Top Historical Detectives: Books

Historical detective stories are books that always attract a large number of readers. After all, on the one hand, this is a fascinating and exciting plot, and on the other - intellectual reading. If the author is good, then such a novel will be full of real details and signs of the described time.

Genre of historical detective

historical detective books

Historical detectives have not lost their relevance now. Books written in this genre tell about past events. In some cases, a detective living in our time, investigates the affairs of bygone days. By and large, this is a historical novel in which a detective story-forming line is developed in detail.

A reliable description of the chosen era is one of the main requirements that apply to the author who writes historical detective stories. Books in this genre should not only entertain the reader, but also have an educational function. This genre is also called an intellectual detective.

True, it is worth recognizing that real historical events and participation in the narration of really existing historical characters are not mandatory conditions. Historical detectives may not correspond to them. Books should make the reader believe that the events described could happen to heroes in a given past. This is the main thing.

Of course, as in any other work of fiction, there is fiction. Books in the genre of “historical detective story” may contain an author’s assessment of real-life personalities and described events.

Another difference between the historical detective and the usual one is that the profession of a professional detective appeared only in the 18th century. Therefore, if the author describes an earlier time, then the crime should be investigated by law enforcement agencies or ordinary people who find themselves in such a situation by chance.

Historical detective in Russia

A historical detective story (the best books written in this genre will be named later) appeared in Russia in the late XIX - early XX centuries. At that time, a detective story in Russian literature was not yet framed in a separate genre. As a rule, these were works that described criminal offenses or court hearings.

The founders and founders of the Russian criminal novel are Nikolai Akhsharumov and Alexander Shklyarevsky.

Akhsharumov and Shklyarevsky

historical detective best books

Nikolai Akhsharumov lived in the 19th century. It was a writer and literary critic. In reviews of his works, researchers noted that he was a writer of little talent, brought up in somewhat outdated literary concepts. At the same time he wrote entertaining novels and short stories. But if the characters and heroes were worked out shallow, the plot captivated the reader from the first pages.

Akhsharumov built the plot of his works on psychiatry, an unnatural play of passions, phantasmagoria. His novel "Ends in the Water" is considered the founder of the Russian thriller.

Alexander Shklyarevsky was a famous fiction writer, born in the year of Pushkin's death, and died in 1883. The greatest popularity was brought to him by “Tales of the Judicial Investigator,” which were published separately in magazines and individual publications.

Boris Akunin

Of our contemporaries, the main representative of this genre is Boris Akunin. His novels top the ranking of historical detectives. The books of this author are happy to film directors.

One of his most famous novels is Azazel. He is part of a series that tells of the adventures in St. Petersburg of the young detective Erast Fandorin at the beginning of the 20th century.

historical detective books

In this novel, Fandorin is only 20 years old. He is lucky, he is not afraid of anything, handsome and noble. But his main quality is that he is a born detective. Erast Fandorin serves in the police department in a small position as a clerk. At the same time, he takes on any business without fear, no matter how complicated and confusing it may seem at first glance.

In the novel "Azazel" he will unravel the suicide of a student who is the heir to a major fortune. The investigation leads Fandorin to an underground organization in which influential people are involved.

"Turkish gambit"

Turkish Gambit is another classic Russian historical detective story. Books of this genre are especially good at Akunin.

This time events unfold in 1877, during the Russo-Turkish war. In the center of the story is the nihilist Varvara Suvorova, who goes to the front line to pick up the groom. At the front, she meets with Fandorin. Ahead of them are many incredible adventures. What is the only meeting with the Bashibuzuk, the Ottoman army. Only Russian Cossacks save them.

At this time, a detective story begins to unfold against the backdrop of historical events. General Mizinov tells Fandorin that the Turkish intelligence is preparing a secret operation in the rear of the Russian army.

The plot in the future becomes not only detective, but also romantic, since Varya plays an important role in the novel.

Russian historical detective book


We love the fans another detective from the series "The Adventures of Erast Fandorin" called "Leviathan". This time the scene is Paris. 1878 year. At the very beginning, a terrible crime is committed - the murder of Lord Littleby, his two children and seven servants. At the same time, the criminal does not steal anything except the statue of the god Shiva, which at first glance is not of great value. Moreover, soon the figurine is found at the bottom of the Seine.

The key clue is the badge of the first-class passenger of the Leviathan, which was held in the hand of the murdered lord. Some passengers who were supposed to sail with Littleby to Indian Calcutta are under suspicion.

foreign historical books

Erast Fandorin is connected to the investigation of this crime. It is he who finds another clue. The attacker turns out to be a doctor who vaccinates against cholera that broke out in Paris at that time. However, instead of a vaccine, he administered a lethal dose of morphine to his patients. What goals did he pursue? This remains to be seen by the Russian detective.

"Name of the rose"

Historical detective stories are also very popular in Europe. Foreign books are actively translated in our country. One of the most famous works of recent years is the Umberto Eco novel "The Name of the Rose".

The main characters of this narrative are Wilhelm of Baskerville and his young comrade Adson Melksky. They are investigating the mysterious death of the Benedictine monk Adelm Otrantsky, which occurred in 1327. There is a lot of incomprehensibility in this death. Even the place where everything happened is not known for certain. In historical documents, only the area on the border of France and Liguria is called.

ranking of historical detectives books

All events in the novel take place within one week. Wilhelm, who had previously engaged in a diplomatic mission (in particular, organized a meeting between the pope and the Bavarian emperor), now has to prove his scientific reputation. She also supported by stories that in the past he was a famous inquisitor.


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