Symbols on clothes: features, decoding and recommendations

On any textile product sewn at the factory, there is a special label with signs that help determine the features of caring for it. Following the symbols on the clothes allows you to extend the life of things and avoid premature damage.

Symbols on labels and their designations

Marking on the product is an integral additional element. On the product label, manufacturers leave a so-called message for each future owner to help them enjoy things as long as possible.

If the owner puts a stain on the product and goes dry cleaning with it, the receiver will be able to easily determine the rules for wearing and caring for the thing according to the symbols on the clothes indicated on the label. Only after studying this data will a decision be made on hand or machine wash and other actions.

By following the recommendations on the product label, you can save it for a long time.

icon labels on clothes list

Decoding of marked elements

The labeling system for clothing care was designed in such a way as not to cause any difficulties for consumers. At first glance, many of these laundry symbols on clothing labels may seem incomprehensible, but having studied them once, everything will become clear.

Conditional basic symbols are elements denoting actions that are allowed to be performed with textile products. All elements applied to the tags are divided into several large groups depending on the method of care for the product and, accordingly, the graphic image. There are only five basic elements, consider a list of icon symbols on clothes:

  1. Drawing a basin filled with water - standard wash.
  2. Triangle - bleaching by special means of all types is allowed.
  3. Square - natural and drum drying is allowed.
  4. Image of the iron - the product can be ironed.
  5. Circle - the item can be dry and wet dry cleaned.

Each group, in turn, contains additional graphic elements that specify the features of caring for a particular thing. The legend on the tags can be found as follows:

  1. Horizontal line - the action should be performed in a delicate mode.
  2. A pair of horizontal lines arranged in parallel - only a special delicate mode is allowed.
  3. The lines located "crosswise" - it is forbidden to carry out any actions.

Depending on these icons, additional recommendations on the type of fabric are attached to each designation.

legend on clothes

Symbols for washing

Symbols on the labels of clothes for washing with a digital indicator indicate the maximum temperature indicator of water that can be used for this product.

  1. Strikethrough basin - the thing cannot be washed.
  2. Basin - the textile product can be washed.
  3. A basin with the number 95 - washing is allowed at a water temperature of 95 ° C, in addition, the thing can be boiled. This symbol generally indicates that caution is not required. Most often, this symbol is found on labels of linen and cotton products.
  4. A basin with the number 60 - the temperature of the washing water should not be higher than 60 ° C. This designation on the label is found in colored items sewn from a thin cotton material or polyester that is resistant to high temperatures.
  5. The number 40 on the basin - wash in water with a temperature index of up to 40 ° C and the use of neutral detergents. This marking is inherent in products from polyester, cotton, melange and viscose.
  6. A basin with the number 30 - the water temperature should not exceed 30 ° C, only neutral detergents are used. This symbol is found on the labels of woolen items that can be washed in a washing machine.
  7. Hand immersed in a basin - only hand washing is applicable to the product, it is forbidden to rub, twist and expose it to other mechanical influences. The temperature indicator of water for hand washing should not be higher than 40 ° C.
  8. A basin with a horizontal line below it is a gentle / delicate wash. Any aggressive mechanical action is prohibited.
  9. A basin with two horizontal lines underneath is a particularly mild wash with plenty of water, a minimal degree of mechanical impact and a short rinse.
dry cleaning symbols on clothes

Gentle Washing Tips

If a “washing” symbol is found on the clothing label with a horizontal strip below it, the following conditions should be observed:

  1. The drum of the washing machine is filled up to a maximum of 2/3 of the permitted limit value.
  2. The rotation speed of the drum is the smallest.
  3. Spin revolutions should not be higher than average (with manual spinning, maximum accuracy must also be observed).

If there is a “wash” symbol on the label with two horizontal stripes, then this decoding of the legend on the clothes consists of the following:

  1. The drum of the washing machine is filled with a maximum of 1/3 of the permissible value.
  2. Drum rotation speed at minimum mark.

The use of the spin function is allowed only at the smallest values, in addition, the time should be reduced. If you plan to squeeze the product manually, you need to do this without twisting. An ideal option for a thing that has this wash symbol on its label is to refuse push-ups altogether.

Conventions on the labels of clothes for washing

Symbols for whitening

Permissible effects on the product during bleaching are indicated by the following symbols on clothing:

  1. The crossed out triangle - a thing with this designation is forbidden to bleach.
  2. Triangle - can be bleached with various oxidizing agents.
  3. Shaded triangle - whitening is acceptable, but with limitations. It is allowed to use products without chlorine and oxygen-containing bleaches.
  4. Triangle with the letters CL - for bleaching, you can use products that contain chlorine.

Symbols for natural drying

Textiles can be dried both naturally and in a machine. As a rule, the “drying” pattern is found on labels only when special conditions are required. If the item can be dried in any way, then there will most likely be no symbols on clothes. How is drying classified?

  1. Quadrangle - drying is allowed.
  2. Crossed out quadrangle - drying is prohibited.
  3. One vertical strip inside the quadrangle indicates that the thing needs to be dried in an upright state.
  4. Two strips inside the quadrangle, located in parallel, are used to indicate the drying of the product in a vertical state without push-ups.
  5. One horizontal strip inside a quadrangle - a thing can be dried only on a horizontal surface in a straightened form.
  6. Two horizontal strips inside a quadrangle located in parallel - drying without push-ups, only on a flat horizontal surface in a straightened form.
  7. An oblique line in the upper left corner of the quadrangle - a textile product can be dried exclusively in the shade.
legend on clothes

Machine drying: symbols on clothing labels

The limitations of machine drying are noted as follows:

  1. Crossed out square with a circle inside - it is forbidden to dry the product in the washing machine.
  2. A square with a circle inside - drying in a washing machine is permissible.
  3. A circle with one dot in the middle - the symbol indicates the delicate drying mode at low temperature (60 ° C). In this case, the loading of the drum and the duration of the cycle should be minimal.
  4. A circle with two points inside - conventional machine drying at a temperature of 80 ° C is permissible.
  5. Crossed-out twisted product - it is forbidden to twist the product during spinning.

Ironing Symbols

The following symbols are used to mark the action of ironing on labels of textile products:

  1. Strikethrough iron - the product cannot be ironed.
  2. Iron - a thing can be ironed.
  3. Iron with one point in the base - a textile product can be ironed with an iron with a temperature regime not exceeding 110 ° C.
  4. Two points on the base of the iron - the maximum heating temperature of the sole of the iron is 150 ° C.
  5. The symbol of the iron with three dots is the maximum heating temperature of the device 200 ° C.
  6. Iron with crossed vertical stripes underneath - the product must not be steamed.
legend on clothing labels

Symbols for professional cleaning

Professional cleaning of textile products is divided into two types - dry (dry cleaning) and wet (aqua cleaning). Both types are carried out exclusively in specialized institutions.

On the product labels to indicate the recommended type of professional cleaning, not only symbols in the form of geometric shapes, but also letters are used. Consider the symbols for dry cleaning on clothes:

  1. P - dry cleaning of the product can only be performed with trichlorethylene.
  2. W - akvahistka is allowed.
  3. A - Use of any kind of chemical is permitted.
  4. F - it is possible to use flammable products.

Dry cleaning elements

Permissible dry cleaning standards are indicated on the labels with the following symbols:

  1. Crossed out circle - dry dry cleaning is prohibited.
  2. Circle - dry cleaning is possible.
  3. A circle with the letter P in the middle - it is allowed to clean the textile using trichlorethylene and other solvents.
  4. A circle with the letter P and a strip below it - limited dry cleaning with trichlorethylene. In this case, it is necessary to observe the water level, temperature conditions during drying, as well as the intensity of the mechanical impact.
  5. Circle with the letter F - trifluorotrichloroethane and hydrocarbons may be used during cleaning.
  6. A circle with the letter F and a strip under it - limited dry cleaning with hydrocarbon and trifluorotrichloroethane (water level, drying temperature and degree of mechanical impact are set individually).
  7. A circle with the letter A - dry cleaning by any type of solvent is allowed.

Conventions for Wet Dry Cleaning

The decoding of the symbols on the labels of clothes for the aqua-player is as follows:

  1. The crossed out circle with the letter F and a strip below it - wet dry cleaning is prohibited.
  2. The letter W in the center of the circle - standard wet cleaning is acceptable.
  3. The letter W in the center of the circle and the strip below it - only delicate wet cleaning is possible with regulation of the liquid level, drying temperature and the degree of mechanical impact.
  4. Two parallel stripes beneath a circle with the letter W in the center - an aquatist for increased delicacy.
Conventions for washing on clothing labels

Material requirements for care

In addition to the recommendations indicated on the labels, there are general rules for caring for natural and artificial tissues.

Natural materials:

  1. Cotton - can be washed at any temperature both manually and in a machine using universal detergents. Shrinkage of the tissue - 3-5%.
  2. Silk is a very whimsical matter that needs delicate care. Only hand wash with special detergents is recommended. Water temperature should not exceed 30˚. It is strictly forbidden to soak silk items; colored items should be washed separately.
  3. It is preferable to wash wool products by hand, but it is not forbidden to use the special “wool” program in washing machines, while detergents should be special. Spin mode is minimal. Drying is exclusively natural in a flattened form on a towel.

Artificial / Synthetic Materials

  1. Rayon, rayon, modal. Hand wash is recommended either in the washing machine at a minimum temperature. Only mild detergents are used to clean these tissues. Shrinkage of the material is 4-7%.
  2. Dacron, polyester, tactile, lycra, polyamide and elastin. Machine washable at 40 ° C with standard detergents. The listed fabrics are afraid of a hot iron.
  3. Supplex and rubberized materials. They are used for tailoring training clothes, for example, sports equipment brand OBS ("OBS"). The legend in the dress design is as follows: after training, you should dry the item, and only then wash it, and only by hand. Spin in a centrifuge is prohibited, slightly remove the water by hand and let the residues drain. Drying clothes from these fabrics is carried out in a straightened position, on the shoulders.


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