The tale of the wolf. How to interest a child?

It's no secret that kids love fairy tales. Want to please the child another of them? A fairy tale about a wolf, for example, can be a great option. So which one is better to dwell on? The tale of the wolf can have different plots. Let us consider this issue in more detail.

The tale of the wolf. Familiar stories

Tales about the wolf for children are very diverse. Many of them, of course, have long been familiar to your children. Recall, for example, the tale of a wolf and a fox, which wittily and deftly deceived the protagonist by sending him to fish with his tail. It makes fun of stupidity as a human vice.

Another famous tale is about a wolf and seven kids. Justice triumphs in it, and good, as usual, conquers evil.

The tale of the gray wolf and Ivan Tsarevich, on the contrary, portrays the wild beast as faithful subjects of the protagonist. In a word, there are simply a myriad of options in Russian folk art (and not only).

fairy tale about the wolf

Composing a new tale

However, you can do something more interesting! That is, to compose a fairy tale about a wolf yourself! Connect your imagination, creativity. Children will appreciate your efforts.

It might look something like this. The plot is based on the friendship of a wolf and a fox. Walking through the woods in search of food, they begin to argue about where to get it. The wolf offers to catch a bunny. However, the fox does not want to chase him at all. She insists on going to the village. At the dawn, they do so. Friends go into the barn with hens, but the fox does not have time to grab the prey, as the rooster wakes up at the wrong time and starts screaming. Friends have to return to the forest. They also fail to steal the catch from the fishermen near the ice hole. As a result, all the friends' trips are in vain, and they still have to work hard to finally have lunch. That’s the moral - “you can’t easily take a fish out of a pond!”

fairy tales about the wolf for children

Imagine with your child

A fairy tale about a wolf can be invented in conjunction with your baby. Thus, you will get the opportunity to help your baby learn to solve some difficulties, find a way out of difficult situations, and, most importantly, you can have fun and interesting time with your child. You can connect to the composition and other family members - dad, grandmother, grandfather.

If it’s hard for you to come up with a plot, you can just remake some old tale. It is enough to just start changing it, and you yourself will get a completely new story. You can introduce another character into the fairy tale, or you can endow old heroes with other character traits. Add new circumstances, redo the ending, in general, fantasize all together! It is very interesting!

compose a fairy tale about a wolf

Use pictures and associations

A fairy tale about a wolf will be perfectly composed if you use a variety of illustrations. Pick up the necessary series of pictures in advance. These can be subject or subject illustrations, as well as children's drawings. Take any of them at random and start the tale. The narration will continue as the pictures are replaced by each other. You can also use books with a large number of illustrations. Open the page at random, view the picture and compose.

And another option is to use associations. Take a certain series of words from a fairy tale. For example: wolf, goat, kids, cabbage, voice. Add a new word to them. For example, a telephone. Think about how events will now unfold, what will happen now.

In a word, just turn on your imagination. Be sure that you will spend your time with benefit and interest, and the baby will surely be satisfied with the result.


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