How to care for a petunia so that it pleases with lush flowering?

Petunia is striking in its variety of colors and exquisite flowering, its ampelous views fascinate with its beauty, and balconies decorated with these plants can be called a work of art. How to care for a petunia, so that it pleased with lush and continuous flowering?

how to care for petunia

Petunia seeds are on sale in the shell and without it; in a capsule, seeds are sown more economically, since they are very small and you can lose them. When buying, be sure to pay attention to the expiration date, otherwise the seeds will not germinate. Petunias are divided into bush species and ampelous. Shrub varieties are suitable for the formation of flower beds and rabatok, ampelous species are good for pots and hanging baskets. How to care for a petunia so that its colorful flowers adorn the garden from early spring to late autumn? The correct and early sowing of seeds affects the time of the plant in the first place.

How to grow petunia from seeds at home? For this, it is necessary to observe several important rules when planting a plant. First of all, you should know that the seeds of petunias are sown on the surface, not dusting the ground and not deepening. It is best to plant in trays, after sowing, moisten the soil with water, then cover the trays with film or glass. If there are a lot of varieties, it is necessary to label containers or set flags with inscriptions in the ground. It is important to keep all greenhouses with petunias in a well-lit place, she loves light. The temperature of the soil should be in the range of 18-20 degrees, since warm earth contributes to the emergence of rapid seedlings: in favorable conditions, they will appear within ten days. At first it will be thin plants, but if you know how to care for the petunia, its sprouts will grow stronger and give a gorgeous bush.

how to grow petunia from seeds at home

Water the plants very carefully, the drops should not fall on the sprout, otherwise they will damage them. The tiny sprouts of petunia should be fed with fortifying fertilizers, in which nitrogen predominates, to build green mass.

With the advent of the first two or three leaves, you can start a pick. How to plant petunia in order not to damage the plant?

how to plant petunia

Sprouts are very small at first, they are easy to break when transplanted. For planting, it is necessary to make a small indentation near the plant and, together with the soil, transfer the bush to a separate small glass. Petunia seedlings require continuous lighting, daylight hours should be about 18 hours. It should be noted that peat tablets are an ideal soil for germinating petunia seeds - one piece will be enough for a small sprout. When after 1.5 months the plant gets stronger, and the roots are wrapped around the tablet completely, it must be planted in a larger glass, be sure to make a drainage hole below, and add soil.

How to care for petunia so that plant growth does not slow down? Be sure to loosen the soil - this will ensure the flow of air to the roots. It is also necessary to fertilize with water with Kemir, urea and gumi fertilizers. Petunia seedlings feel comfortable in wide glasses, if they notice that the roots have completely decomposed throughout the volume, then it is time to plant in a larger container. This occurs during early planting around the end of March; seedlings of four months of age already have flowers. When transplanting into containers, it is necessary to add perlite, ash and vermiculite to the soil.


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