Travel Tips: What are brought from Egypt

Egypt has for many years been considered a very popular tourist destination. And this is not surprising: the warm weather here remains almost all year long, the assortment of fruits and vegetables offered by the hotel does not dry out, and with the staff it is quite possible to speak not only in broken English, but also in native Russian. However, many travelers are interested in the quite logical question of what is brought from Egypt to surprise relatives, friends or work colleagues who have remained at home. Let's try to figure it out.

What is brought from Egypt. Assortment of souvenirs on offer

what is brought from Egypt
Of course, in Egypt, as in any other country in the world, there are such unique objects that can not only maximize the energy of local residents, but also introduce them to the country's culture.

  1. Papyrus from Egypt. It's no secret that today this material is used only as souvenir products. Nevertheless, they make it according to the same ancient recipes as thousands of years ago. Immediately I would like to note that this papyrus is not only beautiful, it still does not crease, does not break, if you suddenly decide to bend it, and of course, it smells nothing. If you notice that the edges are jammed and crumbled, then most likely you are trying to slip a fake made by scammers from palm leaves or rice.
  2. Hookah. It is ideal as a national souvenir for those who prefer to use gifts in life, and not just admire it, taking it from time to time from the shelf of the cabinet.
  3. Famous characters: cats and scarab beetles. The first are considered custodians
    tea from egypt
    the hearth, the second happy amulets. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that talismans will fulfill their role only if you carefully approach the choice. The beetle should be on its legs, because otherwise, it will be considered funeral, and no snake should be present next to the cat.
  4. Tea from Egypt. Such a souvenir will be not only pleasant, but also useful. The local hibiscus is famous for its bright red hue and sour taste, and it is produced either from hibiscus flowers or from the famous Sudanese rose. The drink is not for nothing called the real tea of ​​the Pharaohs, because with long-term use, it is able to eliminate heart failure, prevent the occurrence of neurosis, normalize blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and significantly increase such necessary elasticity of blood vessels.
  5. Egyptian aromatic oils, both perfumery and medicinal, always attract the attention of tourists. Their production in this eastern country is very developed and the choice is huge: jojoba, aloe, black cumin - some of them.

What is brought from Egypt. Prohibited goods

papyrus from egypt
First of all, tourists are initially warned that the total cost of all souvenirs should not exceed 200 Egyptian pounds.

Secondly, it is necessary to pay attention that in the official order it is strictly forbidden to export the following items:

  1. National currency. All money that remains unspent can be exchanged both at the airport and in numerous bank branches working around the clock.
  2. Antiques.
  3. Sea shells, shells and pieces of coral. As well as any items related to the flora and fauna of the Red Sea. In violation of the law, the fine is $ 1,000. What to do? Experienced travelers recommend purchasing all this in a store and keeping a check, which must be presented when passing customs.
  4. Remember once and for all, ivory and a stuffed crocodile - this is not something that is brought from Egypt, acquiring friends as an ordinary souvenir. The right to sell all such items belongs to only a few stores in the country, and not to all indiscriminately souvenir shops in a hotel.


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