How to punish a dog for disobedience: the rules of training, maintaining authority, types of punishment and recommendations of dog handlers

Any educational process consists not only of rewards, but also of punishments - a negative assessment of bad behavior and measures to prevent it. In the process of dog training, the punishment has to be used quite often, since it is impossible for the animal to verbally explain how to do it or not. How to punish a dog for disobedience so that she understands her guilt?

Training or education

These two concepts are completely different; they should not be confused. Parenting is the instilling of manners and the correction of behavior that we instill in the animal daily and want to see them throughout his life. Training is a memorization of teams that may not even be useful in everyday situations.

The dog begins to be trained at the age of 3-4 months, when the puppy is already able to concentrate and begins to become interested in the outside world. But the upbringing of the pet begins at the moment when it appears in your house. In this case, you do not need to wait four months, because by this time it can be difficult to change the dog’s habits.

how to punish a dog for disobedience

Not sure how to punish a dog for disobedience? Remember, timely and correct punishment is not a humiliation or infringement of the rights of the animal, as some owners think. A dog that lowers its head or leaves to one side is not offended; this behavior indicates that it understood and realized its guilt. The main role is yours.

Is it possible to punish a pet

In the educational process, one should alternate with punishment for misconduct and mischief. If with encouragement everything is clear, then with punishment things are more complicated. How to punish a dog for disobedience so as not to spoil the relationship between it and the owner? How to make sure that the four-legged friend is not afraid of you, but, on the contrary, perceives the pack and friend as the leader?

There are two opinions on this score:

  1. Some believe that in no case should a dog be punished, it is very bad.
  2. Others, on the contrary, assert that this is the only way to restrain the fidget.

The experts have their own opinion on this matter - it is necessary to find a middle ground, so as not to spoil the pet, but also not to make it a bully.

A fair and timely punishment is not an infringement of dog’s rights, but everyday educational work, a kind of establishment of a hierarchy between him and the owner.

how to punish a dog for disobedience

Time of punishment

In answer to the question of how to punish a dog for disobedience, the main thing is timeliness. This should only be done if you have found a pet at the crime scene.

Many owners make a serious mistake by scolding a dog some time after committing an offense. In a situation when you returned home, saw scattered things and tattered shoes, do not rush to be angry, but just take a deep breath and try to calm down.

If you start scolding an animal for a work done several hours or even minutes ago, it will not understand. By this time, the dog will already forget that it has done something bad, and the punishment will not bring any result.

Learn the golden rule - educational measures can be applied to animals only in the process of performing an action. Got a moment when a pet is nibbling a sofa? Punish immediately! A few minutes or hours have passed? Calm down and meditate, no need to swear, it only scares him.

Dogs have a short memory; they don’t remember what was done five minutes ago.

how to punish a dog

The basic principle is consistency.

In matters of education, the owner needs to be consistent. For example, an animal stole a piece of meat from a table, for which it was reprimanded. And next time she wanted to do the same, but you are in a good mood and decided not to pay attention, you can’t do this.

If in your house it is forbidden to carry food from the table, then this misconduct should always be punished, regardless of whether the owner is in a good mood or in a bad mood. For the same act and reckoning should be the same, without exception.

The owner of a four-legged friend should not be touched by compassionate glances, otherwise the pet will simply not understand what can be done and what cannot.

Ways of punishment

Not sure how to punish your dog for disobedience? The easiest and most correct way is verbal discontent, that is, the owner reports the animal. During the conversation, you can not raise your voice and scream, this can provoke an aggressive state of the pet.

The owner needs to keep calm. With a straight face, you need to suspect the dog by name, bend over, look straight in the eye and start in a stern voice a conversation that she is doing wrong and cannot be done that way. In the conversation it is recommended to use the words "can not" and "fu." In no case should you wave your arms in front of the animal's face.

How can you punish a dog for disobedience? Minor misconduct should be punished minimally. The prankster needs to be scolded and not respond to his attempts to communicate for several hours.

dog punishment for disobedience

If necessary, a slight physical impact is allowed, but only if the animal does not perceive words. For this purpose, a newspaper or paper twisted into a tube is used. But do not wave your face in front of the muzzle, the dog may bite.

When answering the question of how to punish a dog for disobedience on the street and at home, one should not forget about water educational measures. If you spray on the pet during the "crime" with water, then he will calm down right away. For this purpose, you can use a conventional spray gun - as soon as you catch a dog for an illegal activity, direct several jets at it. As a result, you get a calm animal.

What can be punished?

When punishing a dog for disobedience, you cannot use a leash, collar or other things. Even if you punish your pet with one of these items once, it may make him reluctant to use them further. An ordinary newspaper will act very effectively.

A slap of rolled-up paper is completely painless, but is accompanied by an unpleasant noise. And in combination with a formidable voice, this measure will become a truly serious punishment. If the situation is such that it is impossible to do without physical impact, then you can slightly slap the dog with his palm. At the same time, it is important that she does not see the owner’s hands in action, and, of course, you can not swipe at the dog. Otherwise, it will begin to be afraid of you, and a wave of any person will provoke aggression and attack.

Not sure how to punish a dog? In no case should you beat the animal or kick it with your feet. Firstly, it is absolutely inhumane, and secondly, it can cause a negative attitude towards the owner and his shoes. It will be very difficult to walk with such an animal, as it will wait for a catch from your legs. It is also inadmissible to kick a pet in the stomach, hit on the head, pull by the tail, and also cause other types of pain.

how to punish a dog for disobedience on the street

How to punish a puppy?

A puppy is still that shkodnik, he constantly has to be educated and follow the actions. How to punish the little one so that later he would not be afraid of his master. Dog handlers are advised to imitate maternal behavior. When the dog does not like the puppy's behavior, then it begins to growl for preventive purposes. If the baby does not calm down, then she takes his teeth by the withers and begins to shake. When the owner reproduces maternal behavior, it is not strength and degree of physical impact that is important, but the fact of disapproval.

how to punish a dog for disobedience

Prohibited Tricks

You now know how to punish a dog if it does not obey. But there are also prohibited methods:

  1. It is forbidden to beat a dog! She will turn into a clogged and cowardly creature living in continuous fear. After all, owners love their pets, so they must restrain themselves and learn the humane effects on behavior, without causing physical pain. Doubt if the dog understands when it is being punished? They are very smart and loyal creatures, so often they catch what the owner says. This does not require the use of force. Harassment is not education, but humiliation and cruelty!
  2. No need to shout at the animal. If you have a small puppy in front of you, a cowardly creature will grow out of it, and an adult dog may begin to show aggression in response.
  3. In no case should you lock the animal without food and water in a confined space. She did not understand that it was a punishment, but she held a grudge.
  4. If in the process of educational conversation the dog lay down on his back, pressed his ears, bowed his head, then you should urgently stop scolding her. She understood and admitted her guilt, the continuation of such a conversation may frighten her.

Dog handler tips

So, we highlight the main thing:

  1. You need to punish the dog, but on time. After some time, she will no longer be able to remember what she has done, and will not associate this with punishment.
  2. Always control your own emotions. Do not raise your voice or be angry. This will not bring a positive result, but you will lose the trust of the dog.
  3. The severity of the punishment should not depend on the size of the act committed. That is, one should not criticize a gnawed sofa more than a damaged hairbrush.
  4. The dog must be taught commands such as "fu" or "not." This will help to avoid many unpleasant situations.
  5. If one of the household members or family members punishes the animal for misconduct, the rest should not interfere in the process and intercede for it. Otherwise, the dog will not understand that it has committed a bad action. An exception may be situations if, in the process of “parsing a flight”, one goes too far and exceeds the permissible educational measures.
how to punish a dog if she does not obey


To punish a pet or not is a personal matter of each owner. The main thing in this matter is not to go to extremes, so as not to become an enemy, but not to lose the dog’s respect for you, as to the “leader” of the pack.

Love and take care of those who are tamed!


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