Military equipment: crafts for boys

What male gift can a kid make with his own hands and give to his father, grandfather, friend? An ideal option would be to craft a craft on military subjects: a tank or an airplane. A simple design from improvised, accessible materials should interest even preschoolers. Guys are always attracted to military equipment. Crafts will be a wonderful decoration of the room or a gift. Consider a few do-it-yourself master classes .

Unusual raw materials for crafts - washcloth

With your own hands you can create endlessly. We are used to making cardboard crafts. Military equipment is obtained from such raw materials the most diverse. But sometimes beautiful things can be made from inconspicuous improvised items, such as washcloths. In order to make a tank, it’s useful:

  • green foam sponge, hard on one side;
  • round cap from the cream;
  • children's plasticine;
  • a thin cocktail straw or ear stick;
  • dark green marker;
  • quick setting adhesive.

paper crafts military equipment

Execution of work: a washcloth tank

All boys are attracted to military equipment. Crafts can be done by yourself, which means you can build your own plane or tank.

military equipment crafts

To make the second transport, you need to follow the instructions:

  1. From the sides of the sponge draw two identical half-ovals. Trim the sponge according to the contours obtained.
  2. Trim the bottom of the tank so that a semicircular sponge is obtained. The hard part should be on top.
  3. Cut off part of the foam near the toughest surface to make a protrusion.
  4. Notch a hard surface.
  5. Trim the foam so that the hard surface forms a uniform protrusion.
  6. Apply two parallels along the entire length of the bottom with a marker.
  7. Opposite the lines make a ledge.
  8. Notch over each line and remove part of the foam.
  9. To put glue on the received site and to bend, having pressed to the bottom.
  10. Then draw tracks on the sides with a marker.
  11. For the tower you need to take the lid, well, if it is green. If a different color, then paint or paste over.
  12. The stick, which will be the barrel of the tank, is secured with plasticine to the tower lid.
  13. Glue the finished tower to the base.
  14. Blind plasticine hatch and fix on the top of the tower.

Matchbox tank

Materials and tools:

  • matchboxes - 3 pieces;
  • black cardboard;
  • a set of colored paper;
  • bottle cap (plastic);
  • cotton swab;
  • buttons
  • "Moment" (glue);
  • awl and scissors.

In kindergartens and schools most often do paper crafts. Military equipment turns out to be bright if you use cardboard and colored markers. But it will be more interesting to make the tank out of matchboxes.

paper crafts military equipment

Production Instruction:

  1. Glue two boxes together so that a larger rectangle is obtained.
  2. Wrap a separate box of matches with colored paper. With glued do the same.
  3. Fix wrapped boxes with glue - smaller on larger.
  4. Stick buttons on the sides of the tank.
  5. The next stage is the manufacture of the tower. With a hot awl in the cap, make a hole and fix a plastic stick in it.
  6. Glue to fix the resulting tower on a smaller matchbox.
  7. Getting to the design of the tank tracks. Cut two thin strips from a sheet of black cardboard and make an accordion out of them.
  8. Stick the resulting tracks onto the tank.
  9. Also, the tank can be decorated with various details from cardboard: an open hatch, a viewing gap and others.

crafts made of cardboard military equipment

Here is a military equipment. Crafts of this kind can be a good gift on February 23 or May 9.

Craft War Plane

Materials, tools:

  • half a liter bottle made of plastic;
  • set of color cardboard;
  • aluminium foil;
  • Super glue;
  • a simple pencil, scissors, a ruler.

Step-by-step execution:

  1. Release the bottle from the label.
  2. Draw on the sheet of green cardboard the details of the aircraft (wings, tail, propeller).
  3. To make a propeller, unscrew the cap on the bottle and circle the neck with a pencil. This will be the center of the propeller, which will be worn on the neck.
  4. Cut all the details.
  5. Paste the propeller with foil and put on the bottle thread, fix it with a cap.
  6. To fasten the wings, cut the bottle along the sides, approximately in the middle of the bottle. The slots should correspond to the width of the wing.
  7. Wings to stretch through these slots and set exactly in the middle.
  8. The final touch is to shape the tail.

military equipment crafts

So flying military equipment is ready. Crafts on this subject are not necessary only for boys, we think that girls will also enjoy spending time making a nice tank or airplane.


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