least 2 times in 7 days. Otherwise, fruiting can slow down noticeably.

This variety is resistant to frost. At the same time, gardeners collect at least 10 kg of fruit from one bush.

Aral can be planted in difficult conditions. The fact is that this zucchini tolerates frosts and severe droughts well.


This green zucchini belongs to the variety of zucchini. This variety is also considered to be ripe. However, zucchini does not grow very large. The peel is distinguished by small bright spots. At the same time, the fruits grow very even and tolerate transportation well. To get the maximum amount of harvest, it is recommended to collect zucchini in a timely manner. Overriding is not worth it. Otherwise, new fruits will not be formed in the right way.

zucchini spaghetti

If you take care of the plant, then up to 12 kg of fruits can be removed from one bush.


This early ripe variety is also a variety of zucchini. The bushes are compact, while a huge number of female flowers grow on them. Thanks to this, the squash “Squash” has a high yield. From one bush you can collect up to 10 kg of fruits.

This variety is successfully used for canning, cooking a variety of dishes, as well as for other types of processing.

The main advantage of this variety is that it tolerates both frosts and dry periods.


This precocious variety is very popular, as it can be used even fresh. It is also great for making caviar and other culinary dishes.

Typically, zucchini of this variety reach a weight of up to 600 g. Moreover, they are covered with spotted skin. The pulp has a slightly greenish tint.

The main advantage of this variety is its resistance to disease. However, it must be borne in mind that these zucchini do not tolerate low temperatures very well, therefore, it is recommended that planting is carried out exclusively in heated soil.

It is also worth noting that these zucchini can be planted quite close to each other, since the bushes are quite compact in size.


Speaking about the early ripening types of zucchini, it is worth highlighting this variety, since the first crop appears quite quickly. However, the fruits of zucchini of this variety do not differ in large sizes. Their weight rarely exceeds 350 g.

Separately, it is worth noting the light-white skin of the fruits, which are most often used for canning. Zucchini is also great for preparing a wide variety of dishes.

green zucchini

This variety is characterized by increased resistance to ailments. Thanks to this, the crop is perfectly stored. It can be transported without problems.

As a rule, seeds are sown in the third decade of autumn or in early June. Since the bushes are compact in size, they can be planted quite close to each other. Zucchini is recommended to be fed with organic fertilizers.


Considering the varieties and types of zucchini, you should definitely mention this variety. Gardeners harvest their first crop already 25-30 days after sowing. Despite such a short time, the plants bear fairly large fruits, the weight of which can be up to 450 g.

If we talk about the external features of these zucchini, they are not much different from their "brothers." Fruits can be stored for a long time and transported without fear that they will be damaged. Also, zucchini perfectly tolerate temperature changes and exhibit phenomenal resistance to the most common diseases.

It is worth noting that this variety was bred relatively recently. That is why zucchini seeds can not be found in every store. However, they are worth looking for.

It is also worth noting that this variety of zucchini for open ground is used very often. In addition, they grow well under the film or in the greenhouse.


This variety is considered one of the most delicious. In addition, zucchini of this variety are perfectly stored, transported and are distinguished by excellent aesthetic data. Inside the fetus is a very small seed chamber. At the same time, the seeds germinate well.

However, it should be borne in mind that this variety is recommended to be grown exclusively in greenhouses, since zucchini of this species tolerate temperature fluctuations very poorly. If you plant a crop in the open field, then this will negatively affect the yield of the plant.

In addition, this variety is not very suitable for cultivation in the central and northern regions of the Russian Federation.


If a large amount of precipitation is observed in the region during the summer period, then it is worth paying attention to this particular variety. In addition, zucchini perfectly tolerate temperature extremes and severe frosts.

The fruits ripen quite quickly. However, if spring was very cold, then this period may increase to several months.

Externally, zucchini are distinguished by their cylindrical shape. Moreover, their weight can reach up to 1 kg. The skin of the fetus can be green or yellow.

This variety is considered the most picky in care. In order to collect a good crop, it is enough just to water the crop in a timely manner.

Planting zucchini is recommended in neutral or light soil. Additionally, you can fertilize plants. You also need to timely cultivate.


These Spanish zucchini hybrids best tolerate heat and severe drought. The main advantage of this variety is that the weight of the fruit can reach up to one and a half kilograms.

During transportation, zucchini do not change their useful and tasteful properties. Thanks to this, the fruits are perfect for salting, cooking marinades or eating fresh.

yellow squash

This variety is recommended for regions with an arid climate. At the same time, you can grow zucchini 2 times per season. Primary planting is carried out in the third decade of spring. The second time you can sow zucchini in the middle of summer. It is recommended to choose the sunniest place to grow this crop.

It is also worth considering mid-season zucchini. Such fruits have a longer ripening period, which can be up to 2 months. However, the fruits grow quite large. At the same time, mid-ripening varieties are suitable for growing in any climatic conditions.

These varieties of zucchini can be planted directly in the open ground. However, before this, it is recommended to sprout seedlings at home. Planting zucchini is best away from each other, as the bushes grow quite large.


This type of mid-season zucchini is different in that it does not require special care. Fruits are often consumed fresh or used for canning.

If we talk about the characteristics of zucchini of this variety, then it is worth paying attention to their skin. It can be white or green. The pulp has a dense structure and a white tint.

vegetable marrow

This variety is resistant to temperature extremes. Also, the fruits are perfectly transported and do not lose their positive qualities.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that this variety is not susceptible to mineral dressing. Therefore, there is no point in wasting time on such fertilizers.

A distinctive feature of this variety is the branching of its bushes. That is why they need to be planted at a fairly large distance from each other. To get a good crop, you need to timely water crops.


This variety is distinguished by a bright yellow color of the skin of the fruit. Its pulp is very tender and quite soft.

Yellow zucchini has a large weight, which in some cases can reach up to 2 kg. It is possible to store the harvested crop for no more than 2 months. After this, the fruits must be used for canning or cooking. Otherwise, they will begin to fade very quickly.

With prolonged rains, gardeners recommend periodically checking the yellow zucchini and timely removing the foliage around it. If rot appears, it will adversely affect the root system of the plant.

Planting plants is recommended in late May. It is important to ensure that the air temperature is not lower than +12 degrees.


This variety is popular due to the taste and marketability. Zucchini of this kind are great for canning.

The weight of the fruit can reach one and a half kilograms.

The main external distinctive feature of this variety is that the strips on the fruits are not continuous, but intermittent and differing in size.

Planting is best done at the end of May. If the temperature of the earth is below +15 degrees, then it is better to sow the seeds later - in early June. In this case, you need to ensure that there is sufficient distance between the bushes. So they will not interfere with each other or block sunlight. The soil should be moderately dry. If the site is dominated by high groundwater, it is better to choose another place for zucchini.

varieties and types of squash

Also on sale there are seeds of zucchini, which are planted in the autumn. Such varieties ripen for a long time. The first crop will be available only after 4-5 months.

Such zucchini differ in their shape and color. In addition, they can have a variety of tastes.

These varieties do not require special care, so plants can be planted and calmly leave the countryside for at least the whole summer. Consider the most popular varieties of this type.

"Spaghetti "

This variety has received its unusual culinary name due to its distinctive features. The fact is that after heat treatment, the pulp of the fruit is converted into oblong wavy fibers, which look very similar to known pasta. In addition, the Spaghetti squash is distinguished by its stems. They can grow up to a distance of 1 meter from the base of the bush. In this case, the stems can also penetrate other plantings. Therefore, you need to choose a place for the zucchini, which is located far from the beds.

The fruits of plants differ in an elliptical shape. Their skin is yellow and quite hard. Thanks to the sweet pulp, the squash “Spaghetti” is widely used in the manufacture of desserts and other dishes. In this case, the crop can be safely transported over long distances.

"Lagenaria Calebas"

A pear-shaped zucchini looks very unusual in a suburban area. However, the fruits of this plant are practically not used in cooking. The most interesting thing is that they are used for making souvenirs and some types of dishes. It's all about the unusual shape of zucchini and their strong and firm skin.

Gardeners usually collect up to 40 kg of fruit from one bush. At the same time, zucchini can grow up to 1 meter in length. Therefore, plants need to be planted at a great distance from each other.

"Lagenaria Ordinary"

This is another type of giant zucchini. The length of one fruit can reach several meters, and weight up to 12 kg. This fact must be taken into account during planting. They should not cover each other from sunlight.

Giant fruits are not suitable for cooking, so it is recommended to collect young zucchini, the length of which does not exceed 50 cm. If they grow larger, the peel of the zucchini hardens very much. In this case, the fruits can be used only for the manufacture of dishes, souvenirs or decorative items.

grade open courgettes

To check the maturity of the fetus, just hold it with a fingernail. If the peel is quite soft and easily scratched, then zucchini can still be consumed as food.

The main feature of such fruits is that after separation from the main bush, they continue to grow.

It is recommended to engage in the landing of this variety in early spring. The primary harvest can be harvested in a few months.


The variety is characterized by extremely high productivity and excellent shelf life. Zucchini “Pharaoh” has a rather thick peel, but its flesh is very soft, juicy and tender.

It is recommended to sow the seeds of this variety closer to the end of May, when the temperature of the earth will be positive. At the same time, bushes should be planted at a fairly decent distance, not only from each other, but also from other cultures. After that, you need to regularly water, loosen and feed the plants.

With proper care, you can harvest a huge crop of delicious fruits every season. Also on sale you can find white squash. It is suitable for decorative purposes. From the variety you can choose the best variety, which is suitable for growing in almost any weather conditions.


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