The origin of the surname Morozov: looking for roots in paganism

It all starts with a science that studies the origin of names - onomastics. It was she who delved into paganism, not forgotten in baptized Russia, antiquity and gave exact answers to many questions.

Russian surnames

Surnames were formed for a long time, approximately 400 years. This process ended in the 19th century. First, they were received by the top of society, and then peasants, who made up 90% of the population.

General principles for the formation of Russian surnames

The history of surname formations is very interesting. The first surnames came from nicknames on the lands of Novgorod in the XIII – XIV centuries. For example, from what nickname did the origin of the surname Morozov come from? We will talk about this below. In the XVI century, according to the royal decree, the boyars were given surnames associated with their land holdings. Peasants generally received surnames only after the abolition of serfdom. They often took the noble names of their owners. The first cosmonaut Gagarin inherited his surname from his ancestors in exactly this way. And what is the origin of the name Morozov? This is still a mystery.

Secrets of surnames

There is a little secret behind the name of Bicycles. When she was assigned to their owners, no one had heard of the bike itself. It has not yet been invented. She was given to seminarians for harmony. Her translation means "fast legs." And the surname Garmash? This, as it turned out, used the obsolete word “Pushkar”.

origin of the surname frosts
Surnames are based on geographical names, nicknames, and profession names. Goncharov - it is clear that the ancestor was a potter, Kuznetsov, Kovalev - a blacksmith. It’s easy with that. It is difficult to understand what the origin of the surname Morozov is. But now we are quite close to the answer.

How tenaciously holds paganism among the people

No matter how the Christian church fights, no matter how it gives baptismal names according to the holy calendar, ordinary people give their child a middle name - a guard from the evil eye. The “weather” name, popular and widespread, was Frost. Who could they give him?

last name frost origin
The little boy, who was born on the frosty frosty days of Christmas and Christmas time, in Epiphany frosts, during the fierce February colds. On behalf of more significant people, boyars, for example, a surname was formed. This gradually clarifies where “Frost” came from: the meaning and mystery of the origin of the family name. No, of course, in the texts of the late XIV century and the beginning of the XV century, people of different classes are mentioned. The peasant from Novgorod Gridin, the son of Ofonask Moroz, is not yet fully formed surname. Gridin is closer to her. But the first impetus to the formation of a surname can already get a name. The tradesman from Kremenets is already called in short: Frost Kalika. The owner of the saltworks is long called Semyon Moroz Fedorov son Basin. In this case, the surname could be formed in three ways: Basin, Fedorov and Moroz. What was preferable lies only in the realm of speculation. Could appear and the name Moroz. Its origin in this way cannot be ruled out.

Another variant

Have you ever met not with warm, pleasant people, but with those from whom a chill blows, or even just overwhelms with frost? So the nickname Frost could get an adult for his character, icy and cold.

In what environment was the name Frost popular?

It is believed that the ancient name Frost was very often used among the feudal nobility.

frost meaning and mystery of the origin of the family name
So, Ivan Semenovich Moroz, one of the most ancient Russian families, is mentioned in the middle of the XIV century. Later they became known as Morozovs. The surname Frost (history and origin) is associated with other boyars. For example, Grigory Vasilyevich Popleva Moroz. His descendants proudly bore the name of the Morozov-Poplevins. The suffix "-ov" is added if the surname ends with a strong consonant: Moroz - Morozov, Mikhail - Mikhailov, Ermak - Ermakov, Frol - Frolov. If the root of the surname has the ending “-a” or “-i”, then “-in” is put in the end: Kuzma - Kuzmin, Ilya - Ilyin. The suffix "-ev" is added if the name ends in a soft consonant: Alexei - Alekseev, Hare - Zaitsev. Prefixes are used very rarely.

Sociological meaning of the surname Morozov

It has already become clear the origin of the surname Morozov from the pagan name Moroz.

last name frost history and origin
People unconsciously perceive a person bearing this surname as, first of all, a large, strong, powerful and to a lesser extent courageous and cold. It affects the owner of this surname in the same way.

A good and harmonious surname Morozov is among the ten most common. It is worn by both our famous and unknown contemporaries.


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