Sleeping pills for a child. Choose the best

Often, young mothers and fathers face a problem when their baby becomes irritable, restless and for some reason sleeps poorly. This behavior of the child is due to many factors. The fact is that he perceives reality more sensitively than adults. Even half an hour spent without a mother can cause him concern. He was sent to kindergarten, where the situation is not familiar to him? It is also a cause for frustration. And if he has a tooth cut? Of course, in this case too, he may cry and sleep poorly.

Sleeping pills for baby

One way or another, but mothers do not want to put up with such behavior and in trying to calm their little ones think about which sleeping pill is best for the child.

However, it is not recommended to independently solve this problem.

Does your child sleep poorly? Contact a specialist

Qualified assistance in the question of what sleeping pills for the child should be used in a particular case will be provided only by a children's doctor. It is to him that one should turn in case your baby is anxious. He will be able to determine the cause of his behavior and, on the basis of the tests performed, appoint a special sedative for the toddler.

What types of sleeping pills exist today

Currently, the widest assortment of “sleeping drugs” is presented on the shelves of pharmacies: syrups, infusions, tablets, and many parents simply do not know what sleeping pills to buy. As already emphasized, in this matter it is better to trust a specialist.

In any case, when purchasing this or that drug, you should strictly adhere to the instructions contained in the package. The specific dosage of the medicine depends on the age of the child.

Sleeping pills for children up to a year

So, what sleeping pills for a child can be recommended to parents who are concerned about the "excessive" excitability of their child?

Often, pediatricians recommend the drug "Glycine." However, this is not the only sleeping pill for children under one year old. As an alternative, you can recommend drugs such as Magne B6, Bai-Bai, Central.

However, a huge number of "newly minted" mothers are interested in the question of which sleeping pills for infants today are the most harmless to the baby’s health.

Herbal infusions

Of course, these are soothing teas based on medicinal herbs (peony, hops, mint), tinctures of motherwort, valerian. At the same time, decoctions from medicinal plants are an effective sleeping pill for children up to a year. Again, it should be emphasized that before making a choice in favor of one or another phytosborne, one should consult a specialist in order to reduce to zero the risk of an allergic reaction after drinking medicinal tea.

Homemade Teas from Natural Ingredients

Currently, herbal infusions are presented in a huge assortment in stores and pharmacies.

Sleeping pills for infants

However, in order to save the family budget, you can make tea from plants and herbs at home. For example, you can brew a camomile at the rate of two teaspoons of raw materials per glass of water. Such sleeping pills for children 1 year old will be ideal. Chamomile soothes the nervous system, relieves stress and relaxes muscles.

An infusion of fennel seeds will also help get rid of irritation and excitability. It can be boiled separately or combined with other herbs. Doctors recommend this tea not only to the child, but also to the mother during lactation.

Breast infusion of fennel should be drunk to eliminate gas formation in the intestines.

Ready-made fittings for children

It is necessary to dwell on the herbal infusion called "Children's sedative." It contains such natural components as valerian root, licorice, rose hips, birch leaves of warty, peppermint, grass motherwort five-blade, lavender spike. Tea will cheer up the child, his sleep will become stronger, and from the past moodiness there will be no trace. The above children's sleeping pills has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, "slowing down" the intensity of the processes of excitability in the brain.

Sleeping pills for children 1 year

Children's pediatricians are advised to give the infusion "Children's sedative" to all babies, regardless of their age. Peanuts under three years of age should be given a decoction of one glass per day, and older children can increase the dosage to one and a half glasses per day. The course of treatment is approximately thirty days.

Children's doctors also respond positively to decoctions of medicinal herbs called "Evening Tale" and "Mother's Tale." They help improve the psychological state of capricious babies and eliminate the symptoms of bad mood. Among other things, the above preparations, made on the basis of natural components, help to reduce the processes of gas formation and eliminate colic in the intestine.

Herbal Baths

In order for the child to sleep well, many dads and mothers prepare soothing baths from medicinal herbs. Through such water procedures, the child becomes calmer, he is less irritated, in addition, he just relaxes.

For example, you can prepare a bath of four natural ingredients: motherwort, oregano, valerian and thyme. You will need three tablespoons of the above plants in crushed form. The mixture must be brewed, wait until it is infused for half an hour, strain and add to the bath with water. Take water procedures for a quarter of an hour.

Homeopathy Remedies

Well, of course, mention should be made of homeopathic remedies that help eliminate insomnia in children.

Children's sleeping pills

It should be borne in mind that such funds are focused on the elimination of mental and emotional arousal. If you take them for a long period of time, a side effect may occur, and the baby's nervous system may malfunction. That is why, before use, you should always consult a doctor.

If a child’s teeth are cut, or he cannot fall asleep for a long time, experts recommend such homeopathic remedies as the Dormikind preparation (manufacturer - HEEL) and NOTTA (manufacturer - Bittner). In this case, the first medicine is recommended for infants, and the second - for children from the age of three years.

There is also a high demand for a drug called Bai-Bai. It strengthens the nervous system, relieves stress, and also provides protection against stress. The medicine has no side effects, it does not contain barbiturates. Means "Bai-Bai" does not cause drowsiness and does not provoke addiction.

Parents must respond in a timely manner to the symptoms of childhood insomnia, otherwise pathologies of a neurotic nature can significantly worsen the state of health in adulthood.


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