The drug "Linex" for children. Instructions for use and recommendations for use

linex for children instructions for use
It's hard not to get confused in the assortment of newfangled drugs. And which ones will really help? Consider the drug "Linex" for children.

Instructions for use of this drug are quite promising. There are no contraindications, it can be used during lactation and during pregnancy, even children under two years of age can be given with a clear conscience. Is that so?

Judging by the fact that this drug has been on the market in the forefront for more than a dozen years, we can safely say that much of what has been written is nothing but the truth. The drug was approved not only by medical workers, but also by mothers, who were forced to restore the intestinal microflora to their babies.

Before we talk about how to take Linex to children, let's talk about what it is. Outwardly, these are quite voluminous capsules of food-grade plastic filled with a drug. It is not difficult for an adult to swallow it, and a child may have problems with this. The form of the drug allows you to affect a certain part of the digestive tract. That is why capsules are required that can bring beneficial bacteria to the intestines. That is why it is believed that the Linex product is not quite suitable for children. Instructions for use on this answer that it is quite possible to open the capsule, pour the drug into a spoon, dilute it with water and give the child.

linex how to give to children

The likelihood of a full-fledged effect on the body is reduced at times, according to many, but this is not confirmed by the conclusion of both specialists continuing to use this drug and parents.

The set of sour milk bacteria that make up the drug affects the intestinal flora, creating an acidic environment that is not suitable for the existence of pathogenic bacteria. Moreover, with the help of this kind of beneficial organisms, there is an improvement in the digestibility of vitamins such as B, C, K. Hence the conclusion that Linex is ideal for children.

Instructions for use involves three times the use of the drug for adults, two capsules per day. Adolescents are given the same dose. But for children from two years old, a three-time intake of one capsule is prescribed. According to the manufacturers, the exact same dose can be given to infants up to a year. That is, for any violations of the digestive tract (vomiting, nausea, bloating, diarrhea, constipation), the Linex remedy for children is given without delay.

how to take linex for children

The instruction for use involves taking not only during acute conditions, but also for prevention, for example, dysbiosis after previous diseases and taking antibiotics, during exertion of any kind. But, despite all the above and the free sale of the drug in pharmacies without prescriptions, you should not think that there are no contraindications. In addition to the classic allergy to the components of the medicine, there is a banal negligence of patients. Thoughtless admission can harm anyone. Be sure to consult your doctor before taking Linex. How to give children and adults what dosage and frequency to choose, the specialist decides. The main thing is not to harm yourself.


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