Russian writer Fedor Abramov: biography, creativity and books of the author. Abramov Fedor Alexandrovich: aphorisms

Abramov Fedor Alexandrovich (years of life - 1920-1983) - Russian writer. He was born in the Arkhangelsk region, in the village of Verkola. The family of Fedor Alexandrovich was a peasant, large family.

The childhood of Fedor Abramov

Fedor Aleksandrovich Abramov, whose biography is of interest to many readers today, early lost his father. From the age of six, he had to help his mother to engage in peasant work. Fedor Abramov graduated from the village as a first student. However, despite this, difficulties arose when entering the secondary. The fact is that Abramov was a native of a middle-class family. Therefore, he was not immediately transferred to the next class. Abramov began to try himself in literature in grades 9-10. The first poem of Fyodor Alexandrovich was published in 1937 in a regional newspaper.

Abramov Fedor Alexandrovich

However, he did not immediately come to the idea of ​​professionally engaged in literary activities. In 1938, he graduated from Karpogorsk Secondary School and entered the University of Leningrad at the Faculty of Philology.

How spent the war years Abramov Fedor Alexandrovich (biography)

The list of books dedicated to the life of Fedor Alexandrovich is impressive today. From them we learn that a few years after entering the university he had to leave his studies, as the Great Patriotic War began. Fedor Abramov in 1941 joined the volunteer militia. He was wounded twice. The second time, Fedor Abramov miraculously managed to avoid death. A year later, finding himself on the mainland after a second wound, he visited his native village. Note that impressions of the trip will become the basis of his future works. Abramov as a "non-builder" was credited to the rear. He worked as a deputy political officer of a company, trained in military machine-gun units. After graduation, he was sent to counterintelligence "Smersh" (stands for "death to spies").

Continuing education, teaching and a book about Sholokhov

After victory, Abramov returned to university, and then, in 1948, he entered graduate school. After some time, his biography was noted by the successful defense of the candidate dissertation. Fedor Abramov defended a work on the work of Sholokhov. Subsequently, the influence on Abramov of this writer will be noted by many critics. An article by Fedor Alexandrovich on cosmopolitanism in the literature of the USSR was published at the same time. He wrote it in collaboration with N. Lebedinsky. The article was directed against some Jewish literary scholars. Abramov later became the head of the department of Soviet literature. He taught at Leningrad University. In 1958, Fyodor Alexandrovich co-authored with V.V. Gura a book on the work of Sholokhov. It is known under the name "M. A. Sholokhov. Seminary."

Features of the work of Fedor Alexandrovich

Fedor Abramov

The work of Fedor Alexandrovich is closely connected with Verkola, with the Pinezhsky Territory. In the village of Pekashino, the “prototype” of which is his native village, the action of many of his works unfolds. Abramov managed to create a kind of artistic chronicle. He showed how the fate of the Russian people was reflected in the life of one village.

The fact that Fedor Aleksandrovich Abramov turned to the topic of the village, offered a new perspective on post-war literature on the history of Russia bordering on modernity, played a decisive role in the fact that Abramov was placed among the most significant figures of Soviet literature of the 1960s and 70s. In a new approach to creativity, Fedor Alexandrovich felt the closeness of his works to the works of V. Rasputin, V. Belov, E. Nosov, S. Zalygin, V. Afanasyev, B. Mozhaev.

"Brothers and Sisters" - novel and cycle of works

aphorisms of abramov Fedor alexandrovich

"Brothers and Sisters" - the first novel by Abramov. It is dedicated to the life of the village during the Great Patriotic War. The novel was printed in 1958. Abramov explained the reason for his appearance by the inability to forget about the feat that the Russian woman performed. In 1941, she opened a second front, perhaps as heavy as the front of a Russian peasant. This work will later give the name to the whole cycle. In addition, it will include 3 more novels: “Home”, “Crossroads” and “Two Winters and Three Summers”. First, the author called his series “Pryaslynas,” bringing to the fore the narrative of the Pryaslyn family from the village of Pekashino. However, this name narrowed the plan of Fyodor Alexandrovich, so he replaced it with "Brothers and Sisters."

The series of works was created in order to challenge the point of view that dominated the literature of 1940-1950. The Russian village was considered by many authors as a land of prosperity. The work became a practical confirmation of the position expressed by Fedor Alexandrovich in 1954. Then he sharply criticized the works of S. Babaevsky, G. Nikolaeva and Yu. Laptev, recognized as exemplary by official criticism. Fedor Alexandrovich made an important literary demand - it is necessary to show the truth, even if it is impartial.

Essay "Around the bush"

Sometimes Abramov’s reflections on the Russian village, going beyond the framework established by censorship, turned out to be risky. As an example, we cite his essay "Around the bush", created in 1963. It is based on a story about how the day of the collective farm chairman passed. This work was censored as ideologically vicious. As a result, the editor of the Neva (the magazine in which it was printed) lost his job.

"Two winters and three summers"

Abramov in 1968 published his next novel, entitled "Two winters and three summers." It is dedicated to the difficult fate of Pekashin in the postwar years. Fedor Alexandrovich at various social levels explores the life of the village in this work. Both a simple peasant and a person appointed to control people are interested in him. The relief that the villagers so hoped for did not come. Until recently, connected by a common goal, they were like "brothers and sisters." Now Fedor Alexandrovich compares Pekashino with a fist in which every finger wants his own life. Hunger, overwhelming state obligations, the lack of an established life lead the heroes of Fedor Abramov to the idea that something needs to be changed. Pryaslin Mikhail (a hero very close to the author) at the end of the work poses for himself the question of how to live on, where to go. Hopes and doubts of Pryaslin, reflecting in the finale of the work on the future, are embodied in the image-symbol of a star that has flared up and “crumbled”.


Fedor Abramov writer and counterintelligence

The next novel, which we will talk about, was published in 1973, "Crossroads." Its action takes place in the early 1950s. This is also an episode from the history of the village of Pekashino. Fedor Alexandrovich notes the new negative changes that have occurred in the character of the peasant. The state policy, which did not allow a simple worker to use the results of his own labor, weaned him, in the end, from working. It led to the fact that the spiritual foundations of peasant life were undermined. One of the main themes of the work is the fate of the collective farm leader. He tried to change the established order to the best of his ability. The collective farm leader decided to give the peasants the bread they had grown. This illegal action naturally led to his arrest. For the villagers, a letter in his defense, which they needed to sign, was a serious test. Very few Pekashintsy were capable of such a moral act.


The final novel in the Brothers and Sisters series is Home. It was published in 1978. This work is dedicated to reality, the modern author - the village of the 1970s. For Abramov, "home" is one of the most important concepts. It encompasses all aspects of human existence - the personal life of an individual family, the social life of the village, as well as the situation in our country as a whole. Fedor Aleksandrovich realized that the situation of the Russian people is unsuccessful. However, he still looked for his representatives, thanks to which one could maintain the hope that the original Russian character would revive, and the dilapidated "house" would be rebuilt by history.

Journalism, novels and short stories

Fedor Aleksandrovich combined work on large works with the creation of small stories and short stories. Their writing due to the repeated appeal to the works sometimes stretched for a long time. For example, Mamonikha was created between 1972 and 1980, Happiest was created from 1939 to 1980, and Grass Murava was written from 1955 to 1980. Fedor Aleksandrovich was simultaneously engaged in journalism, and also spoke on radio and television.

Fedor A. Abramov biography

Journalism, stories and novels are not inferior to novels. They also contain not only weeping and sorrow for Russia, but also the relentless search for ways to revive the country, the truth, and identify the healthy forces of the Russian nation. Abramov’s best novels were written about all this: in 1963, “Around the bush,” in 1969, “Pelageya,” in 1970, “Wooden Horses,” in 1972, “Alka,” and in 1980, “Mamonikha,” and during his lifetime, the unpublished Journey into the Past and an incomplete story entitled Who is He? In all of them, as in Abramov’s stories, the heroes are talented Russian people, hardworking workers who want justice and truth, suffer and sometimes die under the yoke of their own errors and harsh reality. However, they also see clearly, often find answers to the questions of time, are able to comprehend the meaning of life and realize their responsibility for what is happening. The best books of Fedor Aleksandrovich Abramov were written about all this. During the life of Abramov, some of his works did not reach the reader. Among the most important of them can be noted "A trip to the past." This is a story that was conceived in the early 1960s. However, she was born only in 1989.

"Clean book"

The Clean Book is the last significant work of Fyodor Alexandrovich. This is the result of his thoughts on the fate of his homeland. This work, unfortunately, remained incomplete.

1981 year. Fedor Alexandrovich works in the Arkhangelsk archive in the spring. He carefully studies materials that are related to the life of the district in the years preceding the revolution. At the invitation of A. Mikhailov, critic, in the summer he went to Pechora - to the places where he preached, wrote and burned Archpriest Avvakum. After that, together with Dmitry Klopov (a photo with him is presented below), a self-taught artist and his friend, Abramov travels to places that are associated with the name of Maria Dmitrievna Krivopolenova, the great Pinezhansky storyteller. She was supposed to be the prototype of one of the main characters of the new work - "Clean Book".

biography of Fedor Abramov

The writer's intentions, however, were not destined to materialize. Fedor Abramov could write only the beginning of the Clean Book. Other parts remained in sketchy notes, bastings, sketches. Nevertheless, the novel, even in this form, is so captivating that, having reached the last pages, you forget that the work is not finished. The characters are so precise, the recordings are so compressed that the impression of completeness, the integrity of the novel is formed. The publication of the book, by the way, was prepared by Lyudmila Vladimirovna Abramova, the widow of the writer.

Disease and death of Fedor Alexandrovich

Only close people knew about the illness of Fedor Alexandrovich. He underwent surgery in September 1982. Doctors said in April that another was needed. It was carried out on May 14, 1983. This operation, as the doctors said, was successful. However, on the same day, Fyodor Alexandrovich died of heart failure in the postoperative ward. Fedor Abramov was buried in Verkol - his native village.

The memory of Fedor Abramov

The memory of him after death did not die out. And today, his voice sounds in reprinted books, monographs, and articles about him. Evenings of memory were repeatedly held in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Arkhangelsk, Mariupol, Verkola, Kirov.

The well-known aphorisms of Abramov Fyodor Aleksandrovich testify to the fact that his memory did not fade: “One cannot learn to write poetry”, “Everything great in art in the singular”, “One must not be a truth seeker, but a truth organizer”, etc., which often cited.

the best books of abramov Fedor alexandrovich

His work is not forgotten. Numerous performances based on the works of Fedor Abramov were staged. His works were staged on the stages of many theaters in our country. Among the most durable and best performances, one can note "House" and "Brothers and Sisters" in the MDT (today - "Theater of Europe"). Their director is Lev Dodin.

Fedor Abramov is a writer and counterintelligence officer who lived in a difficult time for our country. He was closely associated with ordinary people, he cared about the fate of our country. Important questions were raised in his work by Fedor Abramov. The author’s books are known and loved today.


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