What Ryazan is famous for: sights, interesting places, the history of the city, historical facts and events, photos, reviews and travel tips

On the territory of the Central European Plain, the Ryazan Region is located (39,600 km²). The center is the city of Ryazan, the sights of which will be considered in the article. The metropolis is located on the right bank of the Oka River. It is considered one of the largest cities in the Russian Federation. The ancient capital of the Ryazan principality has a large number of cultural monuments, temples, museums. This is what attracts history buffs from far and near abroad.

History of Ryazan

Before describing the sights of Ryazan, photos of which are presented in the article, we will tell about the history of the city. At the end of the XI century, the city of Pereslavl-Ryazan was founded on the territory of the future regional center. The city was formed by combining several villages. History has not kept the exact date of creation of this settlement. Therefore, it is conventionally assumed that Ryazan was founded in 1095 (the first mention in historical chronicles).

what is famous for Ryazan

In 1778, by order of Empress Catherine II, the city and the settlements surrounding it were merged into Ryazan governorate, which at that time was part of the Moscow province. After 18 years, a separate administrative-territorial unit of the Russian Empire was formed - the Ryazan province, and Pereslavl-Ryazan became a provincial city and was renamed Ryazan.

Now the regional center (224 km²) is an economically developed region of Russia. Considering that Ryazan is considered one of the ancient cities of Russia, a lot of attention is paid to the development strategy of urban tourism, which helps to increase the city budget. Today Ryazan tour desk is developing several main types of tourism. The most popular is hiking and bus cultural tourism, where visitors to the city are introduced to its main attractions.

Church in the name of the Holy Prophet Elijah (Elias Church)

Composing a description of the attractions of Ryazan, we will first tell about the Ilyinsky church. The first wooden building in the name of the Holy Prophet Elijah was built near the Spassky Monastery.

ilyinsky temple

In 1697 he was transferred to Ilyinskaya Square (today - Cathedral). After some time, it was decided to build a stone Ilyinsky temple on this site, the construction of which was completed in 1700. In 1929, the church was closed, but after 70 years it was re-consecrated, and now it hosts services that tourists can attend.

Ryazan Kremlin complex

The main attraction of Ryazan is the Ryazan Kremlin. The complex is an open-air museum and is the pride of Ryazans and the oldest museum institution in Russia. The fortification was built in the 11th century on a hill and was protected on three sides by the Trubezh and Lybed rivers. And on the fourth side was dug a deep moat filled with water. For a long time around the fortress, which at that time had an area of ​​2 hectares, the city of Pereslavl-Ryazan expanded, subsequently renamed to Ryazan.

In the XII century, the city already occupied the entire territory of the Kremlin hill, so there was a need for the expansion of the fortress, the construction of new fortress walls, towers and other structures that protected the city from the invasion of external enemies. Now the complex is located in the old part of the city and covers an area of ​​26 hectares, where eighteen historical buildings are located.

Assumption Cathedral

And what is the city of Ryazan famous for? Its sights. Tourists are very interested in visiting the Assumption Cathedral (in the old Russian literary work "The Tale of the Ruin of Ryazan Batu" this temple was called the Great Church). The construction of the cathedral began at the end of the 17th century. The temple was built over seven years under the guidance of Russian architect Jacob Bukhvostov. Of interest is white stone carving, the patterns of which are never repeated throughout the front side of the building. The cathedral was consecrated in 1992, and now liturgies are held in it.

Cathedral of the Archangel

The oldest building that has survived to our time is the Archangel Cathedral. The start of construction is not known. But historians suggest that the temple was built around the XV-XVI centuries. Now tourists can visit the cathedral and see the exhibition of ancient Russian art.

Cathedral of the Archangel

Oleg's Palace

Oleg’s Palace is considered the largest building in the Ryazan Kremlin in terms of area. The 17th-century palace building was erected on the territory of the princely court and has an area of ​​2500 m². The building was erected for the residence of the Ryazan higher clergy. Here were a house church, monastic cells and various utility rooms. Now Oleg’s palace has been converted into exhibits of the historical museum.

oleg's house

Cathedral Park

The main entrance to the territory of the Triumphal Arch complex is located on the central square of the park (Cathedral Square), through which guests of the city get into the Cathedral Park, connecting the Ryazan Kremlin with the city center. The park area is a favorite vacation spot for residents of Ryazan and is the embankment of the Trubezh River.

Transfiguration Church

Thinking about what Ryazan is famous for, I immediately want to recall the Transfiguration Church. This temple is located in the western part of Cathedral Park. The Transfiguration Church of the Savior on Yar is located on the very edge of the Trubezh River. The first mention of this wooden structure dates back to 1626. After some time, a stone temple was erected at this place, which has survived to our time.

In 1935, the church was closed, and the building housed the DOSAAF Marine School. After 60 years, the temple was transferred to the Ryazan diocese. After restoration work with the assistance of the Ryazan Cossacks, the temple became one of the decorations of Ryazan. Now there are services.

Monument to Sergey Yesenin

On the central avenue of Cathedral Park, tourists can see the monument, which was erected in 1975 by the poet Sergei Yesenin. It is made of bronze and gray-green granite brought from Tajikistan (Pamir). Around the monument, whose weight is 12 tons, birch trees and mountain ash are planted, glorified in the verses of the lyric poet, who was born in the Ryazan province in 1895.

House-Museum of I.P. Pavlov

In 1849, in Ryazan, in a two-story building located on Nikolskaya Street (now Pavlova Street), the future first Russian Nobel Prize winner in medicine Ivan Pavlov was born, the creator of the science of the FND (physiology of nervous activity). Tourists can visit the estate, which has remained unchanged to our time, and view exhibits related to the activities of a world-class scientist.

Pavlov's House

Celebrities of the Ryazan Territory

Ryazans are proud that in addition to I. Pavlov and S. Yesenin, the founder of theoretical cosmonautics Konstantin Tsiolkovsky was born on Ryazan land (in the village of Izhevsk, 95 km from Ryazan). The author of many varieties of fruit crops, Ivan Michurin, was born on the Vershina paternal estate. The history of Ryazan is also associated with the Russian writer Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin (real name is Shchedrin). In 1858, Emperor Alexander II signed a decree appointing Saltykov-Shchedrin as vice-governor of the Ryazan province. In 1860, the writer was transferred to Tver. After 7 years, Shchedrin was again sent to Ryazan and served as chairman of the Treasury. The village of Plakhino (35 km from Ryazan) is the birthplace of the author of the anthem of the USSR and the Russian Federation, musician Alexander Alexandrov.

Gastronomic tourism

Many are interested in what Ryazan is famous for. Souvenirs, food - this is what this city can boast of. Gastronomic tourism offers gourmets to taste the national food of the Ryazan Territory. It is included in the menu of many city restaurants and cafes. Thin fresh pancakes in Ryazan are called pancakes. Among Ryazan gourmets, a very popular dish of lamb, which is fried lamb meat or baked pork (zucchini).

Guests of Ryazan must definitely taste aromatic porridge with the addition of natural honey (medusa). Of the cold drinks offer kulag. This is Ryazan jelly cooked from bread and beets with the addition of rowan berries. All national dishes are prepared according to old recipes.

The restaurant of the Sova hotel (Shabulina passage) is especially popular, where the menu includes Sergey Esenin's favorite dishes. On Koltsova Street, in the Khlebnaya Ploshchad tavern, they offer lunch from Ryazan cuisine from the 19th century. Sikera Bar-Museum, located on Seminarskaya Street, specializes in the preparation of different types of drinks according to old recipes.

Mikhailovsky lace

What is Ryazan famous for besides national dishes? Since ancient times, folk crafts have developed in this region. Now their products are used as souvenirs from Ryazan. A school was opened in the village of Podlesnoye, where they studied the skill of fine lace weaving.

Mikhailovsky lace

In 1916, the Toiler Factory was established in Mikhailov. After some time, the products of this artel became popular throughout the Russian Empire and abroad. Now tourists can buy Mikhailovsky lace products in Mikhailov (65 km from the regional center) in the enterprise’s store or in Ryazan in the Ryazan souvenir company store.

Skopinskaya ceramics

Many people are interested in knowing what products Ryazan is famous for. The city is famous for the production of ceramics. In the vicinity of the city of Skopin there are deposits of clay, which is suitable for pottery. Local residents from the XII century produced various household products from it: vases, vessels, jugs. Tourists can buy liquid jugs made of Skopinskaya clay, mantelpiece frames, teapots, candlesticks and many other products in the city's branded store located on the territory of the Skopinsky factory of artistic ceramics.

Vine Products

What other souvenirs can I bring from Ryazan? What is this city famous for? Wickerwork in the village of Shilovo is also a traditional craft. As a material, the masters mainly use the stem of oak, birch, willow. Such souvenirs can be purchased in the store at the Shilovskaya Loza factory and in souvenir shops in Ryazan.

Souvenirs of the birthplace of Yesenin

What is Ryazan famous for? Souvenirs of the motherland of Yesenin. This is the village of Konstantinovka. Fans of Yesenin’s creativity can pick up poetry collections, albums and other souvenirs related to the activities of one of the best Russian poets of the early 20th century, in the store at the Esenin Museum in Konstantinovka. They are also sold in Ryazan in the “Book House” (16 Moskovskoye Shosse).

Monument to Sergei Yesenin in Ryazan


Fans of travel in their reviews note that for a long time they leave pleasant memories of Ryazan with an attentive attitude on the part of employees of the tour desk and the benevolence of the inhabitants of the region. They advise everyone to visit this city, get acquainted with its attractions.


Now you know about the main attractions of Ryazan, photos with a description of them are presented in the article. This information will be useful to many.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26812/

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