Ampel tomatoes - decoration of the balcony

Those who do not have a plot, but really want to grow their own delicious tomatoes, we recommend planting ampelous tomatoes. Their main characteristic is an exotic look, however, the remaining parameters of this vegetable are no less significant. In terms of nutrients, sugars and vitamins, these small tomatoes are ahead of their larger counterparts.

Miracle tomatoes

Ampel plants are considered decorative. They are grown in hanging planters or pots, in flowerpots and even baskets. Their name comes from the German word "hanging vase."

How to grow tomatoes

Ampel tomatoes, peppers and other types of plants can grow well on the windowsill or balcony. They have a surprisingly decorative look. But not only this is their advantage. Ampel tomatoes are an excellent raw material for snacks and pickles. Many Russians have long cooked delicious dishes from these little nightshade nights. And these tomatoes are stored fresh much longer than the other varieties and species.

Those who know how to grow tomatoes on the site will easily master the care of ampel varieties.


Ampel tomatoes, the cultivation of which has become quite fashionable among Russians today, are stunningly beautiful both during flowering and during the period when they are covered with small fruits. Many practical townspeople believe that they look in a cache-pot no less interesting than plants that grow on balconies in hanging flowerpots, and besides they give a tasty crop, which is another advantage.

Of course, ampel tomatoes are inferior to the traditional ones grown in soil in the number of crops harvested from the bushes. In addition, they require a little more attention. But at the same time, ampels have another plus: seedlings can be planted already in early May, and if the temperature drops unexpectedly, it is recommended to bring the pot into the house for a short while. As a result, you can get the earliest crop.

Ampel Tomatoes

In addition, since these plants are well ventilated and practically do not touch the ground, they are much less likely to be affected by various diseases, including late blight. In addition, the choice of ampoule tomatoes will be an excellent option for a small area where there is an eternal shortage of space. After all, these nightshade nights will literally soar in the air without taking up space on the beds.


Today there are a huge number of varieties of these small tomatoes. You can buy them in supermarkets by looking in the vegetable department next to tender arugula or delicious asparagus. In the store, although very attractive in appearance, they are inferior in taste in many ways to self-grown ones. That is why many people prefer to plant them in their home or even in an apartment on the windowsill. To do this, you just need to know how to grow ampel varieties of tomatoes, and comply with all agricultural requirements.

In order for these ornamental plants to develop well, you will need a sunny room, in which there is a constant influx of fresh air. It can be a balcony or windowsill, terrace, etc. Ampel tomatoes grow well in a hanging planter, in a pot, bucket - the main thing is that the container has a hole in the base.

Ampelic variety tomatoes

Moreover, the larger its volume, the better the plant will feel. The most optimal is a ten to fifteen-liter size. Planting soil can be bought at any specialized store, and seedlings can be grown from seeds.

Care Features

Ampel tomatoes, the cultivation of which is not a difficult process, can perfectly get along with herbs. For aesthetics and decorativeness, you can plant a reagan or sage in a pot with them, which together will look great. Seeds need to be sown in April, placing them in a well-moistened soil to a depth of ten millimeters. It is better to cover the sowing with a film until the first shoots appear.

After the young shoots sprout, the film must be removed and the pot moved to a room with a lower temperature. Further care for ampel seedlings is similar to growing ordinary tomatoes.

After some time, the seedlings need to be planted in a pot and after two to three days tied to the trellis. A very important point, in addition to regular irrigation, is the need for ampel tomatoes grown on a windowsill or balcony to regularly receive organic and mineral fertilizers. To improve the setting during flowering, the plants are gently shaken several times, holding a flower brush in their hands.

Small tomatoes

Right choice

Often gardeners complain that buying ampel seeds results in ordinary tomato bushes, and even imperfect ones. In order not to make a mistake in the choice, you need to know the criteria by which you can determine whether this plant is suitable for a hanging basket.

Firstly, the bush should be branched and not require pinching. The stems of the plant should be thin, but not fragile. At the same time, it is necessary that they do not grow directly up, but simply fall, without breaking under the weight of the fruit. Experienced gardeners know that the planted seedlings at first grow only vertically, not wanting to become an ampelous look. But as soon as the first ovaries appear on it, the stems themselves take the right position. For hanging pots, the finest fruity apple tomatoes are preferred - varieties that not only look prettier, but are less likely to break due to the severity of the crop.

Ampel tomatoes growing


To date, a lot of decorative tomatoes have been bred. Among them, ampelous tomatoes of the Cherry, Rubin, Tumbler, Yellow Pearl, etc. varieties occupy not the last place. Some of them have very original names. Breeders brought George Bush ampoule tomatoes and Balcony Charm, Canada News and even the Talisman.


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