Copernicus Museum in Warsaw: permanent exhibition, exhibitions and events. Center of Science "Copernicus"

A unique educational space in which there is everything to captivate for the whole day not only children but also adults is the Science Center in Warsaw.

The building was built in the very center of the capital on the banks of the Vistula. The project was developed by young Polish architects, with whom they signed a contract after winning one of the competitions held in 2005.

what to see in Warsaw

basic information

The complex of the Center of Science includes:

  • a two-story building with an area of ​​15,000 m 2 , where permanent and temporary exhibitions are held, as well as conference rooms, laboratories, restaurants, workshops, office rooms, a cafe and a garden (on the roof);
  • underground garage;
  • viewing platform;
  • multimedia planetarium;
  • underground workshop;
  • Discovery Park with an amphitheater and gallery.

Traveling the Territory

The building of the Science Center and the Copernicus Museum houses over 400 exhibits.

Copernicus Museum

Often one-time exhibitions are held here, which vary depending on the month. Here is a list of some of them:

  • Microworld - photographs and films show tiny microorganisms.
  • Workshop - a place where you can make a discovery without time frames, evaluation and expected results in advance.
  • Man and the environment - here the visitor himself is an exhibit, and his body becomes the object of observation.
  • Zone of Light - a pavilion that plunges into twilight and talks about light.
  • The world in motion - will explain how sound waves diverge, why a tornado occurs;
  • Generation is a gallery dedicated to emotions.
  • Teatr Robotyczny is a theater where RoboActors work.
  • Bzzz! - an exhibition for the smallest.
  • The High Voltage Theater is a place where at every step you will find sounds of atmospheric discharges and zigzags of lightning.

Planetarium Niebo Kopernika

The building, built in 2011, functions as a museum in which cognitive films in 2D and 3D formats are shown on a spherical screen. Also, during the show, visitors listen to lectures, music and live watch the stars in the sky.

The interior is designed as a projection hall with a spherical screen (diameter 16 m) hanging on giant chains above the audience. The convenient location of 137 seats allows you to fully enjoy the image of the sky.

Copernicus sky planetarium

The heart of the planetarium is a giant projector created using Japanese technology specifically for the Science Center and the Copernicus Museum. It has 32 lenses installed, each of which supports a plate on which a fragment is depicted, allowing you to accurately represent the starry sky. This modern system boasts an incredibly huge database of astronomical objects, including their properties and positions. The described function allows you to travel through the solar system, to observe spacecraft, planets and their satellites at a very close distance. All equipment of the system is equipped with special remote control blinds, and the software shows the starry sky not only from a certain point on the earth, but also from anywhere in the solar system.

Thanks to all these technologies, during a visit to the planetarium, people get the impression of immersion in the world of stars, which is impossible to do in ordinary life.

Świat w ruchu (Peace in Motion)

A gallery called “The World in Motion” is the most popular and most visited place. After a recent update, the number of exhibits increased to 80 pieces. Some were built in the workshops of the Scientific Center, others were ordered from the best designers in the world, and the old ones were improved.

The exhibition offers opportunities for independent experiments. The increase in the number of gadgets has led to the fact that humanity has ceased to live in the real world, replacing it with a virtual one. People are less and less admiring the environment and do not think about the essence of the events around them.

museums in Warsaw

For ease of perception of information, the expositions are divided into thematic groups, and the possibility of independent experiments will allow you to find out what not a single school textbook will tell.

Here the dream of children will come true not only to see the crater on the moon, but also to feel like Neil Armstrong.

"Discovery Park"

The zone is located between więtokrzyskie Bridge and the Science Center building. A whole team of professionals worked on the project: from engineers to artists and landscape designers.

In the "Openers Park" you can not only experiment with sound at various expositions, but also relax on the banks of the Vistula. In the summer months, this zone turns into a center of astronomical observations and film screenings.

Copernicus Science Center Warsaw

Opening hours

The table provides complete information on the working hours of the Copernicus Museum in Warsaw (2017 and 2018).

Science Center (September - December)
Tue - Fri9.00 - 18.00
Sat - sun.10.00 - 19.00
2018 (January - March)
Tue - Fri9.00 - 18.00
Sat - sun.10.00 - 19.00
April June
Tue - Fri8.00 - 18.00
Sat - sun.10.00 - 19.00
July August
Tue - sun.10.00 - 19.00
* the center is closed on Mondays

Ticket prices

  • Preferential - for children and adolescents aged 2 to 19 years, graduate students and students under 26 years of age and pensioners aged 65 years, as well as persons with disabilities and their guardians. Purchases are made only with a passport, student or school ticket, a copy of a disability certificate and a document with a photograph.
  • Mini-laboratories - every weekend at the Science Center, 45-minute classes in Polish are held, which can be attended by children no younger than 9 years old. An adult guardian must be present with participants in the event under 13 years of age. One adult is allowed to bear responsibility for three children.

Screening of the film at the planetarium is in Polish. However, leaving an identity document or a security deposit in the form of 300 PLN at the checkout, you can purchase headphones and listen to the English version.

crater on the moon

Science center
Preferential18 PLN
Full price27 PLN
Lab classes (weekend)
Workshop of robots9 PLN
Preferential16 PLN
Full price22 PLN
Preferential (3D)21 PLN
Full price27 PLN
Family (2D)60 PLN
Family (3D)75 PLN
"Straight from the sky" grace16 PLN
"Straight from the sky" full price22 PLN
Jazz orbit30 PLN
A concert in the radiance of stars30 PLN

Should I visit the Copernicus Science Center (Warsaw)?

Unfortunately, a small number of our compatriots visited the museum. However, a lot of comments were left on the forums and websites of travelers, from which it became clear that the Center of Science was impressed and disappointed by the Russians.


  • The description of the exhibits is only in English and Polish, which is inconvenient, since the Warsaw Museum has a lot of stands where you need not just to read, but to understand the functionality of the devices.
  • Most of the exhibits are broken or in semi-working condition.
  • A lot of people, especially on weekends. The main time spent visiting the queue.

Copernicus Museum in Warsaw

It was also noted that visiting the Science Center among visitors caused extremely enthusiastic emotions. Yes, the queues are really tiring, but it's worth it to see the Crater on the Moon exhibit, go to the gallery and feel like a child who is learning the world around him again, through experiments, getting to know science and observing how the Solar System works.

Unusually interesting for our compatriots became "Electrobalt", presented in the form of an electronic poet who writes poetry on order, and after a while recites them.

What to see in Warsaw on Museum Night?

In the spring of this year, 234 institutions opened their doors, among which there were 50 museums. As you can see, the choice is huge, so we recommend visiting those places that, judging by the reviews, were liked by most of the inhabitants and guests of Warsaw.

  1. Łazienki Królewskie. Lazenki Park, starting from the 18th century, still holds the title of the most beautiful landscape complex of the city, admiring its greenery and architecture.
  2. The Copernicus Museum was also included in the list of must-see places, where at the High Voltage Theater, experimenters were shown powerful charges and how to subordinate them.
  3. Pauline. The Museum of the History of Polish Jews invites you to enjoy music recorded on vinyl discs. In addition, here you can learn the secrets of the gramophone mechanism, create an orchestra and play your own instruments.
  4. Wedel. If you are not a fan of museums and still have not found what to see in Warsaw, we suggest you sign up for an excursion and go to a chocolate factory. You will be shown the most modern production line in Europe under the name "Venus", invited to the workshop of chocolate rarities, where handmade sweets are made. The chocolate layout of the city, which was authored by maestro Janusz Profus, will leave a great impression.
  5. The money center will talk about banking. Here you can see a million Polish zlotys in banknotes, a unique collection of coins, a gold bar weighing 12.5 kg, a presentation of the design and the production of local money.


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