Who are the Dementors in the world of Harry Potter?

The Englishwoman Joan Rowling will be envied by even the most successful and sought after readers "pen workers." Diligence and self-confidence allowed this undoubtedly talented writer to ascend to Olympus of success and popularity, thanks to a series of works about Harry Potter and his faithful friends - young wizards, designed to save the world from absolute evil in the person of Woland de Mort and minions.

who are dementors

Rowling: winner of own dementors

However, one does not need to think that Joan has always "taken the right course" towards the realization of her dreams. There were days, months, and years when she was tormented by constant doubts and thoughts about her worthlessness and weakness, her own lack of talent. Being in a depressed state of mind, Rowling often thought about committing irreparable evil for herself, the desire to leave this imperfect world intensified during her divorce from her husband. It was then, according to the writer herself, in her book new heroes appeared - nasty dementors, monstrous creatures, evil prison guards, ardent haters of Harry Potter, whom the brave young wizard feared like no other.

These creatures are the very embodiment of hatred, which can only be countered by the most daring, overcoming weaknesses and doubts. But even the best of the best do not always come out victorious in a mortal battle with dementors - flying absorbers of the souls of wizards and people ("Muggles" - so do the heroes of Joan Rowling books with magic knowledge and abilities call us and you).

dementor kiss

Evil guardians

This article will focus on dementors: how they look, what they fear, who they look like, and how they can be dealt with by using willpower, imagination, and a spell. There will be an explanation of the terrible weapons of these creatures, called wizards "kiss the dementor." Perhaps none of them would like to experience the power of this kiss.

So who are these creatures and what do Dementors eat? These are creatures living in the worlds of Harry Potter. They have no eyes, they don’t eat the usual food for people, but consume food — only positive, good, good, bad ones are left to the victim, subsequently bringing them unbearable torment. They prefer to cover their faces with hoods, few have seen what is hidden under them, unless Harry Potter can tell about this. Dementors were his opponents and often approached him at a very close distance, sometimes pursued and sometimes reached their goal. But as experts in magical creatures say, dementors do not have faces in the usual sense of the word.

There is a mouth but no face

To understand that this is the face of the dementor, and not something unimaginable, is possible only by the presence of the mouth, which the dementor very skillfully and effectively uses, using his favorite torture. It is called the “Dementor's Kiss,” which is not at all sweet and pleasant to the person to whom it is intended. After the dementor commits violence, the person who was kissed falls into a state of stupor. There is unverified information that death is much more preferable than an innocent-looking, but so terrible in essence this "kiss".

It is coming

A clear sign of the approach of the dementor is the appearance of ice. Fears begin to conquer a person, longing absorbs him, gnawing doubts. This condition means only one thing - there is a hungry and very angry “Dementor” nearby, which means it's time to prepare for the worst, and believe me, in this case the saying “happened and worse” does not work absolutely.

A very fat and very angry brother of Harry named Dudley Dursley almost became a victim of dementors. The monsters had already set about lunch, but for some reason Harry decided to save his hotly unloved relative and drove them away, using magic.

Dementor Kiss Treatment

The familiar magician Rimus Lupine always said that acquaintance with dementors, even not close, required enormous forces, and in order to restore them, it was urgent to eat chocolate. The writer explains this by the similarity of depression and the destructive influence of dementors, which means that the treatment in both cases uses practically the same thing.

Harry Potter did not see the face of the dementor for only one reason that he was not there, but he still felt the kiss on himself. He remained in good health only because the dementor, who, perhaps, was young and not experienced, had not finished his dark business. Although this was also prevented by Harry himself, who, with the help of Hermione Granger, used the “temporary flywheel”, approached the flying soul-eater and his victims and frightened off this monster, using a spell from dementors.

harry potter dementors

Potter spells

Regarding spells. Harry Potter, although he did not study very well at the school of wizards, but he knew a great many spells. Here are just some of them.

To extinguish a fire, Aqua Eructo is used. In order to reassure the girls who saw the spiders, the latter are expelled by the phrase "Arania Exami." If something needs to be thrown up, the “Volat Askandar” speaks. Need to make a hole in the floor? Please: "Deprimo!" and welcome down. But all these spells for the Dementor are empty words and nothing more.

Dementors spell

A spell that dementors fear

He is afraid of only one use of the spell: "Expectro Patronum!" However, it is not enough just to utter this phrase so that the monster leaves the scene of the crime and no longer bothers with all his insistent desire to kiss. Here you need practice, remarkable strength of will, rich imagination and inhuman concentration of energy. By the way, even the great Harry Potter himself, the dementors of which at first often got at every turn, for a very long time could not learn this technique of scaring away monsters. Long classes ended in failure, and only once did he succeed as he should. The spell from the Dementors worked, and Harry finally finally fell asleep, confident in his ability to deal with these monsters.

dementer protection facility

Mage Prison Guards

So, to the question of who the Dementors are and how to scare them away, the answers are given. It is not clear yet who these creatures are by “profession”, what is their role and what are they called to do.

Dementors are guards who are very disciplined and trained. The object of protection of the Dementors is an impregnable prison of enormous human dimensions with the ominously sounding name of Azkaban. Once upon a time, the evil magician Ekridizis entertained himself with the torture of sailors. And he did it for the benefit of himself, studying spells on his victims.

Dementors originally lived on the island on which this prison is located. In ancient times, one of the ministers of magic named Damocles Rowley made a proposal in which he spoke about the effectiveness of creating a prison here. Dementors, these craftsmen to inspire real horror, found a suitable job: to protect disgraced magicians and wizards who committed serious crimes.

Prisoner of Azkaban

Azkaban Prison: Prisoners

So the legendary prison appeared, only a fleeting mention of which terrifies "not Muggles." Rowley's successor once appeared here decades after the prison began work and was shocked by the inhumane treatment of prisoners. He ordered the situation to be improved, but the dementors and the administration of the prison missed this order. Apparently, the minister was not an authority for them.

The prisoner of Azkaban is doomed to suffer and suffer, there is nobody to help him. Mostly adherents of the dark politics of Woland de Mort fell outside the walls of this terrible institution, although those who did not commit crimes also found themselves here by mistake.

The gray building rises up hundreds of meters. Its walls are solid and seem impenetrable and impregnable. Although some experts say that it is still possible to leave the building. Sirius Black, a loyal supporter of Harry Potter, would probably agree with them. He is also a prisoner of Azkaban, and he probably fully knew the whole "charm" of this prison in his own skin, as they say.

Dementor face

Dementors and School of Magic

Who are the Dementors, the reader will know only in the third "Potterian". The ministers of magic decided that Dementors were just perfect guards for the school of young wizards. The faceless monsters, having received a new appointment and feeling freedom, immediately decided to play a little foolishly: they conducted a small inspection of the train that was heading to Hogwarts, which was marked by the loss of consciousness of Harry Potter. However, not only Harry at that moment became ill, his enemy Draco Malfoy, howling with fear and shaking like a reed in the wind, almost climbed under the passenger shelf when the monsters approached. Indeed, the disembodied Azkaban guard terrifies each of the wizards, but there is no need to talk about people.

To understand who dementors are, you need to study the name itself. "Dementor" is a derivative of the word dement, which means "crazy." There is another version of the origin of the name, which states that the Latin word demos was meant - terrifying. Be that as it may, but all this fully corresponds to the description of this creature.

Curious about dementors

  • The unshakable block of Hogwarts, the unquestioned authority for Harry Potter, the magician Dumbledore, and he was very wary of fear and dementors. He argued with the Ministry about the dangers of using dementors as guards.
  • Harry Potter compared dementors to demons, monsters from hell. In general, the protagonist gave a lot of bad names to these creatures and never spoke positively of them.
  • In the computer game LEGO Harry Potter, the leader of the Dementors is involved, different from his brothers in the color of their robes.
  • In the same “toy”, the Expectro Patronum spell did not stop the dementor, but only slowed it down.
  • Dementors in their current appearance with a hood were shown only in the third part of the Harry Potter epic. In other episodes, the Dementor “flaunts” without a hood, and the viewer clearly sees how unusual and repulsive this remarkable creature looks.
  • Who are Dementors? We answer: wasps. There is a view named after the heroes of the Harry Potter movie.
  • The attacks of the Dementors sowed panic among the people. In the wake of hysteria, various amulets began to be sold, secret spells that actually had no power, but magicians and wizards still bought them from scammers for fear of losing their lives.

Dementor Strength in Enemy Weakness

Many powerful magicians gave in to the demoners only because they could not embody the image of the Patronum. Wizards, who have seen a lot of grief and hardship in their lives, are not able to find additional strength to fight the effects of these creatures. The older the wizard, the weaker it is for the dementor, and for the whiners and grunts to not survive at all. Positive people are the real fighters. Not every dementor will approach them, because this is fraught with very dire consequences for him. Using the tips of experienced Harry Potter mentors, each of us can learn how to counteract dementors, which, frankly, are many among people.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26824/

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