DIY fruit crafts for children's creativity

Autumn is the time for a plentiful harvest of vegetables, fruits and berries. Due to the vagaries of nature, sometimes, for example, apples or pears grow on fruit trees , resembling some kind of animal or object. They can be an excellent basis for DIY fruit crafts.

Photos of some of them, made by craftsmen, will help you choose the option to arrange a lesson in kindergarten or help your own child prepare for the competition at school. As a supplement to such crafts, dry leaves, berries, cones, flowers, etc. can be used.

DIY fruit crafts

Fruits and Vegetables Caterpillars

Crafts from fruits (most children like to craft them with their own hands for kindergarten) should be quite simple, since kids are involved in their creation as assistants. As an interesting option, you can offer to make a caterpillar. This will require:

  • 5 apples of the same average size;
  • 30 berries of orange cherry;
  • 3 cabbage leaves;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 35-40 pcs. multi-colored small beads;
  • 20 cm of twine;
  • 2 large blue beads;
  • 80 cm satin ribbon;
  • bamboo sticks;
  • disposable rectangular foam plate as a "pedestal" for crafts;
  • Toothpicks
  • matches.

Operating procedure

The creation of this original craft from fruits with your own hands is carried out in the following order:

  1. Thick green apples without noticeable defects and with an intact skin are washed and wiped dry with a paper towel.
  2. A foam plate is turned upside down and covered with cabbage or lettuce leaves.
  3. Peel the carrots and cut into circles about 0.5 cm thick.
  4. They are laid out in pairs on top of cabbage leaves, at an equal distance from each other.
  5. Take 2 bamboo sticks.
  6. 4 apples are planted on them one after another.

Then proceed to the manufacture of the head. To do this, follow the following procedure:

  • take an apple, on which with the help of toothpicks 2 blue beads are strengthened in place of the eye;
  • spread the mouth of the caterpillar, stretched out in a smile, with match heads;
  • seeds are taken out of the cherry;
  • one berry is fixed with a match in place of the nose;
  • in place of the ears set 2 toothpicks;
  • 3 large cherries are strung on each toothpick;
  • from a satin ribbon tie a bow and fasten it between the ears of the caterpillar.

To complete the manufacture of such a craft from fruit with your own hands, with the help of a bamboo stick, attach the head to the body and install the entire structure on a pedestal. Around the "caterpillar" randomly scatter the remaining berries of the cherry.

Apple bunny

DIY fruit crafts can be made using the most mundane items. For example, to create a bunny, you will need two plastic disposable spoons that will be used as its ears, as well as a large apple.

It must be put on its side so that the hole on the top is in front and depicts the mouth of the animal. Further:

  • cut the spoons from the spoons, leaving only 1-2 cm;
  • stick them in the apple in the right places;
  • from pieces of plasticine of different colors create the design for the face of the hare.

All! A simple hack is ready. Its charm is that even a baby 3-4 years old can easily cope with the manufacture, and he will hardly need outside help.

DIY fruit crafts with instructions

Lemon Goldfish

For such a DIY fruit craft, the instructions for the manufacture of which can be found later, you will need:

  • large lemon;
  • bright large carrots;
  • black marker;
  • sharp knife for carving.

Keep in mind that although students of grades 3-4 can make such bright fruit crafts, they must be supervised by adults, as you will need to use a rather sharp knife. Young children can also be attracted to the creation of fish, provided that they only insert details into the slots and draw eyes.

Operating procedure:

  1. From peeled carrots cut a plate 0.3 mm thick.
  2. Peel the lemon with a sharp knife to make recesses for the eye.
  3. Fins are cut from a carrot plate.
  4. Peel off, denoting the mouth of the fish.
  5. Marker draw eyes.
  6. Make slots on the lemon in the right places.
  7. Insert fins into them.

It remains to make the tail of the fish, which can also be cut from a piece of carrot. However, it is quite stiff, so it is easier to cut off a thin layer of the peel from another lemon and, giving it the shape of a tail, decorate the edge with a fringe.

The resulting part is inserted into the slot made on the back of the lemon, thereby completing the manufacture of crafts.

Mouse of lemon

It is quite easy to make such a craft that can become a decoration of a festive table. For this:

  • part of the barrel is cut off from the lemon to give it stability;
  • insert two beads instead of eyes or draw them with a marker;
  • ears and tail are cut from the skin of a lemon;
  • 4 antennae of green onions are inserted into the muzzle of the mouse as antennae;
  • make slits on the lemon and insert the ears there.

Having made several of these yellow animals, you can create a composition. To do this, you can cover the dish with several leaves of lettuce or cabbage, place mice on them and lay out pieces of hard cheese.

DIY fruit crafts for school


If you like to make fruit crafts with your own hands, the photos presented in this article will tell you a lot of new ideas. In particular, you can try to make a funny apple elephant with your son or daughter. However, keep in mind that slices of this fruit from contact with air will quickly change color, so this "toy" is not the best choice for a school exhibition.

So, to make an elephant, you need two apples of a suitable shape: one larger and the second smaller. In addition, you should get two or three sharp toothpicks and a knot of wood, curved in the form of a trunk.

Next, you need to divide the second apple into two halves, preferably in such a way that two bones are on the cut, which will serve as the eye of our elephant. If the first time luck does not smile at you, then you can make eyes out of black paper.

Then from each half of the apple should be cut off on a plate 0.5-0.7 cm thick. One (head of an elephant) must be left intact, and the second should be divided into two parts to make ears.

Now it remains to connect all the parts together with toothpicks, and the funny toy will be ready.

As for the "trunk", its end can be sharpened and stuck in the flesh of a piece of apple, depicting the head of an elephant.

do-it-yourself spring vegetable fruit crafts for


Crafts from fruits and flowers with their own hands can be made with a child as a gift for the birthday of mom or grandmother. For example, an excellent composition will turn out if you take a solid large apple and extract part of the pulp from it so that you get a kind of vase. Then along the edge you should make denticles and stick some large chrysanthemums inside. And to complete the composition will help a few large colorful autumn leaves and clusters of berries, for example, wild grapes.


If at home there is a banana, grapes and an apple, then with the child you can make an original toy. Such DIY fruit crafts may not be suitable for school, but they will perfectly serve as a dessert.

Operating procedure:

  • take an apple;
  • cut it in half;
  • cut a slice in a semicircle to obtain a machine body;
  • peel a banana;
  • cut into circles with a thickness of 0.5 cm;
  • cut each in half;
  • take 2 toothpicks;
  • they pass an apple in a segment in places where they are going to fix the wheels;
  • on each side, thread 1 half a mug of banana and grape onto a toothpick.

The result should be a fun and interesting machine that can even be a treat for young guests.


This craft can also be made from lemon. To create it, you need the help of your mother, who will sew a jumpsuit for the minion. In addition, you need clay and cool salt dough. Further:

  • legs of the minion are made from salt dough;
  • until it is dry, insert a lemon and cover with the rest of the dough so that a standing figure is obtained;
  • glasses, eyes and hands of a minion are molded from plasticine;
  • put on his figure overalls;
  • plasticine make out shoes.

DIY fruit crafts photo


Children can make crafts from fruits and berries with their own hands and as a treat for their friends, whom they invited for their birthday. In addition, recently it has become fashionable to replace contests on the occasion of this holiday with a fun culinary master class.

For example, you can offer the hero of the occasion and his guests to make a hedgehog from pears and grapes together . To do this, you will need:

  • choose a pear of a suitable shape;
  • peel its sharp end from the skin;
  • make a recess for the eyes;
  • insert bones there;
  • break a toothpick in the middle;
  • sharpen both ends;
  • plant a dark grape on it;
  • insert the free end of the toothpick into the place on the pear from where it grows “tail” so that the nose of the hedgehog;
  • to make peculiar canapes from grapes of different colors;
  • densely plant toothpicks with grapes in the "body" of the hedgehog;
  • in the same way to fix between them a pair of bright strawberries.


In general, when they are going to make fruit crafts with their own hands for school, then they often choose zucchini as the basis. In particular, a small green train can be made from them. It will require several unripe zucchini of different thicknesses.

Operating procedure:

  • choose zucchini with the smallest diameter;
  • 12 “wheels” 0.5 cm thick are cut from it;
  • using toothpicks fix them in 3 pieces. on each side on 2 zucchini thicker;
  • the first such blank is set aside to be used as a carriage;
  • on the second - fix the “cabin”, which is a piece of zucchini with a length of less than half the length of the base so that a steam locomotive is obtained;
  • a pipe is made from carrots and fixed on the nose of the engine;
  • if there is a desire, headlights are made from the same vegetable;
  • the cabin is connected to the base with toothpicks.


To make such a toy is quite simple. To create this DIY fruit craft, you only need one banana and a sharp knife. With it, you need to cut the skin along the fruit to the middle in 5-6 places and lift, exposing the flesh. Then the excess should be cut off, so that the head of an octopus and tentacle is obtained. In addition, you need to draw eyes and mouth.

Apple caterpillar

Such a creative craft will appeal to any child. Making it is very simple. It will take one big apple and grapes. About twelve berries need to be strung on a piece of curved metal wire of medium hardness. Then, in a rather large apple, a “tunnel” is hollowed out so wide that part of the caterpillar passes through it.

DIY fruit crafts for kids

DIY do-it-yourself spring vegetable, fruit crafts for school

Although no season can be compared with autumn in terms of the abundance of fruits and vegetables, you can create original toys and home decorations long before the harvest season. For example, already at the end of May, vegetable marrows appear in some regions. From them you can create various animals. The photo presented in the article shows crafts in the form of penguins, for the creation of which, in addition to the zucchini themselves, you only need a sharp knife, carrot and peas of black pepper (for the peephole).

Operating procedure:

  • one end is cut off at the vegetable marrow so that it can stand straight;
  • on the resulting head with a torso, a skin is cut out (see photo);
  • peas of black pepper are inserted into the right places;
  • decoration and a beak for a penguin are carved from carrots;
  • fix all the details on the zucchini, either by inserting them into the slots, or using toothpicks;
  • legs are made from carrot slices and put them on a flat plate;
  • set on them the body of the penguin.

Paper fruits

Such crafts are suitable for classes in kindergarten with kids of any age. To make an original three-dimensional toy, you only need scissors and PVA glue. In addition, it will be necessary to cut out a piece of cardboard in the form of outlines of future paper crafts. Hands of fruit can make a huge amount. For example, you can glue a pear. This requires:

  1. Cut out the silhouette of a pear from cardboard.
  2. Transfer it to colored paper.
  3. Cut 16 such parts.
  4. Bend each in half.
  5. Glue the two parts to the fold.
  6. Take the third part and glue it with the previous workpiece in the same way.
  7. Continue this process until all the details are involved.
  8. Cut a stalk and two leaves.
  9. Insert them inside the crafts and glue the last part with the first so that a three-dimensional model of the pear is obtained.

Cup of orange

This craft is created quite simply. To do this, cut off the top of a sufficiently dense orange and cut out the flesh. Then you can decorate the cup, securing flowers or figures cut from a thin plate of carrots or pumpkins on it with toothpicks, and the clay, from which the pen should be made, will help to complete the production.

how to make a DIY fruit craft


Banana dog will bring a lot of joy to both adults and children. It will take two such fruits: an authentic one and a short one. Then, using a knife, you need to make the dog ears and, having separated the peel, remove the flesh from these areas. In addition, you should cut the dog's legs. All! It remains only to arrange the eyes by inserting raisins into the slots.

Now you know how to make a handicraft of fruits with your own hands, and you can help your beloved son or daughter win a contest organized at a school or kindergarten.


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