The best beaches of Bali: reviews and photos

In the view of most tourists, the island of Bali is a real fabulous place with beautiful beaches, lonely bungalows, the azure sea and beautiful palm trees. This is what all travel agencies present on the island. However, going on vacation, you can be disappointed if you do not decide in advance on the choice of a beach in Bali. All of them are quite different and have their own characteristics. If you are going to the island for the first time, you need to know that not all areas on its coast are suitable for swimming. In our article we want to talk about the best beaches in Bali.

Beach Guide

Our article will be useful for those tourists who are going to Bali for the first time. In many respects, rest will depend on which place to stay you choose. Everyone wants to settle in a secluded bungalow on the ocean coast and contemplate the tropical nature. However, not all Bali coasts are suitable for swimming, most of them are attracted by waves of surfers. The entire southern coast of the island is washed by the stormy waters of the Indian Ocean. But for surfers here is a real paradise, because there are waves for 364 days a year. Not all Bali beaches are good for swimming.

In general, the entire coast of the island can be divided into the following parts: south-west coast, Bukit Peninsula, southeast coast, north, east. Also, tourists can enjoy the beaches on the neighboring islands, where you can also have a great time.

Nusa Dua

The beaches of Nusa Dua in Bali is a typical resort region located in the south of the island, about ten kilometers from Kuta. Nusa Dua has several beaches. The choice of places for recreation is quite diverse. Each of them can be safely classified as the best beaches in Bali for swimming, here you can relax even with children. This is not to say that there are no waves on the coast. They are, but by some miracle they break somewhere in the ocean, and practically do not reach the shore. It is for this reason that the water off the coast is calmer. But you should not forget about the ebbs and flows . During low tide it becomes shallow, so swimming is not very convenient.

It is worth noting that the tides depend on the phases of the moon, and not on the seasons. Therefore, you should not rely on the reviews of spa residents who tell us that it was shallow in the morning, and after lunch the water arrived. This trend was observed at that moment, but this does not mean at all that it will be the same during your arrival. If you are interested in this question, then you can find complete information in the tides chart on the island.

Nusa Dua

The entire coastal strip of Nusa Dua has long been built up with hotels. However, the beaches remain open. In principle, you can use any beach in Bali. True, hotel loungers will not be available to you, but you can stay on your towel.

The beaches of Nusa Dua are the territory of five-star hotels. Entrance here is through a barrier. In general, the entire resort area is slightly isolated from the entire island. Bali's local white sand beaches are a paradise for a relaxing and secluded holiday away from the hustle and bustle. The coast is very clean and wide.

Nusa Dua has a city beach, however, it is not as well-groomed as the hotel grounds. Some private areas can only be accessed through the hotel.

The entire coast is equipped with cafes, as in any resort. It can be concluded that the beaches of Nusa Dua are good for a relaxing holiday. It is worth coming here if you want to spend a vacation swimming in the sea. Good sandy beaches are the best for swimming in Bali, including for children. The swimming season at the resort continues throughout the year. The official season for surfers lasts from December to February.


Jimbaran is a Bali beach known for its fish restaurants. In addition, the local coast is convenient for swimming. The water here is very calm, so you can swim even with the smallest children. Jimbaran can be attributed to the best beaches in Bali. There are rarely waves here, in addition, they are very small.

Jimbaran is a five-kilometer stretch of coastline. The beach infrastructure is not very developed, since the region is not considered an actively visited tourist area, such as Nusa Dua. The season lasts all year.

Jimbaran Beach is incredibly wide, but during high tide it narrows very much. Near the coast the sea is shallow, which is very convenient. Only two months of the year - February and March are not suitable for recreation, because at this time the coast is rainy. At this time, because of showers, a lot of garbage is taken to the beach.

Jimbaran Beach

Jimbaran is known for the fish market. Local restaurants actively prepare seafood, offering them to visitors.

On the coast of the village there are several five-star and four-star hotels. Also in the village there are villas and houses for tourists, which can also be rented. Kuta is just a 15-minute drive away. And you can get to Seminyak in about 30 minutes.

According to tourists, Jimbaran is an ideal place for those who are looking for peace and tranquility.

Bukit Coast

In the south of the island is the peninsula, which is the southernmost point of Bali. The Bukit Peninsula is different from the rest of the island. It is believed that here are the most beautiful beaches of Bali. True, the local coast has its own characteristics. Most of the beaches here are semi-wild or wild. However, in recent years, equipped coastal areas with cafes, umbrellas and sunbeds have also appeared.

Of all the beaches on the peninsula, the most easily accessible and popular is Padang Padang. It is equipped with beach accessories such as umbrellas and sun loungers. There are cafes and merchants who offer tourists all sorts of things. Tourists note that this is one of the most picturesque beaches. However, on weekends it becomes too crowded. In general, according to tourists, the best time for all the beaches of Bali is the morning when there are still few vacationers and there is no heat.

Beaches of Bukit

There are other scenic spots in Bukit. For example, you can note the beach Balangan. It is incredibly popular among surf lovers. But swimming here is also very possible when the waves are not too big. During high tide, there is quite calm water along the edges of the beach. But at low tide it becomes incredibly shallow, moreover, during such periods, reef slippers are extremely necessary.

The beaches of Dreamland and Panadava are also good.


Dreamland is located in the village of the same name. This is another white beach in Bali with a beautiful turquoise sea. You can buy here only in those rare periods when there are no waves. And this happens infrequently. Entering troubled water is dangerous because there is a risk that you may be carried into the ocean. But for surfers here is a real paradise. According to tourists, the beach is a great place to lie in the shade and enjoy the magnificent sea or surf. But you can’t count on frequent water procedures.


Pandava is one of the most picturesque beaches of Bali (photo is given in the article). The road to it runs through an incredibly beautiful limestone canyon. The beach is quite long, it has a white sand cover. On its territory there is everything for a comfortable stay. You can also rent kayaks here. A pedestrian path with cafes and stalls stretched along the entire coast. The sea here has an incredibly beautiful turquoise hue. In Panadava, you can relax with your children, because the water is relatively calm. Of course, there are waves, but away into the sea, so you can also surf here. At the very edge of the beach there are several caves.

Wild beaches in Bukit

In Bukit there are also little-known wild beaches. All of them are very picturesque, but the waves on them are incredibly large. Swimming on them is extremely dangerous due to the strong ocean currents. In addition, the coast usually comes down to wild sections along incredibly steep steps. Therefore, for recreation, it is worth choosing equipped and well-known places.

Resort Sanur

Sanur is one of the oldest resorts in Bali. True, in recent years he began to give up his leadership position, giving way to Nusa Dua. Yet Sanur Beach in Bali is still popular with couples with children. There are always a lot of Russian tourists in Nusa Dua. But in Sanur, Russian guests can be met very rarely.

The town itself is very nice and not very overloaded with tourists. The main contingent of vacationers are guests from the USA and Europe. The coast is lined with cafes and expensive hotels. More budget housing can be found in the village itself.

Sanur Beach

A wide long beach is a great place to relax. True, the coast is shallow enough to get to the depths, you have to take a walk. It is this feature that makes Sanur a popular vacation spot for couples with children. In shallow water, splashing around for kids is a real pleasure. By the way, those tourists who have chosen hotels for accommodation in the area of ​​neighboring beaches are trying to come to Sanur. Near the coast there is a safari park and a waterfall.

According to tourists, Sanur is not at all a party place, so active youth here may seem boring. There are walking and jogging paths on the coast. In general, the resort is ideal for family vacations. The sand on the beach is not as white as, for example, in Nusa Dua, but quite light.

Kuta beaches in Bali

Kuta is the most famous resort on the island among tourists. Even if you have never been to Bali, you probably heard about this resort. Kuta is associated with clubs, nightlife, bars and surfing. Young people come here who surf in the afternoon and have fun in the evening. At the resort for the weekend come Australians who want to surf. Traffic congestion is a normal occurrence.

In general, if you are not a fan of surfing, then you have nothing to do at the resort. Well, unless you want to hang out at night. True, you will have to forget about swimming due to the waves. An incredible number of surf schools are located on the coast of the resort, some of them are Russian. In the evenings, all tourists come to the coast to enjoy the sunset. In such periods, it is very crowded.

Kuta beaches

Legian Beach is a continuation of Kuta. Here you can also see many surfers. However, Legian is a more respectable place. The wide and beautiful beach is also not suitable for swimming. Therefore, rescuers now and then expel negligent tourists from the sea who decided to plunge into the sea. According to holidaymakers, surf lovers should go here exclusively.


Seminyak is a beach that starts right after Legian. The local coast is calm and respectable. Here are five-star and four-star complexes, as well as villas. The beautiful and wide beach is everywhere decorated with red flags prohibiting swimming due to waves. But surfers here is a real expanse.

Black sand beaches

The black beaches of Bali are a reality. The island is of volcanic origin, and therefore there is often enough black sand on the coast. One of these places is Saba Beach. Its black sand is very soft and fine, it is pleasant to walk on it. And in the sun it shines with salt crystals.

On Masketi Beach, the sand is also black. Here the Balinese collect pebbles, which are used for cladding. A strip of black beaches stretches along the coast and ends with Kusamba Beach. This place is famous for its salt mines. Here, salt is mined in the old-fashioned way.

Black sand beaches

Among fans of beach holidays, there are many lovers of black sand. Tourists note that it has its own charm. Relaxation on such a beach may seem unusual, but no less beautiful.

Neighboring islands

Near Bali there are many paradise islands with no less beautiful beaches. The most famous of them are the islands of Gili. According to tourists, they should be visited. Their atmosphere is very different from Bali. They are very small. There is absolutely no transport here. And as means of transportation, horses harnessed to carts or bicycles are used. The islands attract with their pristine natural beauty.

The largest of them is Gili Trawangan. Young people prefer to relax on it, because nightlife is more developed here, there are bars and cafes, as well as fun parties. By the way, the beach area is located only on one part of the island.

Gili Air has beaches along the coast. It is the second largest island. On its coast is quite shallow. Several small hotels have been built here. But in general, the island is characterized by a rural way.

Gili Islands

Gili Meno, according to vacationers, is the best island to relax. Shallow sand cover and optimal sea depth create ideal conditions for a vacation. The only drawback of the island is that there are absolutely no palm trees on it. The island is chosen for relaxation by couples or newlyweds.

Lembongan Island

From Sanur, you can reach Lembongan Island in just 25 minutes. This tiny islet has long been an alternative to Bali. Here you can find hotels for every taste: from affordable guesthouses to five-star complexes. Hotels are located not only on the coast, but also on a cliff, and even in the forest.

Lembongan, of course, is not a first-class resort. Here, expensive hotels are adjacent to the shacks of local residents. The resort has not only shopping centers, but even decent shops. However, a beach holiday here is wonderful. If the main purpose of the trip is sea and sand, then feel free to go to Lembongan. The resort offers water sports, diving and sailing in the sea on a yacht. Among the natural beauties you can pay attention to the mango forests, as well as see the famous spray fountain - the “Devil's Tear”.

Lembongan Island

According to tourists, the island can be visited for a couple of days, but spending your whole vacation here is probably not worth it.

Tourists reviews

What are the reviews about the beaches of Bali? According to tourists, the entire coast of the island is worthy of attention. However, the choice of a place to stay must be taken seriously. First of all, it is worth deciding on the purpose of the trip, since it is she who is the key moment when choosing a resort.

As you can already understand, many sections of the coast in Bali are good only for surfers. If you are going on a family vacation, then choose a quieter place with a calm sea. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the popularity of resorts. For a relaxing holiday, you should not choose youth places, because they will certainly seem noisy. As a rule, tourists are usually not limited to visiting one beach while relaxing. By transport you can reach all the most interesting places on the coast, because each of them has its own characteristics.

It is worth noting that the waves in Bali are serious, and in some places powerful currents are observed. Therefore, do not neglect the warning flags on the beaches.

For lovers of rural-style relaxation, you can recommend going to the islands. But active tourists there will seem incredibly boring. Although a couple of days away from civilization is quite possible. We hope you find the best beach for swimming in Bali.


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