How to respond to the insult with smart words: recommendations

Sometimes in life there are situations when you have to listen to completely utter strangers, or, conversely, loved ones, negative statements, reproaches, and mockery. What comes to mind in such a situation? Of course, the desire to throw a harsh phrase in response. Is it always necessary to do this, and how to respond to the insult with clever words, we will consider in this article.

How to respond to the insult with smart words

What types of insults exist and how to answer them?

  1. Insulting in a rude form (curses, obscene language). Before answering an interlocutor who is openly rude and rude to you, think about whether you should even answer him? After all, answering him in a similar way, you will go down to his level. How to respond to the insult with clever words? In such a case, it would be more reasonable to calmly and coldly put the person you are talking to or let go of any causticity directed at him.
  2. Insults hidden under the guise of irony (mockery). How to respond to the insult with clever words in such a situation? Sharpness must be answered in the same way. For instance:

How to answer an insult correctly
Interlocutor: Something you do not really look after you stayed at work until 10.00 in the evening.

You: Thank you for your concern, but you know, you left work on time yesterday, and you still have some kind of rumpled and untidy look.

General recommendations

Faced with people who, humiliating others, assert themselves, you can anywhere, anytime. It is always important to know how to properly respond to an insult. Below we provide a list of general tips that will help you out of any difficult dialogue to emerge victorious:

  • Be smarter than the one who offends you. You should not stand on one level with a person who, in addition to rude words and witticisms, knows nothing more and does not want to know;
  • If your interlocutor raised his voice at you, then in no case do not shout at him in response. This will only complicate the situation and unbalance you, which, most likely, he seeks;
  • we all have the same rights, and we can express each other whatever we want;
  • do not forget that a person who is trying to piss you off or hurt you with words is worth only regret;
  • learn to turn off emotions. In some situations, a cold and sober mind is still better than temper and aggression;
  • do not be silent. If you hurt your personality, then you need to answer in any case. Otherwise, you run the risk of giving the impression of a rag person;
  • with those people with whom you have yet to contact in any way, it is better to restrain your ardor even more, thinking in advance that such incontinence will definitely respond to you in the future;
  • love yourself and take care of yourself! No matter what anyone tells you, your life is unlikely to change.
    How to culturally respond to an insult

How to respond to the insult with clever words? There are many different psychological tricks. The best of them will be humor. Smile to someone who is trying to verbally hurt or insult you. You disarm it and also keep your nerve cells intact.

We examined how to culturally respond to an insult. We hope that these tips will help you!


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