What to give a man on February 23? Gifts for February 23 to men. Creative gifts for February 23

The era of the USSR has long sunk into oblivion. But many of the traditions brought out by our grandparents and parents from there have been so absorbed in consciousness and life that it is impossible to erase them with any political upheavals and ideological innovations. New Year, March 8 and February 23 became truly national holidays.

To the question of meaning

What to give a man on February 23? Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity in most of the post-Soviet space around the end of January begin to puzzle over this issue. That is, as soon as the "New Year", Christmas and Epiphany celebrations are "exhaled". There are several reasons for this boom. Gradually, this day ceased to be the official professional holiday of the military - it began to be called in Russia “Day of Defender of the Fatherland,” that is, male in general. Indeed, to defend the homeland, serving in the army is not necessary. They’ll also take a volunteer. Hence the task: what to give the man on February 23, so that, on the one hand, there is some hint of appeal and gratitude for the excellent, dedicated service, and on the other, just to emphasize that they see support and support in him, regardless of availability / lack of shoulder straps and shoulder straps.

what to give a man on February 23

Practical approach

This is an ideological aspect. And there is a purely practical one, which also seriously affects our decision: what to give a man on February 23? After all, the cherished March 8 follows, when women really want to get not only a modest bunch of tulips, carnations, snowdrops or mimosa, but also something "sort of" in addition. Stylish, beautiful and expensive. That is worthy of themselves. But ... As he comes around, he will respond. This means that the more attention we devote to the search for what to give a man on February 23, the more interesting and original our presentations will be, the better return we can expect from them. So, dear ladies, be generous and creative! Follow the rule about the time of scattering of stones and their collection!

Comrades and colleagues

gifts for February 23 to men
Let's start with the official moments. What gifts can I pick up for employees on February 23? Of course, one should proceed from several parameters: the gender ratio of team members, financial capabilities, the general mentality of the company (company, enterprise), work profile, and so on. Let's start with simpler options. Order beautiful registered cups of the same size, shape (different colors can be used) with saucers, or devices with zodiac signs. Naturally, first find out under what constellations your colleagues were born. Good gifts for employees on February 23 are writing instruments (good pens, coasters for them, paperweight, notebooks, diaries, notebooks, etc.), convenient calculators. If you cooperate in the office sector, then disks with the necessary computer programs, various kinds of useful utilities will do. Inexpensive, but beautiful wall clocks are also quite men's gifts. And don't forget the greeting cards! Flowers, even the most modest, have not yet been canceled!

From painting to money tree

The gifts listed above for February 23 to men can be attributed to the standard. But it’s worth a little imagination - and boring officialdom turns into a pleasant entertainment. Women at the entrance to the corridor of the building where the team is working can hang a greeting poster or a small banner with their own hand. If you prepare for the holiday in advance, you can instruct one of the employees to take funny photographs of colleagues and arrange them as portraits, in frames, and then place the heroes of the occasion at work. Such gifts for February 23 to men are gifts with a hint: women want to congratulate them not for the sake of a tick, but from the heart. Naturally, this will be counted in the future! Small paintings (landscapes, still lifes), good detective stories (books), CDs with new movies are also great options for presentations. Figurines made of bronze, wood, ornamental stone, intricate key rings - with pleasure your colleagues will accept and appreciate these signs of attention. And finally, gifts for February 23 will be pleasant, with a hint, to colleagues if you give them flowerpots with money or dollar trees. And in words I wish you financial prosperity, a ringing coin in your pocket and other material abundance. If the team has a friendly, friendly atmosphere, with a healthy sense of humor, a colorful version of the gift idea for February 23 will be colorful toy cars. Also, so to speak, a present with a hint of future male solvency!

gifts for February 23 to colleagues

Personal surprises

If between you and one of the employees a more warm relationship of sincere friendship has been established, you know well the tastes and preferences of the men you work with, are friends of families, then the gifts for February 23 may also have a more personal, “intimate” character. For example, it can be original cufflinks, including with inserts from semiprecious or ornamental stones. This stylish accessory will come in handy especially for those men who follow fashion, try to look presentable, hold certain positions. The present in the form of a respectable or elegant modern tie is also noteworthy. And to him the application is a beautiful golden pin. Such a decoration will bring great pleasure - it will be the best gift for February 23 to your good friend. Popular presentations include perfumes, shaving kits and other cosmetic products for men from well-known companies. By the way, all of the above can well be presented as a gift on February 23 to dad, brother, husband and other relatives.

Simple but tasteful

If there are a lot of men in the team, and not enough women, then you can get by with the purely “unofficial” part, that is, set the table. The number of dishes and drinks is regulated by the number of “banquets”. This is either a corporate party in its pure form, or Sabantuy somewhere in the office. Of course, so that your feast is not trivial, make original gifts for him on February 23 in the form of amateur performances. Surely in your team there will be owners of beautiful voices, lovers of the guitar or masters of the accordion. Plus, those who can rekindle the fun, cheer up, in a word, the soul of the company. Various contests (think about them in advance, as well as the menu), riddles, charades, that is, everything that can “warm up the degree” of a party, in addition to alcohol, should be used to the maximum. Thus, you are able to make a gift on February 23 not only for the male part of the team, but also for your loved ones!

For home, for family

inexpensive gifts for February 23
And now let us turn to “family thought,” using the expression of L. N. Tolstoy. Let's open another secret regarding holiday "surprises". They can be made so that not one person uses it, but the whole family. For example, if, as a gift for February 23, daughters and mother bake a large, elegant cake or pie, make a special signature salad, all households can join it. And if you present a beautiful set of glasses, a tea or coffee service, then it will come in handy when the whole family gathers at the table. Also, the list of gifts for February 23 for their continued vintage wines and cognacs, oriental balms, whiskey, and other strong drinks. Little children for dad can make applications, compose congratulatory verses, come up with and draw funny cartoons. Tool kits, exercise machines, ashtrays and smoking pipes, bathrobes and fluffy terry sheets, fishing tackle, an original mobile phone case, high-quality stereo headset or system for a car / computer or other items that meet the interests, hobbies, hobbies of the spouse (father, grandfather and others male relatives living with you under the same roof) - all this fits into the category of gifts "for home, for family" and will bring mutually beneficial benefits. Dear ladies, be practical!


gift for february 23
What other unusual gifts for February 23 to come up with and give to father, brother, son, grandfather? Everything that you are talented is good at. Know how to knit? Tie a scarf, socks, vest, sweater with your own hands. Do you sew well? Shorts, trousers, a T-shirt will please your loved ones. Attend art school? You need cards in hand: draw a family portrait, in the center of which the hero of the occasion will be depicted. Thinking over creative gifts for February 23, make with the children and present the family tree to the head of the family. Let it be the story of your family in photographs, the brightest, most interesting moments for everyone: outings on nature, joint trips, something else that would indicate, emphasize: you are people loving each other. And he, the man in whose honor these creative gifts are made for February 23, really has someone to protect, protect, cherish.

Love wonderful moments

Before that, we talked about presentations for colleagues or family-wide. Now we will talk about how to please a loved one in a personal, so to speak, order. Pleasant and inexpensive gifts for February 23 in this regard are intimate men's underwear and intimate cosmetics. By the way, updating the “lower wardrobe” will not hurt you either! Silk stockings through which female legs, sex-corsets or sets of panties with bras are so seductively revealed, “inadvertently” shown because of the open coat of a dressing gown or cut-out of an open low-cut dress - such a gift for February 23 will seem truly heavenly to her husband, will cause a stormy surge of positive emotions and male powers. Dinner by candlelight, incense sticks, a light dose of alcohol - and both of you are guaranteed an unforgettable night that the newlyweds can envy. The main goal that you will definitely achieve is a memorable, unusual gift for February 23 to your beloved, which will please both. In this case, by the way, on March 8, you can also safely count on something stunning.

Romance for two

unusual gifts for February 23
However, this fountain of useful ideas and suggestions is not limited to us. And although Defender of the Fatherland Day is not one of the major official or family celebrations, nothing prevents you from arranging a wonderful holiday for two. Book in advance for a weekend room in a country boarding house or an inexpensive trip to picturesque places of your native land. Allow time and money - choose a trip to the islands, to exotic countries. Relaxing and basking in the hot sun, “catching the wave”, buying up, sunbathing, “tearing off to the fullest” is the best gift for February 23, when there are frosts or piercing damp winds around the snow. I would like to note that it is better not to find a reason for updating the relationship. Especially if you have been living together for more than a year, and life, problems and affairs have somewhat dulled feelings, a habit has developed for everything, including “conjugal duty”. And such a trip will not only allow you to relax your body and soul, temporarily pushing the hustle and bustle to the side, but also experiencing new impressions, sensations, will give you the opportunity to just be together, chat, open up, show that tenderness and passion that you just forgot about, busy daily routine. And of course, if the trip succeeds, it will clearly want to be repeated! And your married couple will have another legitimate opportunity to have a holiday. And there, you see, it will enter into a good tradition. So dare, fantasize and embody your ideas - a happy family life is worth it!

Holiday is a state of mind

Man assumes, but God disposes. And no matter how bright scarlet sails your dreams and fantasies take away on their wings, far from always they can come true - even with the greatest desire. But a holiday is first of all a state of your soul! And if there is no money for a cool trip, just organize an evening in a cafe or night bar. The bravest ladies may even risk a strip club, if there is one in your locality. Do not say anything to your husband in advance - let everything happen unexpectedly. Just “warm up” it, sending all day sweet, affectionate, playful, with a touch of eroticism SMS. Let his male vanity be flattered, and his mood improve with the approach of the evening. Between the lines, hint at a surprise, and then just make an appointment with your husband - "in the same place, at the same hour." Naturally, you yourself, dear women, will have to make titanic efforts - to be in time before homework and get yourself in full combat look or manage to visit a beauty salon and a boutique of fashionable clothes. In a word, to make sure that, having come completely intrigued on a date, your loved one will completely lose his head from your appearance. It'll be cool! And if then at home you give him a striptease - for the next 100 years your spouse is all yours, with all, as they say, giblets!

creative gifts for february 23

Oil painting

And one more “economical option” of a present to a dear friend for his masculine holiday. Housekeeper in terms of investing, but very generous in terms of tenderness and love. What do you need? A couple of free evenings, a large sheet of whatman paper, labels from chocolates “Mars”, “Bounty”, “Kinder-surprises” (if you have children), cookies “Twix”, inserts with drawings from chewing gum “Love is”, several playing cards (ace of hearts, king of hearts and the same lady), a small photo of a paradise, some of your photos (hugging) or cut from magazines. Plus glue, scissors, felt-tip pens or colored gel pens, it is possible with sparkles. Turn the Whatman paper into a beautiful frame (you can use wallpaper stripes), and then start creating! Turning to your husband, write: “My beloved, magnificent, generous and affectionate,” and then the arrow - and the pasted king (playing card). Nice start, right? Next is the candy wrapper from Super chocolate and the corresponding signatures: “you are an arrow - a label - an arrow - a husband!” The next line: "Next to you, I soar through life like - an arrow - a label from chocolate" The Seagull "." Further recognition: “Thanks to you, mine is every day, and especially night — the true one — and then the arrow to the label from the Bounty.” As you can see, everything is transparent, understandable and very touching! Count and write how many years (or better, translate the number into days, it looks more impressive) you are already together and emphasize that all this time you are inseparable and friendly, like: an arrow - a label from Twix. Swear that you are ready to go after your chosen one even to another planet: an arrow and a candy wrapper from Mars. Note that in bed he is tireless and passionate, real: the arrow is a package of chocolate "Leon". Thank you from the bottom of your heart for the wonderful children who were born thanks to him too. Directional arrows should lead to labels from "Kinder". With the help of sincere, sometimes humorous signatures and prepared pictures, remind your husband those bright moments of life that you experienced together, reveal your feelings more. Do not be afraid to overdo it, confessing your love, thanks and claiming that you want to spend the whole subsequent life only next to him. At the end, subscribe by sticking the “lady” card. Hang the resulting panel in the bedroom and try to make it so that the husband first saw and studied it himself, in private. Such frank tenderness will touch even the most rational and practically thinking man to tears. And you will know for sure: the holiday was a success!

Extreme lovers

Such a surprise-congratulation belongs to the category of completely unconventional ones. But it can work great if your boyfriend or husband lacks self-confidence. You can help him feel like a hero, a superman. And this "present" will also strengthen your position. More precisely, this can be called a present with a slight stretch, but still. Just keep in mind: the proposed option requires a clear, thoughtful organization, a well-developed and rehearsed plan and the presence of a woman or girl reliable male friends, by the way, unknown to her lover. And then everything is simple. You ask your husband (beloved) to meet you there and there or take you somewhere where it’s uncomfortable and scary to get to yourself. An ambush awaits you in a lesson spot. A small brawl ensues (without obvious self-mutilation and the appearance of law enforcement officers), the "bandits" are disgraced and scatter, and the one for whom the production is started, understands that he is cool, that he is indeed the defender of the Fatherland and his lady. Well, what is not a Surprise? Add your own oh-sighs about his masculinity, heroism, dexterity and the fact that your chosen one risked for the sake of love, that next to him you are not afraid of anyone and nothing now ... From now on, until the age of a man will want to demonstrate his best qualities in front of you. This is what wise women from the average men of knights and superheroes do. Honor and praise to both!

Be my husband!

Well, and another rather unusual way to give a man who likes attention signs and even push him to some rather serious steps regarding your joint future (of course, if this is desired and planned, but does not come true due to various reasons and circumstances) . But we warn: this action, like the previous methods, is suitable for girls without complexes, decisive, sort of fighting friends. What do we mean? But did you know that February 23 is a wonderful occasion to make it clear to a man how much you like him? You can give him a gift with a hint, put a note with recognition, verses of your own composition. You can openly say that you love, you want to be together. If you are the first to do it a little awkward, turn to the classics! Remember Tatyana Larina with her famous letter! But now is not Pushkin’s time, manners are liberated and free! Therefore go for it! Quite a fearless lady give another "crazy" advice. Want to get married? And the beloved pulls everything, dissuades and evades? Buy an engagement ring - beautiful, masculine, its size. And of course, of course. Invite a young man on a date. Cafe or your (his) apartment, intimate twilight, soft music (if the situation is private - pick up "Eros"), flowers, wine and candles. A typical picture of seduction, isn't it? And so, when the “client” has matured, reached the right candidacy, give a felt speech, warm and touching. And then, with the movement of a magician, taking out a living hare from the cylinder, remove the wrap from a pocket (or purse, or better from a bra cup) and give it to a friend with the corresponding sentence: "Be my husband!" If within the first ten minutes after the shock the guy does not run away from you, you are sure to get married, you will live long, friendly and happy and die in one day.

In a word, happy end to you and a happy holiday!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26929/

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