Silver chains: weaving varieties, male and female, photo

Silver chains have been one of the most important jewelry for more than a millennium. Such jewelry is popular among both the male and female population. Thick or thin silver items are worn on the neck, wrist, leg, and even on the stomach. Often on a chain of silver they put on a cross, incense, pendant, pendants with precious or semiprecious stones.

Chain weaving silver

What is the difference between silver chains?

Conventionally, such jewelry is divided into female and male. These products differ mainly in size and weaving method:

  • Sophisticated. They are suitable mainly for women.
  • Thick chains of silver are chosen mainly by men.

Also, the products differ in the manufacturing method. There are three main types:

  • machine;
  • manual;
  • injection molding.
Silver chain weaving species

Manual weaving method

This is the oldest and most common method of making silver chains. Jewelers knit such products manually from silver wire. In addition to the fact that each master himself can develop all kinds of options for weaving and connecting the links, there are also classic ways of weaving silver male and female chains, which are widespread and recognizable throughout the world, for example, "Trickle", "Bismarck", "Python", "Arab", "Malvina", anchor weaving chains and many others. Chains from handmade silver 925 are considered the heaviest among other types, since there are no voids in the wire, it is completely filled with silver. However, on the other hand, such products are also considered the most durable, most practical and very reliable. They do not cling to clothes and are able to last far from one year.

Machine knitting

This method of manufacturing silver chains appeared relatively recently initially in Europe, and a little later with us. In this case, for a person all the work is done by high-tech machines. Stamped chains are made of finished links (the so-called stamps), which are not soldered, but are threaded into each other. Such products are distinguished by a large selection of weaving, light weight and thickness. Among stamping, it is very rare to find thick jewelry. As a rule, such chains weigh no more than 10 g, since they are less reliable and durable, they often break. Most popular: Snake, Nona, Harness, Perlin, Singapore, etc.

Injection chain

Such products are made by casting finished parts with a repeating pattern. Later, they are processed by the master and connected in a chain. Such silver is not made by many, since the manufacturing process is quite complicated. In addition, such products have a fairly large weight. Among the most popular silver casting chains is Rocco-Baroque. Such jewelry can be not only masculine. You can also find quite feminine weaving, which can become a necklace for a girl.

Consider the most popular types of hand-made silver chains.

Silver chains for women

Types of weaving

There are 3 basic types of weaving chains:

  • Bismarck
  • Anchor
  • "Shell".
Men's chain, silver

Bismarck chain silver

Such chains have gained particular popularity and prevalence among business men, although women sometimes wear them. This is one of the most beautiful and at the same time quite complex weaves, where spiral-shaped links are intertwined in several rows. The weave is dense, so the products look massive. There are several options for weaving silver chains:

  • The Bismarck is flat. Such weaving is characterized in that the thickness of the chain is almost 2 times less than its width. Additional name - Brook. Today it is one of the most popular and popular techniques for weaving silver chains. It is used for the manufacture of both female and male jewelry. Weaving is distinguished by the roundness and intricacy of the pattern. Products can have a thickness of 0.3, 0.4 and 0.6 cm. To create greater massiveness, jewelers widely use double brook weaving.
  • Semi-volume "Bismarck". Here, the thickness of each link is slightly greater than or equal to the width of the product. The cross section of such a chain has an irregular oval. In some embodiments, round elements are present. Such chains are called depending on their quantity: double or triple rings.
  • "Python" (other names - "American", "Pharaoh", "Cardinal", "Caprice", etc.). The weave has an elegant and beautiful twist, so this option is used mainly in women's chains of silver.
  • "Royal Bismarck". This is a rather complicated weaving that changes the direction of round pairwise links. Among the "Bismarck" this version is the most voluminous.
  • "Fox tail" (or "Herringbone"). A variation of the "Royal Bismarck". The links in this embodiment are directed in one direction.
Silver chains, photo

anchor chain

This is the classic and easiest type of twist in which repeating oval links are attached to each other perpendicularly. That is why products look voluminous, regardless of thickness. Despite its simplicity, anchor chains look very solid.

There are several types of weaving silver chains:

Bismarck chain, silver
  • "Sea Anchor". It differs from the classical anchor in that there is a jumper in the middle of the oval links.
  • "Rollo" ("Belzer" or "Shopard"). Links are round in shape.
  • "Double anchor." It differs in that 2 rings are threaded into each subsequent link. Such chains look voluminous.
  • Venetian weaving. Depending on the number of rectangular or square links assembled in a block, chains are double, triple, etc.

There are many other options. For those who like original jewelry, jewelers make the chain "Anchor Combined", which combines the links of two sizes - elongated and small standard. Anchor is the most suitable option for those who prefer heavy silver items.

Types of silver chains

Shell Weave

This is one of the basic species, on the basis of which a large number of other options are based. In this weaving, small elements located inside large ones are in the same plane. Weaving can be single, double or triple, which depends on the number of links included in one another. Externally, the chains are similar to chain mail and are highly durable.

The main subspecies of such weaving:

  • "Nonna" (or "Italian"). This is a popular female weaving. Links are enclosed inside large. Due to the diamond facet applied on both sides, the products brightly shimmer in the sun.
  • Figaro (Cartier). Oval and round links alternate in different combinations. The classic version is 3 + 1 (i.e., after three round rings there is one oval).

Chain "Rose"

"Rose" is a type of female weaving. The chain is openwork and lush. The links gathered in bunches resemble a rose. Such weaving in manufacturing is the most difficult, therefore the cost of products is higher than that of others. Silver chains are reliable - the rings in them are interconnected by at least 3 points.

Chain "Walnut"

In this weaving, openwork (filigree) rings are connected into "nuts", which are interconnected by shiny and smooth rings. Walnut is an airy, feminine and romantic silver chain. Most often, it is made of white silver 925.

Malvina chain

Weaving is similar to "Walnut", but weighs less and is more elongated in appearance. It is also a feminine and thinned chain, made mainly of 925 sterling silver.

In addition to these handmade chains, you can find many others, including:

  • Abinata
  • "Arab Bismarck";
  • "Breeze";
  • Beltser;
  • "Eight";
  • Cleopatra
  • Cartier
  • "Fox's tail";
  • "Ear" and others.

As for injection molded products, they do not have universal names. Each manufacturer gives its own chains its own names.

Today you can buy a chain for men (925 sterling silver) or women at any jewelry store. Products differ in price, quality and manufacturer.

Male and female chains by type of weaving

In general, silver chains (photos are attached to this article) are a universal jewelry, therefore both women and men wear almost all types of weaving.

The division of such products into female and male type of weaving conditional. Moreover, modern fashion generally erases all the conventions of the border. But still it is worth noting that typically male chains are distinguished by a more voluminous, massive weaving with links of geometric shapes. These items include the wide armor chains, Bismarck, Byzantine weaving, and Rhombo.

Characteristic varieties of weaving female chains are light, delicate and have a certain grace. The female half of the population prefers weaving "Nonna", "Love", "Singapore", "Python".

Many chains with the most different types of weaving are often perceived as both male and female. It all depends on the thickness of the jewelry, the type of metal, the shape of the links and the processing features (for example, diamond cutting, which has sparkling edges, characterizes more female products). In addition, much depends on the taste and personal image of the future owner, as well as the effect that needs to be created. For example, only a chain with β€œmasculine” features can best emphasize the femininity and fragility of its owner.

Simple classic anchor products are considered unisex. For children, it is better to choose light single-link or two-link anchor chains.

Choosing a jewelry for yourself, it is worth focusing first of all on your own taste and how the product will be worn - separately or in combination with other accessories.


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