An original gift to colleagues for the New Year with their own hands

Quite often we ask ourselves: what to give to parents, soulmate, children, friends and acquaintances? Despite the huge selection and price range, the choice is always made with difficulty. But if in the case of relatives and friends it’s a little easier to pick up a gift, taste preferences, hobbies and possible wishes are already known, then new difficulties arise for employees when buying souvenirs. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with possible options for giving gifts to colleagues for the New Year.

What can be presented?

To answer this question, you need to deal with the following points:

  • to whom you are going to give - to a man or a woman;
  • how many people will be given a gift;
  • how much do you think to get a present.

comic gifts to colleagues for the new year

Based on these parameters, it is already possible to offer some ideas about the gift. After all, a woman can be presented with a houseplant, a set of cosmetics, and so on. But you can’t give this to a man. In this case, a set of screwdrivers would be more appropriate.

Also, a significant role in choosing a gift is also played by the characteristics of the place of work. If you work in a particular office and you will present only for its employees, then you can choose a tea service for the number of employees. Thus, one gift can bestow all.

But it’s best if the gift is made with your own hands - completely or only some additions to the present.

Disguised gift

Now almost everywhere you can buy gift certificates for any amount - in supermarkets, boutiques with clothes, shops with beauty and health products, beauty salons, gyms and even pharmacies.

gifts to colleagues for the new year

Choose a certificate that is suitable for a particular person, and buy in his name. For example, it will be appropriate for a woman to give a trip to a beauty salon, to some master class, and to a man - to the gym or to parachute jump.

And so that the present was from the heart, and a gift was made to colleagues for the New Year with their own hands, present each voucher in a beautiful home-made card.

Making a card

Take a sheet of A4 cardboard, two types of beautiful colored paper or special for decoupage, white cardboard, pencils or markers, a thick double adhesive tape, a piece of cloth, glue, scissors.

DIY gift for colleagues for the new year

How to make a DIY gift card for colleagues on your own?

  1. Take a piece of cardboard and fold it in half so that it looks like a postcard. The workpiece is ready.
  2. Take two types of ornamental paper and cut thinner from one strip and wider from the other.
  3. Stick the colored stripes on the card to create a background.
  4. Cut a snowman out of white cardboard - two balls and twigs instead of hands.
  5. Draw a face to the snowman and paint brown hand branches.
  6. Glue a piece of double-sided tape in the center of the postcard, and place a snowman on it.
  7. Cut a thin stripe from the fabric and tie it on a snowman, like a scarf.

Postcard is ready! Now you can write a wish inside and put a gift certificate.

Gift for a fellow girl

Most girls are very fond of various bath procedures. Therefore, for the winter holidays, it will be appropriate to give a set of salted bombs, which can easily be made with your own hands and packaged in a beautiful package.

New Year gift to colleague girl

How to make bomb gifts for the New Year to a fellow girl? Master class - below.

  1. Mix 3 tablespoons of citric acid, 7 tablespoons of soda and 1.5 tablespoons of starch or milk powder in a glass or ceramic bowl.
  2. In a loose mixture, add a tablespoon of base oil: coconut, olive, sea buckthorn, grape seed, almond, and so on.
  3. Add any filler (for example, rose petals, sea salt, coconut, and the like). If the ingredient is large, grind it. You can also add some aromatic oil that goes well with the base.
  4. Mix everything thoroughly and check for flowability. To do this, simply squeeze the mixture in your fist and see if the lump crumbles. If not, then everything is in order, and if everything has broken up, then add a few more drops of base oil.
  5. When the mixture is ready, take a round mold. For example, cookie molds, a Kinder Surprise container, and so on.
  6. Press the mixture tightly into a mold and set it aside for an hour.
  7. After a while, shake out the finished bombs and pack them beautifully in a box.

Gift for woman

Gifts for the New Year to a female colleague can be both practical and aesthetic. Alternatively, it can be Christmas balls, decorated with their own hands.

gifts for the new year to a woman colleague

You can buy blanks at a store or market. And then take paints and draw your own Christmas ornament or glue rhinestones. You can still tie a ribbon on each, for which they will cling to the tree.

Such a gift will be appropriate and practical, and from the heart.

Present for a male colleague

You can give a man something from office supplies, computer or car gadgets, alcohol, and so on. And to make the present original, you can also make it yourself.

do-it-yourself original gift for colleagues for the new year

A superhero gift to colleagues for the New Year with their own hands can be made as follows:

  1. Buy a bottle of cognac or wine.
  2. Take spray paint or acrylic.
  3. Carefully remove the paper labels from the bottle.
  4. Paint the entire bottle except the cork, creating the necessary background. For example, if Superman is chosen as the theme, then a red-blue palette is suitable, if the Hulk is green, then if Batman is yellow-black. It is necessary to cover the glass with uneven strokes to create a beautiful natural pattern.
  5. Print superhero character pictures: the Batman badge, the letter S, and so on.
  6. Glue the paper badge on the bottle and varnish it.
  7. Allow the bottle to dry completely.

An original gift to colleagues for the New Year with their own hands

All presentations made with one's own hand are original. But there are those that are truly unique by virtue of their ideas.

For example, a chocolate bar in the original paper packaging with a wish, the design of which you made yourself, is a very interesting present for a colleague for the New Year.

creative gift to a colleague for the new year

Creative Christmas present can be made as follows:

  1. Take a piece of styrofoam, toothpicks and chocolates or marmalade.
  2. Turn the polystyrene with a clerical knife so that it turns into a pyramid. That is, at the base it should be wider, and taper up.
  3. Now put each marmalade or candy on a toothpick and insert it into the foam. Thus completely fill the cone.
  4. As a result, you should get a sweet Christmas tree.
  5. Pack the craft in a transparent film and tie a bow or rain.

Gift with humor

What comic gifts can I give to colleagues for the New Year? This can be t-shirts with funny pictures or inscriptions, funny covers, funny board games, certificates for owning a star or planet, a bouquet of socks, a cup with a joke, and so on.

comic gifts to colleagues for the new year

Such gifts can be bought in specialized stores or made with your own hands. For example, create your own very famous game for large Fanta companies. It is perfect as a gift for the whole team, and it can be played on the corporate party. Only this option is suitable if you have friendly relations with your colleagues.

How to make the game "Fanta"? Very simple. Prepare dozens of cardboard cards with various tasks. For example, you will need to drink from the wrong hands, confess to something, make a toast, kiss someone’s hand and so on. The main thing is that the tasks could not offend anyone. Ready-made cards should be placed in some packaging. It is easiest to sew a textile bag on your own. That's all. The game is ready!

Remember to give comic gifts to your colleagues with extreme caution and only when you are sure that your colleagues will appreciate your sense of humor.


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