"Chopping block", Chingiz Aitmatov: a summary of the chapters. What is the novel "Scaffold" by Aitmatov?

Aitmatov Chingiz Torekulovich is a famous Kyrgyz and Russian writer. His work was noted by many critics, and the works were recognized as truly brilliant. Many of them brought the author world fame. The novel "Scaffold" Chingiz Aitmatov (a summary of the book may be of interest to fans of this writer) was published in 1986.

chopping block chingiz aytmatov summary

The beginning of the work, or the Wolf family

The story begins with a description of the reserve, in which a wolf pair lives. Their name was Akbar and Tashchaynar. In the summer, the she-wolf gave birth to little wolf cubs. Winter came, the first snow fell, and the young family goes hunting. Wolves were unpleasantly surprised when they discovered a huge number of people in the reserve. As it turned out, the latter needed to fulfill the plan for the delivery of meat, and they decided to use the resources of the reserve.

How did the wolves know this? When they surrounded the saigas they were hunting for, helicopters suddenly appeared. Saigas were also the prey of people. A frightened herd rushed, helicopters circled, people racing on UAZs fired, a family of wolves fled ... This is how Chingiz Aitmatov’s novel “Scaffold” began.

novel of Genghis Aitmatov's block

End of the hunt, or New characters

The chase is over. During it, little wolf cubs died, which were trampled by a distant herd of saigas, and one was shot by a man. Only the mother and father remained, Akbar and Tashchaynar. Tired and wounded, they finally got to their lair, but people hosted it, as at home. They put meat carcasses in cars, discussed hunting and had fun.

In the all-terrain vehicle on which the hunters arrived, lay a bound man, whose name was Avdiy Kalistratov. He was an employee of the Komsomol newspaper. Readers liked his articles very much, they had a rather peculiar way of expressing thoughts. The young man’s mother died when he was still small.

Father continued to raise the boy. But after Obadiah entered the school, he also died. The novel "Scaffold", a brief summary of which began with a description of a pack of wolves, forces one to turn attention to the fate of this young newsboy and some fragments of his life.

Aitmat's chopping block Summary

Newspaper employee, or where the drugs come from

After the death of his father, Obadiah was expelled from the state apartment, and he actually remained on the street. Then he decides to go on his first business trip to Central Asia. The management (publishing house of the newspaper) was instructed to trace where the path of drugs began to spread, which were rapidly spreading among young people.

During this assignment, Obadiah met some of the young people involved in the delivery of anasha. One of them was called Petya. He was about twenty years old, and the second, by the name of Lenya, was sixteen in general. The guys rode on the same train with Avdi. During the journey, the newspaperman learns many details of this kind of business and gradually begins to comprehend the problems that lead to this terrible vice - drug addiction.

The novel "Scaffold" Chingiz Aitmatov (a brief summary has already begun to touch on this topic) devotes a number of such problems, which many writers try to keep silent. During further narration, the reader himself will understand what is at stake.

Further acquaintance with the character

After four days of travel, fellow travelers finally reached their destination. On the way, Obadiah learns that the operation is led by someone nicknamed Sam. Of course, the newspaperman did not see him, but he heard a lot about him. From which he concluded that the mysterious stranger is not just incredulous, but also very cruel.

Avdiy and his new acquaintances, Petya and Lenya, went to the village, where they were going to get hold of hemp. But before that, the newspaperman met a brown-eyed girl. She made the most pleasant impression on the young man. Will they meet again? Not yet known.

In the novel "Scaffold" Chingiz Aitmatov (a brief summary will not dwell on such subtleties) describes in great detail the process of collecting the aforementioned drug. One has only to say that the young "merchants", having collected full bags of grass, go on a return trip.

Meeting a mysterious man

The way back was much more dangerous: bags full of grass had to be carried without being caught by the police. But the travelers successfully reached Moscow, and there was a long-awaited meeting with a stranger, whom everyone called himself. In fact, his name is Grishan.

Having talked a little with the newsboy, he immediately realized that he did not go for the goods for profit. And in order to single-handedly fix what thousands are struggling with. They had completely opposite views on life. Grishan wanted Obadiah to leave and not fool his suppliers with unnecessary talk about God and about saving the soul. But the newspaperboy became stubborn. What is Aitmatov talking about next? The chopping block, the summary of which clearly adheres to the described events, continues to reveal the image of the newspaper employee.

chopping block summary

Surrendered Nerves, or Obedia's Stubbornness

In the evening, Grishan decided to annoy the newsboy and allowed his children, who supplied him the drug, to smoke weed. All with pleasure dragged on and in turn offered Abdia. He perfectly understood that Grishan did this on purpose to annoy him, but in the end could not restrain himself, tore a cigarette from the hands of the smoker and threw it away. And then he began to pour out dangerous contents from all the bags.

How did Chingiz Aitmatov describe the reaction of smokers? “Chopping Block” is a novel where the emotions of not only the main character, but also those whom he is trying to set the right path, are quite clearly conveyed. The young man faced with all the cruelty that only drug addicts were capable of. He was mercilessly beaten, sparing no strength. And Grishan watched this scene, not hiding pleasure. Finally, the bloodied Obadiah was thrown off the train. He woke up from streams of rain water.

I had to spend the night under the bridge, and in the morning he saw that his documents had turned into a wet lump, there was practically no money, and by his appearance he resembled an inhabitant of garbage bins. But it was necessary to get home somehow. Further, the novel “Scaffold” by Aitmatov continues to describe the adventures of an unlucky newspaper worker.

The road home, or The disease of a young newspaper

A passing car drove the young man to the station, and there he was almost immediately seen at the police station. They wanted to arrest, but mistook him for a madman and let him go, advising them to get out of here as soon as possible. But the newsboy becomes ill, and he ends up in the hospital, where he meets the brown-eyed girl again. Her name is Inga.

The novel "Scaffold" Aitmatov will return to this heroine. In the meantime, back to our poor fellow. Obadiah was cured and returned home. Arriving at the newspaper’s editorial office, he brings back the hard-won material. But there he is informed that it is no longer interesting to anyone. Moreover, he noticed some strange attitude towards himself from colleagues. Many turned away, and no one looked into his eyes.

"Chopping block" (Chingiz Aitmatov). Summary of the chapters where the life of a newsboy ends

Inga, it turns out, had a little son with whom she wanted to introduce Obadiah. Autumn came, and the young man decided to go visit her. But I did not find it. Instead, she found a letter where she reports that she is forced to hide from her ex-husband with her child. At the station, the newspaperman meets Kandalov and goes with him to the reserve already familiar to the reader.

So, interestingly and mysteriously, events unfold in the novel "Scaffold". Chingiz Aitmatov (the summary of his work, finally, united all the events) again goes on to describe the wolf pack. Her fate is no less tragic than the life of young Obadiah. The newsboy wanted to stop the frantic hunters, but they tied him up and threw him into the car, and after the hunt they crucified him on a dry tree.

There he was found by the young wolves Tashchaynar and Akbar. They wandered in search of their little cubs. In the morning the hunters decided to return for Obadiah, but he had already died. Wolves forever left the reserve and settled in the reeds. The cubs were born again. But when they began to pave the way, the reeds were burned, and the kids died. And again the wolves went looking for another place. So Chingiz Aitmatov’s novel “Scaffold” describes the life of poor animals.

chopping block aitmatova

The fate of little cubs

Once Bazarbay was walking home and heard strange sounds in the pit, as if a child was crying. He came closer and found little cubs there, folded them in a bag and took them with him. But Tashchaynar and Akbara went after him. On the way to Bazarbay was the house of the collective farmer of Boston, in which he hid from the animals chasing him.

After waiting a little, he went on, and the wolves remained near the house of Boston, where they continued to howl every night, trying to find their cubs. The novel "Scaffold", the summary of which is coming to an end, very sadly describes the latest events associated with a pair of wolves.

Chingiz Aitmat's chopping block

What are the wolves to blame

Boston felt sorry for the wolves and even drove to Bazarbai to buy their young cubs from him. But he refused. Soon, animals began to attack the inhabitants, and Boston realized that he would have to shoot them. But only the wolf was killed. And the she-wolf hid. She waited a long time and, finally, took revenge on the collective farmer by stealing his child.

Chopping Chingiz Aitmatov Chapter Summary

Boston for a long time hesitated to shoot at Akbar, fearing to injure his son. And when he got in, it was too late: the boy was dead. Then he went and shot Bazarbai, who sold the cubs and received excellent money for them. And then the Boston collective farmer surrendered to the police. This is how Chingiz Aitmatov ends his novel. "Chopping block", the brief content of which cannot convey the whole tragedy of the work, will not leave indifferent any reader. The problems that the author raises in his book, and the parallels drawn between a pack of wolves and human society, are relevant today. Try to set aside time and read the novel completely, it's worth it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26950/

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