How to obtain US citizenship: conditions, necessary documents and methods

The United States of America is deservedly considered a country of great opportunity. The United States is one of the most economically developed countries in the world; it is the recognized leader of the G8. Not surprisingly, many people want to immigrate there, including the Russians. But obtaining US citizenship is not so simple. We will consider the necessary conditions, documents for this procedure, as well as ways to gain involvement in the United States.

Why do you need US citizenship?

The simplest, but also defining question. After all, if many aspire to this country, the goal is determined by specific reasons. Denote them. Obtaining US citizenship, you acquire:

  1. Free access to this country.
  2. Visa-free entry to the vast majority of world states.
  3. Free access to a quality American healthcare system.
  4. The possibility of obtaining education in this country. And with it - grants, scholarships and benefits available to American students.
  5. Guarantee of retirement. And if you can obtain dual citizenship - the United States and Russia, then it will be even more profitable for you. After all, the right to retirement benefits has been acquired in both states.
  6. If you have a son, you can not worry about his future military service. In the United States, it is enough (by free choice) to serve only a month under a contract in the American army.
  7. An opportunity to get a loan without making a deposit in US banks.
  8. Having the citizenship of this country, you can invite your family members for permanent residence.
  9. Opportunity to participate in the US government elections, as well as enter the public service themselves.
  10. When traveling around the world, you will be under the auspices of the American state.
  11. Employment opportunities in major corporations, vacancies in which are open only to US citizens.
dual citizenship in usa

Citizenship Options

How to get US citizenship to a Russian citizen? There are several proven and effective ways:

  1. Birthright. If you were born in the United States, then you automatically become a citizen of this country. Even if, for example, your parents were in the state illegally. This right does not apply only to children of diplomatic workers.
  2. Investing in the American economy. A very costly but proven way to gain US citizenship. The amount of investments for today is at least 500,000 dollars. In exchange, the Green Card is issued to the investor. When re-investing - a permit for permanent residence, and after five years - the coveted citizenship.
  3. Naturalization. One of the most popular procedures in the country whereby a foreigner who has legally arrived in the United States becomes a US citizen.
  4. Military service. If you were contracted in the ranks of the American army, then, according to the laws of the country, after 1 year of service, you have the right to apply for citizenship. At the same time, you will be exempted from paying state duties, and the interview, obligatory in such a procedure, you have the right to go to the place of deployment of your troops. Or in a representative office in another country.
  5. Marriage. US citizenship is most often obtained in this way. You must live at least 3 years in marriage with an American (American). After that, you are eligible to apply for citizenship.
US citizenship

But what about buying a property? Unlike a number of other countries, when a foreigner purchases real estate, he is not issued a residence permit. That is, such a person does not have any privileges in obtaining citizenship. The only plus that he will gain is a profitable investment of his capital.

Now let's look at the popular options in detail.

Citizenship through naturalization

What is naturalization? This is US citizenship:

  • After 5 years of living in this country.
  • After 3 years of marriage with a subject of the state.

An important condition is that you must be in the United States for at least half of the indicated period. In the first case, at least 3 years, in the second - 1.5 years. It will also be a violation if you have been outside the United States for at least 6 months without any serious reason. Remember that applying for citizenship is, first of all, your sincere desire to permanently reside in the country.

Important conditions for naturalization

Here are some important conditions for naturalization:

  • Only adult migrants are allowed to the procedure.
  • The applicant for citizenship must submit an application form (M-476) in the state where he has been at least 3 months.
  • The candidate must be a law-abiding person, a person with high moral qualities. Therefore, offenses, crimes become not only the reason for refusal, but even deportation from the United States.
  • A person who has a criminal record in his biography who has committed crimes related to terror and drug trafficking will definitely get a refusal. If misconduct before the law was committed in a state of intoxication, then this will also alienate a person from American citizenship.
  • The applicant must be fluent in English, speak it, read and write.
  • A future citizen is also required to cope with an exam in the history of the United States, the device of this state.
child usa citizenship

One of the disadvantages of naturalization is the procedure is very lengthy. On average, 6 to 9 months elapse from the date of application to the date of the oath.

Birthright citizenship

A child receives US citizenship automatically if he was born in this country. Therefore, many parents seek to come to the States in order to give their baby this right. There are even special agencies that are engaged in organizing childbirth in the United States.

But privileges do not extend to parents. Foreigners do not receive citizenship if their child has become an American citizen in this way. You can’t even say that such a fact will affect the extension of their visa.

If born in the United States, citizenship is guaranteed. Upon the birth of the mother and father, a certificate is issued. Upon reaching a certain age, the child receives an American passport using this document. But here he can call his parents or next of kin to the United States at the age of 21. And only subject to the conditions that constantly lives or plans to reside in this state.

A child born in another country can also obtain American citizenship. But on condition that one of his parents is a US citizen. In this case, a child may be born even in an unofficial marriage. The main thing is that the parent, an American citizen, recognizes the child and adopts him.

give birth to us citizenship

Double citizenship

Neither in Russia nor in the USA the possession of dual citizenship is unacceptable or illegal. With this fact in Russia, a person will be considered a Russian citizen, in the States - an American. In third countries, he can live under any of his passports at his own discretion.

For the USA, the case of dual citizenship from birth is easier. Or if, for example, you became a citizen of the Russian Federation, being already a subject of the States. But recently, the American state is becoming more tolerant of other cases.

US citizenship Russia

Required documents

Before the procedure, the applicant for American citizenship must collect a package of documents:

  • Application form No. 400 (it can be freely downloaded from the USCIS website - the center for processing such applications of the county where you reside).
  • Two 5x5 color photographs. The picture is necessarily taken on a white background, and printed on thin photo paper.
  • Copy of green card.
  • A receipt confirming payment of state duty for the procedure.
  • A document certifying the repayment of the state fee for fingerprinting (only for candidates up to 75 years old).

Stages of obtaining American citizenship

Both to obtain citizenship of the United States only and US-Russia citizenship, the candidate must go through the following steps:

  1. Submission of the application, together with the indicated documents, to the USCIS office of the county of residence.
  2. Fingerprint Procedure. Fingerprinting takes place at one of the USCIS centers. The fingerprints taken must be checked by the Federal Bureau of Crime Investigation for the involvement of the applicant in the criminal world.
  3. The next stage is an interview exclusively in English. The correspondent asks the candidate about some facts indicated by him in the questionnaire. Then passes an exam on the history and state structure of the country. There may be unexpected questions such as calling a governor of one of the States, recalling the longest American river or the highest mountain peak.
  4. If the interview was successful, then the future citizen is informed about the day of the oath. Sometimes this date can be expected for several months. After the oath, a document is issued according to which it is already possible to obtain a US passport and become a full citizen of the American state.
us citizenship


The procedure for obtaining American citizenship necessarily includes taking the oath. The person repeats the oath after an authorized employee. The future citizen promises to be faithful to his state, the US Constitution, testifies that he will work for the good of his homeland in public or military service.

Now about dual citizenship in the USA. The oath includes the words that a new citizen renounces allegiance to his former country. But in fact it is possible to be a citizen of two countries - for example, the USA and the Russian Federation.

Green Card Lottery

How to get US citizenship to a Russian citizen? Just luck can help you! Every year, a Green Card lottery is held, the purpose of which is to increase the level of "quality" migration to the States. What is this map? This is a document that gives foreigners the right to reside, study and work in the United States. A person with a Green Card can stay in the United States an unlimited amount of time and enjoy all the rights of an American citizen, in addition to participating in elections.

How to get US citizenship to a Russian citizen

The lottery starts every year from the beginning of October. The lucky ones are selected by a random number generator. There are only two conditions for participation in the promotion:

  • Have an education - secondary and higher.
  • Have experience in a profession requiring training from two years.

There are no age restrictions, the requirements for compulsory knowledge of English and the history of the United States. Only your luck!

Now you know how to become a US citizen or give this right to your child. We made sure that the procedure will not be more complicated than in other states.


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