The dimensions of the backpack. How to choose the right one?

Over the years, such a thing as a backpack remains in trend, regardless of the influence of fashion trends. It can be useful in any family and is very popular among people of all ages. Therefore, the demand for quality backpacks is increasing every year. Almost every person can be equipped with a backpack, which will correspond to his lifestyle. School backpacks are issued for students, city backpacks for teenagers, and tourists can’t do without special capacious tourist bags at all.

When buying a backpack, many people are worried about the optimal size of the backpack so that it can be used in various situations. Thinking so, people are mistaken and walk for a long time in search of a non-existent thing. Because they have not yet come up with a universal shoulder bag, which could be urban, school, and tourist. Of course, you can buy any backpack and put anything you want there, but this will subsequently affect your posture. After all, high-quality backpacks should not only have a beautiful shell, but also evenly distribute the load. Therefore, you need to choose a backpack in accordance with its purpose.

Backpacks for young children and schoolchildren

Young children who go to kindergartens, mostly buy small backpacks in the form of various animals. They do not load the backrest, as they have a very small capacity and are mainly purchased for games.

backpack sizes

Choosing such a thing for the student, you need to strictly consider the size of the backpack, because it will affect the child’s posture. For junior children, experts advise buying small backpacks that should correspond to the height and weight of the student. High school students need backpacks with a large capacity, since with each school year the number of items increases, respectively, and books are added. But, regardless of the age of schoolchildren, their backpacks should be sewn from a dense waterproof material, have strong straps and an orthopedic back.

Backpacks for teens

medium sized backpacks

Among teenagers, a backpack bag is considered very popular, the sizes of which can be very different. Their choice is so great that on sale you can find such a thing of the most unexpected sizes and colors. Urban backpacks are also in great demand . The main criterion for choosing such backpacks is not spaciousness, but colorful and originality. Therefore, such backpacks do not have large sizes, but they are all decorated with fashionable prints and patterns.

What should be a backpack

large backpacks

Considering the tourist equipment in the store, many pay attention to the fact that almost all backpacks are large. Despite this, they have a number of differences, consisting in functional features. A high-quality tourist backpack is made of special lightweight material, which will certainly be appreciated by its owner after long trips. In it, all the load on the back with full load are calculated to the smallest detail. Be sure all backpacks must have lap belts.

The larger, the better?

Many people, planning to buy a backpack, for some reason try to choose a thing of large sizes, although at the same time they themselves do not have a large physique. Say, the larger the backpack, the more things you can fit in it. However, they do not think that such a heavy backpack can not be worn on long trips and expeditions. In such cases, you need to purchase medium-sized backpacks that will fit essential items.

bag backpack sizes

Considering the size of the backpack for yourself or your loved ones, you need to be guided by one correct rule. It says that the size should correspond to the physical data of a person and look organic. Professionals specially developed a table of the proportions of the sizes of backpacks relative to the dimensions of a person (height, weight). According to her data, in order to buy a suitable backpack, you must first make some measurements of your body with a centimeter tape:

  • from the seventh cervical vertebra to the waist;
  • hip circumference for choosing a waist belt.

Further, based on the measurements made, we calculate the size of a suitable backpack:

  • with a hip circumference of more than 84 cm and a body length of more than 51 cm, size L is suitable;
  • if the hip circumference varies from 76 to 87 cm, and the body length is 46-52 cm, then the size will be M;
  • For people with a hip circumference of less than 79 cm and a trunk length of less than 46 cm, a backpack with size S is suitable.
  • Accordingly, larger people need to choose XL size.

In fact, the size of the backpack does not always matter, because there are models that, with external miniature size, can accommodate much more than it seems at first glance. Therefore, before buying things always carefully inspect it.


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