What documents are needed for a visa to France?

Every person who has made a trip to a country that is a trendsetter in their plans is required to collect documents for a visa. You can enter France only if you have the appropriate stamp in your passport. This state, by the way, is included in the Schengen zone. This means that by applying for a visa, a person discovers another 25 countries. You can familiarize yourself with their list on an individual basis, but for now itā€™s worth talking about getting a permit stamp in your passport that is required to enter a foreign country.

visa documents for france

Organizational moments

Before applying for a visa to France, you must carefully check your foreign passport. Most countries require 1-2 free pages. But not France. If you plan a trip there, you will need three blank pages.

You will also need to pre-register at the consulate / embassy / visa center. This is available to everyone online.

The most important thing is to go through fingerprinting. Biometric data is taken from potential tourists both at consulates and in the corresponding visa centers. And not so long ago there was an opportunity to order this service at home or at your workplace.

Main package

So, now you can list the documents for a visa to France. A passport is the most important thing. We must carefully check it. The French are very meticulous, and if it doesnā€™t contain, say, a touristā€™s signature (some forget to sign), then the person will be refused. In addition, the passport must remain valid for another three months after the expiration of the visa.

A copy of this document is also needed. But not all pages. Only the first (with photo) and the one where the children are indicated, if any.

You will also need to bring a civil passport. Here you have to copy it completely, even with blank pages.

Still need two new color photographs format 3.5 x 4.5. Pictures should be taken on a light, dim background.

In addition to the above, when applying for a visa to France, you will need to fill in your handwriting permission to process personal data.

for a visa to france what documents


It must also be submitted with all other documents. The questionnaire is a standard Schengen form, which is located on 4 pages. It must be filled in French. That is the recommendation. But English-language filling is also accepted. Necessary neat typing. You can type on the computer.

There are 37 points in the questionnaire. Samples of filling are available in the public domain, the best can be found in the archive of the resource of the visa center of France.

In fact, there are no difficulties. It is only necessary to keep a passport near, since most of the data will fit in from it, and full compliance with the information is required. For reference, you will need a certificate of employment, as the questionnaire contains items (19 and 20) related to employment. Students at universities write ā€œSTUDENTā€ there.

Many, by the way, make an elementary mistake. In the paragraph "place of birth", people born before 1992 indicate "USSR". This is wrong, you must write the real name of the state. That is the situation.

You also need to leave the 11th item empty. It is for people with an identification number. This has nothing to do with Russian citizens. In the 18th paragraph put "NO" those people who do not have a second citizenship. The 22nd marked the country planned to visit. And in the 23rd - the state where the tourist will fly first (this may not necessarily be France).

In principle, nothing complicated. Especially if you have a sample in front of your eyes.

for a visa to france what documents

Supporting documents

Naturally, this is not all that will need to be presented for a visa to France. What documents are needed more? Of course, this is an invitation. From a legal or natural person. Hotel reservation is also suitable (the most common option). Or a document confirming that the tourist has real estate in France.

Be sure to provide health insurance and a copy of it. It must be opened for a period identical to the period of validity of the future visa. Insurance coverage must be at least 30,000. e.

Also, the list of documents for a visa to France includes confirmation of the availability of reservation for tickets (aviation, bus or train) round-trip. Or the tickets themselves. If you plan to travel by car, you will need a green card (insurance) and a planned route.

And still need help with working with the press, as well as the signatures of the accountant and manager. It must indicate the name of the institution where the person works, his phone number and address, position and salary. If he is an entrepreneur, you will need a document on registration of your own company and a certificate confirming that it is registered in the tax.

What documents are needed for a visa to France

Financial issue

Confirm their material viability is also necessary. Therefore, before applying for a visa to France, you need to collect all kinds of certificates indicating financial well-being. A universal option is a fresh bank statement. It should have a certain amount.

Let's say a person will stay in France for 10 days. The standard amount for a day is 65 euros (about 4175 rubles at the current rate). So, on his account should be at least 650 euros. This is 41,750 rubles. They should be on his account, which will allow representatives of the consulate to verify the viability of the tourist. It is important for them to know that the visitor will be able to support himself. And how much he actually spends is completely irrelevant.

Conditions for non-working

There are also unemployed people who want to go on a trip. What documents do they need for a visa to France?

First you need to identify those who belong to this category. These are students, pensioners and the unemployed. All of them will need a sponsorship letter. This statement is from the one who will bear the costs of the trip. He will definitely need to attach a copy of the first page of the civil passport and a document confirming kinship with the traveler.

Pensioners also have to provide their ID and its photocopied version. Students - a certificate from the university (can be taken at the dean's office). And a ticket with a copy, of course.

Documents for obtaining a visa to France

For a trip with children

When planning a trip with a minor child, you also need to take into account some nuances. You will need all the same documents for obtaining a visa to France, plus additional ones.

These include the birth certificate of the child. I need the original and a copy. This document is also required if the child already has a personal passport. Which, of course, will also need to be provided along with a copy.

Application form for a little traveler is also filled out. Parents do it. It is needed in all cases, even if the child is entered in the adult's passport. Two photographs of the previously mentioned format will also be required.

The most important document is the power of attorney of the second parent, if the child is sent with someone alone. It is necessary. If the child is traveling with someone else, then you need a power of attorney from both parents. The provisional guardian, in turn, will need to attach the consent for escort completed by him. Plus, you need copies of parental passports with their signatures.

list of documents for a visa to france

Invitation Requirements

As mentioned earlier, you can also go on a trip as a guest. Applying for a visa to France in this case is greatly simplified.

The invitation is called Attestation D'accueil. It can be issued by both an individual and a legal entity. If a tourist has such a document with him, then his chances of getting permission to enter the country are almost 100%.

This form should indicate the address of the actual residence or residence of the inviter, as well as the exact coordinates of the place where he will settle his guest. The degree of acquaintance / kinship is also indicated and the guarantee of the personā€™s return to their homeland is noted. This document is drawn up at the city hall. After he is prepared, he will be sent to a potential guest by fax. By the way, not only the original, but also a copy must be brought to the embassy.

Work Visa

To receive it, you will need to present a standard package of documents and a whole folder of additional ones. In general, finding a job in France is extremely difficult for a foreigner. And if a person manages to find a place to work, then this usually turns out to be a temporary position for a couple of months.

A visa is issued correspondingly. It is called short-term and is issued for a maximum of 90 days. But even in this case, the employer is required to obtain a work permit in the Department Department (DDTEFP). If the alienā€™s candidacy is approved, then he will need to pay a visa fee and apply for a visa to France - standard, plus a work contract certified in the notorious DDTEFP.

Permission is also issued for a long term. But it is more difficult. Such a visa (VLS / TS) can be approved only if the employer manages to convince representatives of the Department of the uniqueness and usefulness of a foreigner. And then, the application review process is sometimes delayed for six months.

apply for a visa to france


This is the last thing I would like to mention. Visa application requires certain costs. The preparatory process, including registration of insurance, printing of photocopies and ordering photographs, will cost from 600 to 2000 rubles.

The visa itself (short-term, of course) costs 35 euros. This is about 2,250 rubles at the current rate. If you need an urgent clearance, lasting from the force of three days, you will need to pay twice as much.

People who decide to use the services of a visa center will need to lay out about 5,000 rubles from above. This is for the work of specialists. Of course, they can greatly simplify the life of their client and save him from paperwork and related issues. But few are attracted by the idea of ā€‹ā€‹giving a rather large amount for what you can do yourself.

By the way, you need to submit documents a maximum of three months before the planned trip. But the optimal period is 2-3 weeks. During this time, they manage to consider and approve the application.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26953/

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