How to tie a hand strap to a person? Instruction and photo

There are different situations in the life of each of us, sometimes very non-standard. In such cases, we require special skills. If you have them, then the guarantee that you will cope with some unusual task is much higher.

One of such abilities is knowledge of how to tie hands with a belt, and the ability to put it into practice.

Belt buckle

Why do we need this?

Imagine such a case: you calmly walk along the street and suddenly see that the robbery is happening near you! Some impressive size villain takes a purse from a defenseless girl and runs away with his booty ... But it wasn’t there, because you ran across the criminal, caught up with him and threw him to the ground with an accurate strong blow in the back. The scoundrel was neutralized, the handbag was returned to the frightened victim, it remains only to call the police outfit and deliver the thief straight to the department. But how to cope with such an ambal before the arrival of law enforcement agencies, how to keep him in place so that he does not run away and does not decide to try his luck elsewhere? You just need to fix his hands.

Of course, such situations are quite rare, fortunately for us, happen in real life. But even if you meet an ordinary bully painting the walls of the library, run into a drunken rowdy, breaking the glass of the store, or you see an inadequate bully, setting footsteps for passers-by, then such an ability as to tie your hands with a belt will not be superfluous. This can be done, so to speak, in the field using improvised means. Correctly tying your hands with a belt is not an easy task, therefore, in order to be ready to apply knowledge in practice, you must first practice.

Leather Handcuffs

The mysterious word "shibari"

It is not necessary to immediately try to knit malicious robbers. After all, binding can be applied in other areas of our life, which are much more peaceful and pleasant. This practice, for example, will help diversify your sex life.

Already practically all over the world, the Japanese ancient art of binding is known, which is called "shibari," or "shibari," in a different manner. Initially, it was used to limit the mobility of the captive, but then migrated to an intimate life. Shibari is now one of the key techniques for fixing a partner’s body with ropes and bandages. This technique has not only an aesthetic character, but also a meditative beginning. Due to the bonding during sexual intimacy, both partners can experience completely new emotions, discover new feelings in themselves, and it also helps to get closer, because it requires maximum trust in each other.

To become a shibari master and masterfully knit the most intricate knots, no doubt, it will take time and practice, but in order to simply fix, for example, the hands of a partner, there should not be any problems. How to tie hands with a belt to a girl, read on.

About belts

For whatever purpose you use the knowledge of how to tie your hands with a belt, you need to know which belt is best to use. First, let's talk about the material. There are nylon belts; it’s better to forget about them if you don’t want to damage the skin of the bonded one, besides, synthetic materials have one more significant drawback: products made of nylon, whether it is a rope or a belt, slide very much, this will complicate the knitting process itself. An artificial leather belt can do the job much better, but it may not be flexible and flexible enough, and after the procedure, creases can form on such a belt, which further excludes the use of the accessory for its intended purpose. As you might have guessed, the best option is a genuine leather belt: it is quite soft and will not leave marks on the body, elastic and flexible, making it easily bent and tied into the necessary knot, genuine leather is a fairly wear-resistant material, so the product from it will serve you long no matter how you use it.

Belts are different

How to tie your hands with a belt? Instruction manual

The goal is set, the belt is selected, now you can safely proceed to practice. There are several ways to tie a person’s hands with a belt. We will consider the simplest, but no less effective. A person whose wrists are fixed by this method will need to try very hard to free his hands.

To begin, fold the belt in half so that its end forms a loop. Then thread the last one into the buckle. Now spread the loop inside, a double ring should form in which the hands of the person being connected are placed. After that, you just need to pull the free end of the belt over the buckle. Improvised handcuffs will be pulled on wrists. To fix this position, you can either hold the belt firmly by its free end, or by wrapping it between your hands, insert it under the loop.

Tied hands

Another way

Also from the belt you can do something like handcuffs. To do this, push the belt into the buckle as if fastening the belt on the trousers. Tighten to form a loop the size of a little more than the wrist, the hand of the bound should fit in this loop. This is the first ring of our handcuffs.

Bend the remaining end by eight, as you see in the photo below, again pass the end into the buckle, but on the other side.

Our eight

Now make a revolution with the belt around the resulting figure eight and again pass the belt into the buckle.

Hands are inserted into the holes, and the end of the belt is pulled until the belt tightly wraps around the wrists of the person being connected. This belt can be fastened to another, then you get something like a leash, or you can attach it to something static (for example, to a post). You can also make a fixing knot to free your hands was impossible.

Precautionary measures

Do not forget that even if you know how to tie hands with a belt, and know how to do it so that a person will not be released for anything, there are safety measures. Especially they should be remembered to those who use binding not to neutralize an inadequate person, but for the sake of any game with a friend who would not like to injure.

The belt can leave burns if its edges rub against the skin. To prevent this, it is necessary to tighten the handcuffs tightly enough so that they do not dangle on the wrists. However, you should not overdo it, because if you squeeze the vessels on your hands, then you can disrupt the flow of blood. For the same reason, do not leave handcuffs on your hands for too long.


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