"Lactobacterin" for newborns: instructions, analogs and reviews

Babies are born with an almost sterile intestine. Soon it is filled with beneficial bacteria that ensure the proper absorption of food. Lactobacterin for newborns can help this process.

Briefly about the drug

Lactobacterin for newborns is a probiotic containing about 2 billion lactobacilli. The tool perfectly restores the intestinal microflora and is effective against proteins, enteropathogenic E. coli, staphylococci, etc.

lactobacterin powder

After entering the intestines, lactobacilli are activated and begin to multiply. All this is accompanied by the production of lactic acid, which establishes the digestive processes.

Thanks to the probiotic, stool is normalized, food allergies are leveled, intestinal motility is improved, and the body's defenses are strengthened.

Release form

The drug goes on sale in the form of:

  1. Tablets packaged in blister packs. This form of medication is intended for children over 3 years of age. Lactobacterin tablets can be absorbed, chewed or swallowed immediately.
  2. Liquid concentrate. This type of drug is used to treat infants. The advantage of this type of "Lactobacterin" is the absence of the need to dilute it. Minus - the shelf life of the product is reduced to 3 months.
  3. "Lactobacterin" in ampoules for newborns. It is approved for use from the first days of life.

Indications for use

The instructions for "Lactobacterin" for newborns (reviews of the drug will be discussed at the end of the article) identifies the following indications for its use:

  • disorders of the intestinal microflora;
  • excessive gas formation, which is accompanied by paroxysmal pain in the abdomen;
  • intestinal infectious diseases;
  • chronic inflammatory damage to the digestive tract;
  • inflammation of the intestinal mucous membranes;
  • constipation
  • enzymatic deficiency;
  • reduced immunity;
  • allergic reactions;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • diseases of the oral cavity;
  • colitis and enterocolitis.
colic in a newborn

The use of "Lactobacterin" for newborns is also possible in cases where the baby is undergoing antibiotic therapy, hormonal therapy or taking other potent medicines.

It is important to remember! Giving the child "Lactobacterin" is necessary no earlier than 2 hours after taking the antibiotic. Otherwise, there will be no positive effect from it. Antibiotics cannot “distinguish” beneficial and harmful bacteria, destroying them all!

The method of preparation of the drug

Parents need to know how to breed Lactobacterin for newborns. This, at first glance, a simple matter has several important nuances.

In order to prepare "Lactobacterin" for newborns in ampoules, it is necessary to mix 1 serving of medicine with 5 ml of boiled cooled water. If a child needs 2 or more doses, the number of components also increases proportionally.

Important! One ampoule equals three doses, so first it will need to be divided into 3 parts!

Lactobacterin concentrate also needs to be diluted, and not taken in its pure form! To do this, it is enough to dissolve a teaspoon of the medicine in a glass of boiled water.

The medicine must be drunk as quickly as possible. It is not recommended to store the finished mixture - at a temperature above +6 degrees, it very quickly loses all its useful properties.

Doses and method of application

As the instructions say, "Lactobacterin" for newborns should be given to the baby 40 minutes before eating. Ideally, the intake should be combined with the use of vitamin complexes.

how to give a newborn lactobacterin

As for the daily dose, it will depend on the age of the baby:

  • 0-6 months - 1-2 doses;
  • 6-12 months - 2-3 doses.

By the way, older children will need to be given:

  • 1-3 years - 3-4 doses;
  • more than 4 years - 4-10 doses or tablets.

With all this, it is not necessary to drink the entire dose at once. It is allowed to divide into 2-3 parts and take during the day.

If, together with Lactobacterin, the child was prescribed to take the vitamin complex, it would be best to breed them together. Lactobacilli will help nutrients to be absorbed faster by the intestines and enter the blood crumbs.

Therapy duration

The course of treatment will depend on the disease. Its duration usually ranges from 3 weeks to 3 months. As an example, consider some of the most common options:

  • chronic diseases of the digestive system - 6-8 weeks;
  • dysbiosis - 3-4 weeks;
  • colitis and enterocolitis - 8 weeks;
  • restoration of intestinal microflora after the infection - 4-6 weeks.


"Lactobacterin" for newborns has only a few contraindications. It should not be given:

  • babies who have suffered a birth injury;
  • premature babies;
  • if the child has a sign of allergy or hypersensitivity.
newborn drinks medicine

The last point is worth a little more discussion. Before starting treatment with Lactobacterin for newborns, a sensitivity test should be performed. It is necessary to give the baby only 2 drops of the drug and observe his well-being. If no unpleasant changes have occurred within 4 hours, then you can safely give the dose prescribed by your doctor.

As for signs of hypersensitivity, these include nausea, vomiting, weakness, and allergic reactions. If these signs occur, the use of the drug must be canceled and consult a doctor to find an analogue.


Since we are talking about analogues, it is worth noting that "Lactobacterin" is not the only means with this type of action.

lactobacterin bifidumbacterin analog

There are many alternative drugs that contain all the necessary bifidobacteria. For example, newborn babies can be prescribed (the minimum age of the child is indicated in parentheses):

  • "Bifidumbactrin" (from birth);
  • “Acipol” (from 3 months);
  • "Bifiform Baby" (from birth);
  • Linex (from birth);
  • “Hilak-forte” (from birth);
  • “Normase” (from birth);
  • “Acylact” (from birth).

By the way, the last option is to choose if parents are looking for a cheaper alternative to Lactobacterin.


Reviews about "Lactobacterin" for newborns in most cases are positive. Parents note that the drug becomes an excellent assistant in the fight against colic, indigestion, diarrhea or constipation.

newborn in arms

The tool has proven itself on the good side in the treatment of dysbiosis. Young mothers continually praise Lactobacterin in women's forums. They talk about a noticeable positive effect just a few days after the start of the drug.

The relatively low cost of the product deserves special attention. Depending on the pharmacy and the region of residence, it is within 200 rubles per package (5 ampoules).

Negative reviews of "Lactobacterin" are very rare and indicate a complete absence of a positive effect. It is possible that the reason for this was the incorrect use of the drug.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26801/

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