Alexander Shmakov: creative path

Alexander Shmakov (1909-1989) - Russian prose writer, researcher, local historian, whose creative activity consisted not only in writing literary works, but also in preserving the historical and cultural monuments of the Urals and Siberia.

Short biography A.A. Shmakova

The author of three dozen books, of which the St. Petersburg Exile is the most famous, went through a rich career: from an employee of a large circulation in the Far East to his own correspondent for the newspaper Pravda in the Irkutsk, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan Regions and Uzbekistan. Accurate verification of facts, reliability, clarity of published information were the main criteria in the work of the writer.

Alexander Andreevich Shmakov

A native of the Krasnodar Territory, Alexander Andreevich Shmakov, whose biography is a vivid example of determination and love for his native land, began working as a slaughterer in the Far East, then worked as a locksmith at the plant. From 1931 to 1935 he served in the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army as a commander of a communications company, after which he was a literary officer in the military press. Behind the shoulders remained studying at the metropolitan institute of linguistics. Gorky and the Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent. In 1964 he worked in the writing organization of the Chelyabinsk region as executive secretary.

A. Shmakov: “Petersburg exile”

The first publications of essays and short stories took place in 1930 in the garrison edition "On Guard of the Homeland" and the regimental multi-circulation. In 1941, the book “Tales of Son and Mother” was presented to readers, in 1951, the historical novel “Petersburg Exile” about the exile to Siberia of the Russian revolutionary writer Alexander Nikolayevich Radishchev, the work on which the author began in 1939.

alexander shmakov
The central theme of the work is the fate of a man who dared to bring the word of truth in the "cruel age" and for this reason became rejected and persecuted. Even close people, seeing the negative attitude of the state towards him, moved away and turned away. Alexander Shmakov masterfully managed to penetrate into the deep spiritual world of the heroes of the novel and truthfully conveyed pictures of folk life.

In the process of working on the novel, the writer conducted a huge research activity, studied a large number of sources concerning A. Radishchev. The colossal work done in the archives of Krasnoyarsk, Tyumen, Irkutsk, Tobolsk became a huge scientific school for the writer, who developed a passion for finding information and a thirst for knowing the unknown.

Dedicated to Beloved Urals

After moving to Chelyabinsk in 1952 for permanent residence, Alexander Shmakov took up the study of the history of the Urals, traveled this region up and down, met people, wrote down stories and songs, studied newspapers and magazines of past years.

Alexander Andreevich Shmakov biography
The search results resulted in such books as: “Fadeev in the Urals”, “Letters from Lausanne”, “In Literary Intelligence”, “Our Literary Yesterday”, “Gorky and the Urals”. The works of Alexander Andreevich Shmakov were translated into many languages, some of them were published under the pseudonym Al. Alexandrov.

Alexander Shmakov was a man who knew how to appreciate other people's literary work and managed to bring to life dozens of names, such as P. Paduchev, P. Vtorov, M. Chuchelov, S. Uzhgin, A. Turkin - writers who are not indifferent to the history of the Urals and were able to write about beloved land is interesting and truthful. Shmakov sought that talented works reached their readers. Acting as a deputy at various meetings, he sought to perpetuate the memory of poets and prose writers in street names and memorial tablets.

Son of his time

Purposeful local historian and researcher, talented writer and journalist, professional social leader. Tall, slender, fit, with a lot of bold ideas and promising projects. The son of his land and his time. A simple and sincere man who served honestly and disinterestedly in his land, in his homeland - Alexander Andreevich Shmakov.


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