"Dubrovsky" - who wrote? "Dubrovsky", Pushkin. The work of A. S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky"

Dubrovsky who wrote

Among the unfinished works of the luminary of Russian poetry Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin, the novel “Dubrovsky” became extraordinary for modern Russian prose. It is original due to the combination of problems in society with a dynamic storyline. Work on the work lasted a little more than six months, but it was published only eight years later, in 1841, in the volume of Pushkin's posthumous writings. Rumor has it that according to the author’s plan, the end could have been different, but for many generations of readers who are fond of this book, they can not imagine a different development of events.

Perception of the novel

The novel "Dubrovsky", the author of which is brilliant in the representation of all, without exception, the inhabitants of the country, is perceived as completely finished, although he did not receive a final artistic treatment; some plot episodes remained unworked, the motives of the heroes' behavior are not completely clear, and there is no proper depth in the image of the main characters. In fact, they are very static, and the reader is forced to independently imagine their human features. Only a detailed study of the drafts made it possible to understand the concept of the novel Dubrovsky. The author gave thought to his followers. A number of hypotheses were put forward about the reasons for the incompleteness of the novel and its possible continuation.

Writing process
Dubrovsky author

The novel "Dubrovsky" Pushkin wrote enthusiastically, and then suddenly cooled down to the process and then did not return to work. A possible reason for the cooling is the interest in Pugachev’s History and the first drafts of the Pugachev novel. Among Pushkin’s works, this work simultaneously became a step from Belkin’s Tales to a modern socio-psychological novel and a step to the historical novel The Captain's Daughter. In the novel “Dubrovsky”, Pushkin is guided by the concepts of brevity, accuracy and simplicity, which are key for his work. The main narrative principle was the alternation of compressed authorial characteristics of the characters with the image of specific scenes with their participation.

The appearance of the intent of the novel

Very restrained and concise, Pushkin's work Dubrovsky characterizes the life and customs of the local nobility. The author uses accurate analytical prose, trying to be as objective as possible, but remaining human and from time to time giving direct assessments of actions and releasing ironic remarks.

Dubrovsky Pushkin

With its freshness and originality, the novel evokes associations with the works of Western European and Russian writers of the 18th – first third of the 19th century. Many scholars of Pushkin’s work think that Schiller’s drama “The Robbers”, Kapnist’s comedy “Yabed” and many revealing plays about venal servants of Russian justice gave impetus to the creation of the novel. But in fact, the writer was inspired by the story of the Belarusian nobleman Ostrovsky, who was told to him by a Moscow friend P.V. Nashchokin. The essence of the story is that the property was illegally taken from the landowner, after which he became a robber and ended up in prison.

This story, supplemented by the facts of the court proceedings, became the basis of the novel. Thus, the writer sought the maximum reliability and even documentary of the novel. There is evidence of such veracity - in the second chapter, with virtually no change, the text of the document of the court decision in the case of one of the landowners, who lost their estate, is given. Only the names of the heroes of the lawsuit are replaced by fictional ones - Troekurov and Dubrovsky.

But the author of the book "Dubrovsky" was not limited to the judicial chronicle and oral stories about lawlessness, which have long become a typical everyday occurrence. Many social and moral problems of victims of arbitrariness of higher authorities were organically interwoven into the plot. According to the great V. Belinsky, Pushkin’s novel Dubrovsky is one of the “poetic creations” reflecting Russian society.

"Dubrovsky" - who wrote and what conflicts were the basis?

Some time before the start of work on the novel, namely in February 1832, Alexander Sergeyevich was awarded a special presentation from Emperor Nicholas I. It was a collection of laws of the empire in 55 volumes. Such a sign of royal disposition was supposed to show the poet the full power of legislation. In the novel “Dubrovsky” (everyone who wrote it, everyone knows) there is no longer the romantic pathos inherent in the early works of the poet. Here the poet demonstrates the influence of laws on the daily life of nobles, their dependence on power and complete submission. The main idea of ​​the work is that, in fact, in the novel, all laws are replaced by the law of power, wealth and nobility.

Pushkin's Dubrovsky novel
The plot of the novel is developing very dynamically, combining two conflicts of a different nature. The first conflict, the main events of which occur in the first volume, is an intra-class one with a bright social connotation. Neighbors, former colleagues and even old friends collide in it. This is a wealthy landowner, retired general-general Kirill Petrovich Troekurov, and a small nobleman, lieutenant Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky, who wrote a statement to the court about the impudent replica of the Troekurov’s hound, which humiliated Dubrovsky. There was a conflict of pride between Dubrovsky and Troekurov, which grew into a property conflict with a focus on social inequality, which predetermined the outcome of the lawsuit. Troekurov was assisted by corrupt judges and perjury neighbors.

description of Dubrovsky
The second conflict of the novel is family-household. This is a typical everyday situation - marriage in captivity. Masha Troekurova is forced to marry the old Prince Vereisky. The problem of family lawlessness, the question of the right to love regardless of public views and prejudices, is widely covered. Also touched on the theme of the struggle of love passion and moral duty.

The central heroes of conflict

In both conflicts, the main figure is Kirill Petrovich Troekurov, who oppresses both Dubrovsky and his own daughter. The image of the Russian master becomes a true embodiment of tyranny and arbitrariness. This is a real despot who does not care about other people's opinions and other people's desires. He is not through his fault, but because of his social position. He is rude, spoiled and voluptuous. It is necessary to add to these features the lack of education, and you get a man of "ardent temper" and "limited mind." The arbitrariness of Troekurov is vividly demonstrated in his treatment of home, guests, and teachers of his daughter. The author, however, finds several noble features in the hero. For example, he feels remorse, worrying about property taken from Dubrovsky, and even tries to make peace and return the property.

Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky has a reader who sympathizes with his sad fate. But the author does not idealize his hero, noting the presence in his character of temper and stubbornness, as well as susceptibility to momentary emotional changes. And jealousy is familiar to him, and even as a manager he does not shine, because he does not succeed in correcting his condition. The main feature of Dubrovsky is noble pride, which does not allow him to accept the protection of Troekurov. Dubrovsky also turns out to be a kind of despot and excludes the very possibility of the wedding of his son and Masha Troekurova, considering it a mercy, unworthy of a nobleman. In court, the hero shows carelessness and intransigence, relying on the justice of the judges. His fate is a demonstration of the superiority of lawlessness over honesty.

Vladimir Dubrovsky - righteous feeling or blood feud?

The main character Dubrovsky continues the fate of his father. Judicial arbitrariness and tyranny of Troekurov literally pushed Vladimir out of his native environment into lawlessness. The hero is perceived by a noble robber and an honest avenger, since he does not seek to conquer someone else's, but wants to return what belongs to him by right. This is not the domestic Robin Hood, but a man who, by chance, was in such circumstances and can not otherwise. The extraordinary fate of Dubrovsky is based on everyday circumstances. The author of the novel “Dubrovsky”, who painted portraits of romantic villains in “Eugene Onegin”, renounced the heroes with “world grief” in his soul and created his noble robber expressing open protest against the state that is robbing him of the future. Philosopher S.P. Shevyrev noted that the robber Dubrovsky is the fruit of public lawlessness covered by law.

Description of Dubrovsky: who is he really?

Pushkin Dubrovsky's work

It was not for nothing that Alexander Pushkin noted: Dubrovsky, thanks to the frequent change of appearance and behavior patterns, becomes similar to other impostor heroes - Otrepyev and Pugachev. In the novel, he appears either as a guard officer, accustomed to a carefree life, then as a loving son, then as the avenger and chieftain of a gang of robbers. He is courageous and cold-blooded when he enters Troekurov’s house under the guise of a teacher Deforge, but is sentimental and indecisive in scenes of romantic dates.

Description Dubrovsky differs in silence and understatement. The reader between the lines can understand what kind of qualities characterize this personality. Until the 11th chapter, the true nature of the calm and bold teacher Deforge is not spoken of. Dubrovsky’s existence in a gang of robbers is also hazy. There are references to the fact that the leader of the gang is famous for its intelligence, courage and generosity. The rumors and rumors of frightened landowners make Dubrovsky the robber a truly legendary person. The second volume of the novel, despite a large number of omissions, provides more information about the feelings of the robber. He is smart and prudent, as well as knowledgeable about all the events in the house of Troekurov, especially about the appearance of Prince Vereisky and his matchmaking to Masha. Under the guise of a French teacher, he goes to Troekurov for maintenance. Dubrovsky is an avenger, but he cannot avenge Troyekurov, as he is in love with Masha and will not raise his hand to her family.

The hero’s love passion is higher than revenge, and Dubrovsky forgives Troekurov.

The main thing in the second volume is the tragedy of the hero’s unfulfilled love, the inaccessibility for him of simple family happiness, to which he aspires with all his heart. Only before leaving the Troekurovs' house does he open to Masha and confesses his feelings. Masha is at a loss. She does not meet mutual recognition, but gives a promise to resort to the help of Dubrovsky in case of need.

The main character of the novel is Masha Troekurova and her experiences

Seventeen-year-old Masha Troekurova is beautiful and fresh. She attracts not only Dubrovsky, but also the elderly dandy of Prince Vereisky, who wooed her. Masha is too young to even think about marriage. She is attracted to Dubrovsky, who, under the guise of Deforge, amazes the girl with his courage, and under the real name interests her in his unusualness, but even marriage with him is frightening, because moral standards about a possible marriage with a person of her circle are deeply rooted in her, but not a teacher or a robber. But marriage with Prince Vereisky terrifies the girl. She begs her father not to destroy her, not to take her life and to listen to her. Realizing the futility of her requests, she writes a letter to Prince Vereisky, begging to refuse the wedding, but the letter has the opposite effect, and the wedding is inevitably impending. Despite her youth, Masha turns out to be a determined girl, and in a hopeless situation, she finds the strength to turn to the robber Dubrovsky for help. She is waiting for help until the last moment, but after she has taken the vow of eternal fidelity, she realizes that there is no way out, and when Dubrovsky attacks their carriage in the forest, she refuses to leave with him. This shows not only honesty, but also the dedication of the girl, as well as the morality of the robber, who gave her the right to choose and reconciled to her choice.

Honest robber Dubrovsky

Dubrovsky content

Pushkin's story, despite its incompleteness, attracts with its sincerity and sore problems. The author seems to want to point out that being outside the law does not always speak of natural hardness of heart. But every evil entails inevitable retribution. The appearance of Troekurov on the Dubrovsky estate becomes the cause of mass indignation of the peasants and the manifestation of cruelty on their part. And the night fire in Kistenevka, organized by Vladimir Dubrovsky, who knew nothing about the locked messengers of Troekurov, became the forerunner of a popular rebellion.

Why is the novel obsolete?

The novel “Dubrovsky” is Pushkin’s story about the causes of mass unrest, the spontaneous discontent of peasants, a full-scale war, which is fully depicted in the subsequent works of the author.

Of those who explored the Dubrovsky novel, who wrote about the robbers of his gang? One can only assume that these are former Kistenevka workers, runaway peasants and soldiers. Only at the end of the novel it becomes obvious that the interests of the leader of the gang and his accomplices do not coincide. Inside their group there is no partnership, there are the same lordly-humiliated relations when the servants obey their master. The last chapter of the novel evokes associations with the novel "The Captain's Daughter", where the same songs are sung, and the end of the novel evokes thoughts about the continuation of a real popular war. After the thought about possible family happiness with Masha is lost for the hero, he dissolves his gang and hides abroad. In parting, he tells his accomplices that they are unlikely to return to an honest life, but nevertheless, after his departure, the roads become free and the robberies stop. The last thought of the novel is very pessimistic, since the hero’s departure abroad is both his personal defeat and the defeat of the whole country in the struggle for freedom, honor and love.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26912/

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