Amorphophallus flower at home: care and growing

An amazing and almost mystical representative of the Aroida family, amorphophallus, is a native of hot tropical and subtropical zones, this vast territory stretching from South Africa to Australia. There are more than 100 species of amorphophallus, and in most cases it is endemic, that is, a species that lives in a limited range. There are specimens of a wide variety of sizes - from dwarf to gigantic.

amorphophallus at home

The habitats of these incredible tuberous plants are secondary rainforests. They are divided into evergreens and species with the change of active and calm periods. Amorphophallus in culture is a flower with a distinct dormant period.

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Lovers of exotic plants seek to grow amorphophallus at home. A photo of an unusual flower “spurs” this desire. This plant has everything unusual - a tuber, aerial parts, a flower and even a smell that not everyone can tolerate. From a tuber grows a single giant leaf, more like a stalk. Its size depends on the type of plant. Growing green mass throughout the active period, the next year he adds in growth and becomes more dissected. Once in a few years, amorphophallus blooms at home, delighting with a single magnificent flower. Growing in a greenhouse, it can bloom annually. The unusualness of the plant emphasizes the completely unconventional smell of rotting protein. In the early days of flowering, it is especially strong, then gradually fades away. This is explained by the fact that in nature flies pollinate the flower, and the smell serves to attract them.

Amorphophallus: home care

The most important factor is determining the location for the flower. He prefers bright diffused light, but cannot develop in the sun. Therefore, it should be protected from direct rays, placing at the window on the east or west side. In addition, amorphophallus is a supporter of moderate temperatures, and even in the most active period for comfortable growth, the air temperature should not exceed 20-24 ° C.

amorphophallus home care

The calendar end of summer coincides with the end of the active period of the plant. The amorphophallus leaf gradually dries and dies, the dormant period begins. Watering at this time is minimal.

Autumn worries

In autumn, tubers need to be removed from the pot, cleaned, carefully inspected, and if they have rotted areas and roots, they are carefully removed. All fresh sections are washed with a strong solution of manganese, powdered with activated carbon and dried tubers. Store amorphophallus at home in the winter (tubers) in a dark place in dry sand containers or in empty containers. It is necessary to periodically check their condition. You can ease your task by leaving the tuber in a pot and putting it in a dark, warm place. Watering is excluded during this period.


In early spring, tubers wake up, as evidenced by the appearance of sprouts on their surface. The soil for the plant must be prepared in advance. Amorphophallus at home develops excellently in a mixture of soils in which leaf and soddy earth, sand, humus and peat are present in equal proportions. Such a composition of the substrate is optimal for amorphophallus and is able to give the plant all the necessary nutrients for growth and development. In addition, due to natural features, a humid climate is suitable for the culture, and such soil retains moisture for a long time. Choosing a container for a plant, they are guided by the following rule - the diameter of the pot should exceed the size of the tuber by 2-3 times. Expanded clay or other type of drainage is laid at the bottom of the container, filling it to a third of the height. Then, up to half the capacity, a layer of the soil mixture is poured, in which a depression is made, it is filled with river sand and a tuber is placed. The remaining soil is gently covered with soil, leaving part of the sprout above the soil level. The plant is watered and put in the usual bright place.

amorphophallus flower at home

Top dressing

During the period of active growth, it is necessary to feed the flower amorphophallus. At home, he will need mineral (nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium) and organic (humus, manure) top dressings, which are introduced alternating from one species to another after 2 weeks. Before August, during the growing season , phosphorus is needed to feed and grow the tuber.

Watering and spraying

Amorphophallus at home is watered moderately, gradually increasing watering, as soon as the growth of an inflorescence or leaf is manifested. Since daughters-nodules and stem roots grow in the upper part of the mother tuber, it is necessary to regularly sprinkle the soil, raising its level and avoiding exposing the children.

amorphophallus flowering at home

Another feature of the exotic culture is the unusual structure of the leaves, which is moisture tight. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly spray the plant, creating a humid habitat as close as possible to natural conditions. For hygienic reasons, amorphophallus leaves are wiped with wet wipes, since dust negatively affects the plant. Moderate watering is carried out as the top soil layer dries.

Amorphophallus: flowering at home

The only inflorescence of an exotic African grows immediately after the next dormant period (provided that the plant is ready for flowering), overtaking the appearance of a new leaf, and blooms for 1-2 months.

amorphophallus cognac at home

The supply of nutrients spent on the formation of inflorescences and its very long flowering significantly reduces the size of the tuber, and usually after flowering, the culture "falls asleep" prematurely. Therefore, annual feeding is an indispensable condition for the good development of culture. The quality care and nutrition that amorphophallus receives at home are aimed at the accumulation of energy by the plant in order to bloom once. This is another amazing feature of an exotic alien.

amorphophallus at home photo

Among the many species of plants, amorphophallus Cognac is worthy of special attention. At home, it is not grown. On plantations in Japan and China, it is cultivated as a food crop. Tubers that taste like sweet potato are dried, chopped and used in traditional oriental cuisine as ingredients in soups and stewed vegetables. They are used to make flour, special noodles and a gelatin-like substance that is subsequently processed into tofu. Eastern healers believe the use of such food normalizes the digestive tract, cleanses the body and reduces weight. In addition, tubers are used as a valuable dietary product that improves blood composition and normalizes cholesterol and sugar levels in it, and is also processed into raw materials for the production of diabetic drugs.


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