Correct pruning of cherries in autumn

Many gardeners note that the tree, which gives tasty juicy berries, is very moody and quite fragile. Therefore, pruning cherries in the fall is a very important, but troublesome business. A correctly carried out procedure will significantly increase the volume of the future crop and extend the overall life of the tree.

pruning cherries in autumn

If you need a large, fleshy cherry - planting and care, pruning - these are the main milestones of growing the plant. Usually, the removal of excess and dead branches falls in the spring, but experienced summer residents spend it even in late autumn, so that the tree already resides in the winter "sleep" mode. But it should be noted that most gardeners still believe that at the end of the year it is worth trimming only dry, infected or broken branches. Also, the cause of an urgent autumn procedure can be unjustifiably thick crown, which prevents the ripening of numerous red berries. Thus, the timing of pruning cherries can fall in the spring, fall, and in some cases even in early winter.

It must be remembered that the bark of this tree is extremely thin, so severe frosts can kill fresh wounds. Cutting cherries in autumn becomes the most popular option, due to moderate temperatures and the stability of the internal processes of the tree. The method of removing excess branches is chosen according to the variety of the plant. Usually, the two most common types of cherries are distinguished: tree-shaped and bush-shaped. The first varieties include the popular Lot and the noble, tart English early. Bush cherries include many delicious, small, but abundantly fruiting species that begin to produce crops already in the 2nd-3rd year. However, after only 12 years, the plant practically ceases to produce berries that will now ripen only on young shoots.

cherry pruning dates

Cherry pruning in the fall is usually characteristic of tree-like varieties, since their lifespan is clearly longer and without removing the extra branches, the crop will simply be uncomfortable to harvest. When planning to take up crown formation, it is worth remembering that the best form for such trees is considered to be low-level. When pruning, they try to arrange the branches in a spiral around the trunk - this will provide reliable air conduction and access of light to all parts of the plant. Shrub-like varieties prefer non-tiered forms, that is, you just need to leave 7-9 main branches with their young shoots. If everything is done neatly and quickly, next season you can expect to get a plentiful harvest.

Cherry planting and care pruning

Tree-like varieties form once every 3-4 years, only remove excess dry or broken branches, on which nothing will grow. Cutting cherries in the fall significantly rejuvenates the plant, and the need for the next procedure is determined by reducing the annual natural growth of branches. Shrub-like varieties require intensive thinning of the crown of the tree, thus achieving a significant rejuvenation of the entire tree and an increase in yield. If cherries are a favorite fruit in the family, then you need to take care of plants and good ways of canning. The best option for bushy varieties would be to roll juices, and tree representatives give a good berry "for food".


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