Fallout 2: builds. Perfect character

Who would not want to create the perfect character to cope with any mission in a computer game? In order for the protagonist to really turn out to be strong, it is important to know all the possible characteristics, abilities and skills of the hero. Only then will it be possible to create a balanced character. What are the builds in Fallout 2?

About the game

Fallout 2 is a computer game that first appeared in 1998. The player can access the open world and control the protagonist. The story of the second part tells of the Chosen One chosen by the Elder. He must go into the wasteland in search of the GECK. This device should revive the village and bring everyone back to life.


The passage of Fallout 2 affects the choice of a hero. The game has only one main quest. At the beginning, gamers will have to familiarize themselves with their capabilities. Therefore, there is another auxiliary quest. In Arroyo, the settlement where the protagonist came from, he will need to go through the temple, get some skills. After you can proceed to the main mission.

Main quest Fallout 2

Passing Fallout 2 can take about an hour if you need to understand the main storyline. Then the protagonist leaves for several cities at the direction of the Elder, then he finds the necessary Shelter and takes away the GECK. But the game does not end there, and the main quest will be counted only if the Chosen One manages to defeat the Enclave. And for this you will have to go through several dozen tasks to pump a character and get to the goal.


To deal with builds in Fallout 2, you need to understand how the hero is pumped. The character is represented by a whole system of characteristics. In this game, it is called SPECIAL. Each letter is responsible for a specific skill:

  • Strength
  • Perception
  • Endurance
  • Charisma (attraction).
  • Intelligence
  • Agility
  • Luck (good luck).

Each parameter affects a specific skill or ability. Therefore, the initial build in Fallout 2 is so important.

Character editor

Description of characteristics

Strength is the physical characteristic of a protagonist. The maximum weight of the backpack that the hero can bear, the damage of the character, will depend on it. This characteristic often affects the ability to use some weapons. If the hero lacks several units of strength, they can be compensated for by some skills.

Perception is a characteristic on which the character’s hearing and vision depend. Typically, the maximum pumping of this parameter is needed by the sniper. Affects the “Reaction”, as well as some skills, including “Hacking” and “Traps”.

Thanks to stamina, the character easily copes with injuries and injuries. Depending on the level of this parameter, the amount of health, resistance to poisons, radiation, etc. will be calculated. Also, the characteristic affects the skills of the Naturalist type.

Attractiveness is a very useful character parameter. Thanks to him, he can find out secrets and negotiate even with the most intractable companions. The skills “Barter” and “Eloquence” depend on this characteristic. It also affects the maximum number of people who can go with the protagonist.

Intelligence is the mind and intelligence of a hero. Thanks to him, you can calculate the number of skill points. The higher the level of this characteristic, the fuller the replica of the hero, respectively, more successful questions and more accurate answers.

Dexterity helps the protagonist move faster. Has an effect on action points and on many combat skills. The higher the indicator, the less likely it is to fall into the trap.

Luck is the most unpredictable characteristic. It can influence a lot in the game, especially the outcome of events. Increases critical skills. There is also the possibility of special meetings.

Battles in Fallout 2

Distribution of characteristics

Each characteristic can get from 1 to 10 points. The initial value is 5. Verbally, it is defined as "usual." With the initial build in Fallout 2, it will be possible to distribute another 5 points. It is possible to lower some characteristics to improve others. Only one parameter can be improved.

Typically, players do not risk greatly underestimating the initial characteristics of the hero. For example, if you reduce intelligence to 3, then there may be problems with interaction with other characters.

The first distribution of characteristic levels is very important for the further development of the protagonist. So you can influence the character’s specialization at the beginning of the game. There is an option to make him a sniper or a cowboy. It all depends on the special distribution.


To create the perfect character, it is important to understand the skills of the hero. Each character owns certain skills, which are expressed as a percentage. Maximum skill leveling - 300%. But this does not mean that the same percentage has a probability of a successful outcome. Usually this figure does not exceed 95%.

The skill level can be increased when you get a new character level. To do this, it is enough to distribute the points received. The higher the level, the more points you need to upgrade. The skill level is affected by reading books and completed quests.

Builds Fallout 2

Skill Description

The game has almost 20 character skills. Six of them relate to gun ownership. For example, thanks to the "Light Weapon" character begins to use a firearm more efficiently. This includes pistols, assault rifles, snipers, guns, etc. But the chance of hitting will depend not only on the level of this skill, but also on other factors. For example, the weight of the equipment or the distance to the enemy is important.

Similar skills are Heavy Weapons and Energy Weapons. In the first case, the protagonist is easily controlled with grenade launchers and machine guns, in the second - with a laser, plasma and pulse gun.

Developing the skill “Without weapons”, you can fight with rivals in hand-to-hand combat much more effectively. Melee weapons improve the ability to handle a knife, spear, sledgehammer, etc.

First Aid and Doctor are skills that affect the treatment of lungs and severe wounds, respectively. "Stealth" will help undetected to get past enemies. With this skill, you can try to complete the game in stealth mode. "Hacking" allows you to quickly deal with locks on doors and chests.

"Theft" allows you to secretly rummage through other people's pockets. To successfully do this, it is enough to approach from behind. The success and theft will be affected by the size and number of items stolen. This skill is often used to toss an artifact to an opponent.

The skill "Traps" allows you to cope with explosives. The character can either detect the trap or it will work. If the skill is pumped or there is a high level of perception, then it will be easy to cope with it.

Characters in Fallout 2 can also gain the Science skill. It is useful in working with computers and other equipment. The skill is also associated with any scientific matters. "Repair" helps in repairing devices and mechanisms. It can also help to disable something.

Location in Fallout 2

Eloquence helps communicate effectively with people. It will help not only make compelling arguments, but also lie. If Eloquence is poorly pumped, then the protagonist’s lies can be revealed and killed for it. Thanks to Barter, it’s easy to make profitable deals. "Gambling" will help you get easy money in a casino. "Naturalist" is a skill useful for traveling. The protagonist easily notices things that an ordinary hero cannot see. The skill also affects random encounters.


To create an interesting build in Fallout 2, you need to know additional character traits. In addition to characteristics and skills, the hero can also get features. These are small details that can make a character both worse and better.

A protagonist can get up to two abilities. It is worth saying right away that after the start of the game it is impossible to get or change the character trait. Only the character editor in Fallout 2 can handle this. But you need to download it separately, and it is considered a kind of cheat.

Among the features there are both positive and negative traits. For example, you can get the resistance of chemistry, but you can, on the contrary, sensitivity. In the first case, the chance of dependence on the drug is reduced, in the second it is increased.

If the hero received the “bully” feature, he automatically adds 2 points to strength, but 2 points of action are taken.


Knowing all the characteristics, skills and features, you can create a hero of a certain orientation. For example, the sniper build in Fallout 2 may be slightly modified, but in general it has similar features. Players recommend focusing on perception, intelligence, luck and dexterity. For example, you can leave strength with 5 points, stamina and attractiveness pump up to 2. Perception, intelligence and dexterity increase to 10, and luck - to 9.

Interesting Fallout 2 Builds

You will also have to focus on some skills that will increase your observation ability, critical damage, rate of fire, accuracy, etc. It will be useful to upgrade Light Weapons, Without Weapons, and Cold Weapons. Some players are also advised to take the “Gifted” and “Miniature” features.


For the melee build in Fallout 2, you need to maximize stamina, intelligence and agility. Luck, attractiveness and perception can be left at 2-4 points, and strength pumped at 9. It is worth focusing on improving the skills “Without weapons”, “Cold weapons” and “Light weapons”. It is also worth remembering "Eloquence" and "Naturalist." The special feature is “Gifted” and “Corrupted”.

Cowboy in Fallout 2

Quite rare, but interesting build. More common in New Vegas. Nevertheless, it requires maximum pumping agility. It is also worth getting a rate of fire and a jet. Some recommend maximizing the good fortune. Of the weapons, attention should be paid to the revolver and other pistols. A blaster is also suitable here. The result is a character who has powerful ammunition, high damage, guaranteed crit and the ability to choose targets.

Not a fighter

There are also non-combat builds in Fallout 2. In this case, rarely attention is paid to strength or endurance. For example, to become a professional thief, you need to maximize dexterity, not to forget about intelligence and perception. After that you need to get some skills: “Pickpocket”, “Flea marketer”, “Ghost”, etc. To the main skills you need to add “Sneak”, “Without weapons” and “Theft”. A feature you can choose "Trained" and "One-armed".

Non-combat build is considered the diplomat’s pumping. In this case, we maximize intelligence, take 8 points of charisma and 6 perceptions. The rest is left at level 4. The main skill for the diplomat is Eloquence, Doctor, and Barter. Features: “Good soul” and “Trained”.

Character Creation

At the beginning of the game you need to go into the character editor of Fallout 2 and configure it as it should. First, the player needs to distribute points according to the main characteristics. There are 40 points in total, which should be divided into seven parameters. Some characteristics can be lowered, but it can turn out for the hero deplorably. Therefore, one should be careful.

Sniper Build in Fallout 2

Next, the gamer chooses prize skills. They can be further developed and increase the percentage. After you can choose additional features of the protagonist. These are small touches that will make the hero special. The trait has both advantages and disadvantages.

Next, you need to choose the age: from 16 to 35 years. This option does not affect the game. He does not give bonuses or penalties for skills and abilities of the character. Therefore, it does not matter what figure is set here.

After that, you will need to choose the sex of the protagonist. This point can affect the course of the game, so you should carefully choose it. Of course, the plot will not change, but some in-game characters may react in their own way to a woman or a man.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26851/

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