How to choose a pram: basic parameters, features and manufacturer reviews

With the advent of the baby, parents become real experts in the field of safety and comfort. After all, all mothers and fathers, without exception, wish that from the very first days after birth, their precious crumbs were surrounded by the most solid things. This primarily concerns the crib and stroller. And if many mothers buy a crib, focusing on the advice of friends and relatives, then the question of how to choose a stroller has been tormenting them for quite some time. Any trip to a specialized store turns into a series of sorting out bright and colorful models, each of which the seller will surely praise, noting the endless advantages. If you are also trying to solve a similar problem, and the deadlines are already running out, then we will try to help you. From our article you will learn how to choose the right stroller and what parameters you need to focus on when you have, for example, a newborn or baby from eight months old.

walking option

A few words about wheelchairs

Families who expect the first child to appear do not even know which pram is better to choose. And in the end, they often make mistakes, and then write on the forums about the inconvenience of a particular model, and also paint the manufacturer’s flaws. However, they are not always right, because often moms before buying did not even seriously think about how to choose a pram. Therefore, most often they don’t understand why this or that model seemed uncomfortable, difficult or simply unsuitable for them.

Do you think we are exaggerating? Not at all. Today, manufacturers offer a wide selection of prams, each of which is suitable for certain cases. Some models are specially created for newborns, others will be ideal for children from six months, and still others for frequent walks and off-road movements.

Still think that the question of how to choose a pram is not too complicated? Let's get down to its detailed study.

baby stroller

Recommendations of experienced mothers

Is it possible to determine which pram is better to choose before the baby is born? Of course. If you clearly understand what exactly you want to get in the end. Therefore, before going to the store, be sure to ask yourself a few questions and decide on the most important selection criteria:

  • The purpose of the stroller. Inexperienced parents think that in the first place, all models differ in price and color. But in fact, you need to look much deeper. You must take into account what season your baby will be born, how often you plan to travel with him, in what area you will walk with the baby, and who will take the stairs. On average, as a child grows up, parents change three different models of a stroller, but some prefer to initially pay more and purchase a transformer that can be used for two or three years.
  • Features of the modification of the cradle or seat. When choosing a stroller, keep in mind that the back and bottom must be stiff. This will protect the spine of the crumbs from excessive load and will not contribute to its curvature.
  • The size. In a store, strollers never look particularly bulky. However, in fact, size is very important in deciding how to choose a pram. Before buying, measure the doorways in the apartment, as well as the elevator doors. After all, every day you will have to overcome these obstacles with the help of your husband or yourself. If you plan to drive a car often with your baby and stroller, then do not forget to measure your trunk. Children's vehicles should fit easily.
  • Wheel size This is the last thing parents think about when choosing a stroller, and in fact during the operation they will depend a lot on them. Small and narrow wheels make children's vehicles easy to manage and maneuverable. However, such a stroller is not suitable for slush, off-road and snowy winter sidewalks. In this case, you will need a model on large rubber wheels, plastic ones are best tolerated, allowing you to overcome almost any snowdrifts. Today, customers are offered special models with floating wheel systems. But it is necessary to get used to their operation, because they require a certain skill in management.
  • Availability and quality of shock absorbers. This device allows the stroller to move smoothly, which means that the baby will be provided with comfort. Previously, the manufacturer mainly produced belt shock absorbers, which were frayed rather quickly. Today on sale you can find strollers with plastic hinges and springs. In terms of quality, such shock absorbers are approximately the same, but the choice should be based on your own feelings, rolling the stroller back and forth several times.
  • The brakes. A baby carriage is a real transport, and therefore it is equipped with a brake system. It is impossible to advise one thing, because each mother should choose the right option for herself. The stores sell models with a classic tube, which allows you to lock two wheels with one click. There are also options for brake systems that block each wheel individually. Recently, wheelchairs with an upper hand brake have been of great interest. It gives great opportunities to mothers-athletes. They can, for example, skate absolutely freely and at the same time walk with the baby, without worrying about their safety.
  • Pen model. It seems that with a pen there can be no problems and troubles. But in fact, it is also necessary to take into account a lot of nuances. Moms who plan to spend a lot of time with the baby on the street can choose a pen that reduces the load on their hands. If all family members take turns to go for a walk, differing in different growths, then it is worth choosing models where the handles are adjustable in height. You can also consider options with flip handles.
  • Accessories As soon as you start using the stroller, you will immediately understand what the need for various additional devices is. For example, for winter walks, a warm clutch for mom's hands will not be out of place. And in the fall you can not do without a raincoat, which will reliably protect the baby from any rainfall. Reflective strips, as well as a shopping basket and other little things will come in handy for parents.

Of course, all these nuances must be taken into account, but the main issue before buying a baby stroller will still be the model you want to purchase.

strollers for sports moms

The lineup

How to choose a pram? Reviews of mothers claim that the main thing in this case is still the model, and only then the manufacturer and other features. To date, the following strollers for babies are presented in children's stores:

  • Cradle (this option is great for newborns).
  • Walking option.
  • Cane.
  • Modular stroller.
  • Transformer.
  • Pram for two kids.

We will consider each of the listed models separately and give recommendations on its choice.

variety of models

How to choose a pram for a newborn?

This question is asked by almost all parents who dream of providing their crumbs with all the best. When we discuss how to choose a stroller for a newborn (reviews often provide information that most parents still do it wrong), we must understand what kind of model they are talking about. The first transport of your child should be a cradle designed for children who have not reached six months. In some cases, you can roll the baby in it for up to eight months, but as soon as the baby starts to sit well, it will need to be changed.

The cradle is intended for a long pastime in it, and this is not surprising, because the child spends most of its time after birth in a dream. And this means that his recreational vehicles should be comfortable, warm and practically not blown. How to choose a pram for a newborn? Not too difficult, considering several important nuances:

  • The cradle should be comfortable, roomy and deep.
  • The bottom of the cradle should not bend under the weight of the crumbs.
  • Be sure to ask what material the cradle is made of. It is best if the inner cover is made of hypoallergenic fabric and is removable. But the external finish should perfectly protect against moisture, dust and other contaminants, as well as clean well.
  • Do not save on models with optional accessories. Almost any mom will find it useful to have a special bag with lots of pockets. You can put your things and bottles / nipples for crumbs in it. Pay attention to how easy it opens. Indeed, during the operation, you often have to open it with one hand.
  • How to choose a pram for a newborn? You can’t do without taking into account the color and model of the hood. The color scheme of modern strollers pleases mothers with a variety, but do not forget that bright shades fade in the sun much more often and after several months of use do not look so presentable. The hood should have at least three positions, this will help mom to walk with the baby in almost any weather.
comfort for baby

We buy a stroller

Which baby carriage is best for the newborn, you now know. But the baby is growing, and by six months you will obviously begin to think about changing the transport. So, it's time to choose a baby stroller, and we’ll tell you how to do it.

The walking option is used mainly until the baby is three years old, so you need to take his purchase very seriously. First of all, remember that the models of such strollers are divided into heavy and lightweight. The first weigh up to twelve kilograms, and the second - up to nine kilograms. The choice between them is yours, but in any case, the stroller should be stable and not topple over from a bag hung on a handle.

difficult choice for parents

When choosing a walking model, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • Existence of a support under legs. Without it, the baby will be completely uncomfortable to sit, besides, do not forget that it should have several positions and be easy to clean from dirt.
  • The seat is worth choosing, focusing on stiffness. The harder it is, the better for your child. The backrest must have at least three positions so that the baby can not only sit, but also sleep in a stroller.
  • A cape on the baby's legs will not be superfluous. Usually it is made warm, which facilitates walking in the early spring and late fall.
  • Closely examine seat belts and a bumper of a carriage. Five-point belts are ideal. They allow you to reliably hold the baby in place, but do not interfere with his movement. Many mothers use the bumper in order to attach toys to it. So the crumb is easier to captivate if he is naughty and does not want to sit still.

Some mothers note in the reviews how a small window in the back of the hood helps them. It is made of a solid transparent material or mesh, which allows the mother to observe the baby without changing its position.

Stroller cane: features of choice

Many mothers like this option due to the fact that it weighs no more than six kilograms, is very easy to fold and fits into almost any transport. A cane seems so comfortable that parents choose a stroller when choosing a stroller.


But pediatricians are advised to give preference to models that are stable, have a hard seat, a folding back, and a good hood. Many modern brands offer cane models that are not inferior in comfort to full-size "walks." This option is especially convenient if you have to travel and there is a need for a means for transporting the baby.

Modular carriages: types and selection criteria

These models are often confused with transformers, but in fact there are quite a lot of differences between them. Modular strollers are a great option for parents who do not often want to change children's vehicles and are ready to store only one model at home, and not several at once. Basically, these models are available in two types:

  • Stroller 2 in 1 (how to choose this option correctly, we will tell a little later). The model can be described as a chassis on which a cradle or a block for walking is placed.
  • Stroller 3 in 1 (how to choose this model, parents think quite often). It differs from the previous version in that it also comes with a car seat.

The nuances of choice in these strollers are practically the same. Moms and dads should pay attention to certain points:

  • Children's vehicles should have not only seat belts, but also a bumper with handrails.
  • Consider mounting the modules, the safety of the baby depends on their reliability and stability.
  • The stroller must have an adjustable footrest.
  • A lot of questions in such models cause a car seat. Of course, it is suitable for newborns, but still it is not a cradle as such. Although it is produced taking into account all the anatomical features of the child's body.

Be sure to check the modular strollers for the ease and ease of use of accessories. Well, if you manage to deal with them with one hand.

We consider transformers

This model of mom and dad is not recognized as the most convenient. The cradle in it is embedded in the module for walking and fastens in it. On the one hand, it is very economical, but on the other - the stroller is not too comfortable for newborns and older children. In the reviews, parents write that transformers are very heavy, bulky and not quite suitable for cold winter days. But if you firmly decided to purchase this particular model, then before buying, check all the mounts, ease of folding and the size of the cradle. Often it is made quite small, which significantly limits the time of use of the stroller.

Twins: how to choose a stroller

Why dream of choosing a pram? Many old people laugh that only to replenish the family. And you may be lucky, and two babies will be born at once. Here parents face the difficult task of choosing a stroller, and most often the rules here are the same as we already described. The only problem is the location of the cradles. If they are next to each other, then the stroller turns into a more maneuverable one. However, this prevents the kids from sleeping at the same time. The cradles located nearby are not always convenient when moving around the city. But it’s easier for mothers to watch babies.

stroller for two

Let's talk about brands

For many, this is decisive, so we decided to make a brief overview of the various foreign companies producing the first transport for children:

  • German brands. As in everything else, the Germans are extremely scrupulous in the production of strollers for children. Judging by the reviews of mothers, the models are distinguished by functionality, thoughtful details, high quality workmanship, an abundance of accessories and an interesting model range. Among German companies, Concord, FD-Design and Recaro can be distinguished.
  • Chinese companies. We all know that goods from China can please with a price, but they do not always differ in quality. Therefore, before buying, every mom should carefully study all the reviews found not by brand, but by specific model. Among the most reliable manufacturers of prams are Geoby, Jetem and Seca.
  • English and Dutch brands. Manufacturers from England and the Netherlands supply models of different price categories to the Russian market. Most of them are compact, so our compatriots loved it. In addition, the strollers are distinguished by an abundance of accessories and a simple folding system. In the reviews of mothers, English Silver Cross and Dutch Mutsy are distinguished.

If we did not name one of the brands, this does not mean that their products are bad. Just, most likely, fewer reviews were left about her than about other models of strollers. We hope that with the help of our article you can choose the best stroller for your baby in which the baby will be comfortable.


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