Pear Marble: description, composition, reviews, price

Marble Pear is a variety bred by crossing Forest Beauty and the Winter Coast. The species were hybridized by biologists at the Rossoshanskaya Experimental Station.

Marble pear trees are medium-sized. Crohn has a wide pyramidal shape. They are one of the most winter-hardy cultivated plants.

Grade description

Marble ordinary pear is widespread in Russia. Its fruits look very noticeable: decorative color, symmetrically rounded shape, smooth surface and pleasant aroma. According to the color scheme, pears are greenish and golden with a marble blush. The fruit tastes tender, juicy, sweet.

Pear Marble spets in the very beginning of September. Full ripening occurs closer to mid-October. It is worth noting that ripe fruits do not hang for a long time on a tree. After ripening, they fall within a week. If the trees are abundantly watered, then the pear can be on the branch for several more days. Fruits can be stored in boxes for about two months, but this requires suitable conditions. Keep the pear assembled in a cool dark place, for example, in the basement. Nevertheless, due to the strong peel, the fruits tolerate long transportation well.

pear marble description
The trees will give the first crop only in the sixth year after planting. Not for nothing that one of the most non-fertile varieties is considered to be the Marble pear. The description of the planting is nothing special: a pit 0.5 meters deep is dug, then a seedling is placed in it, it is filled up with soil and fertilized. The soil for trees of this variety must be moist and loose. A marble pear loves water, so it should be watered as often as possible. The quantitative component of the crop depends on this.

In an arid climate, the Marble pear often suffers. For this reason, yields can fall by 50%. Despite the fact that this variety is winter hardy, trees must be protected from late spring frosts. To do this, warm the roots with straw or manure, and wrap the trunk with foil. Nevertheless, this may not save from the extinction of flowers. Scab and powdery mildew are not terrible for this variety.

Composition of Marble Pear

It should immediately be noted the low calorie fruit - 47 kcal. Such a supply of energy value is contained in the average fetus weighing 100 g.

The chemical composition of pears includes dietary fiber, disaccharides, organic acids. Of the mineral components, it is worth highlighting calcium, sodium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus. But most of all in the fruits of this variety contains potassium. In percentage terms, this substance occupies 70% of the total mass of mineral elements.

marble pear
In addition, marble pear contains vitamins of groups A, B, C, E, H, K and PP. Ripe fruits are enriched with beta-carotene. Micronutrients are presented in the following ratio: carbohydrates - 96%, proteins - 3%, fats - 1%.

Most of the composition of the pear is water. 100 g of fruit contains 85 g of liquid.

The Benefits of the Marble Pear

The fruits of this variety have a strong diuretic effect, so they are recommended for cleansing the kidneys and relieving swelling. They also have beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system.

It is worth noting that the pear contains a large amount of energy, enclosed in the form of fructose. In this case, insulin is not required to obtain the beneficial effects of carbohydrates. In addition, one of the most nutritious and low-calorie fruits is just a pear. Marble variety is especially indicated for strict diets. The daily norm is 0.5 kg.

pear grade marble
Pear fiber is enriched with useful microcomponents, which remain almost full even after heat treatment. Thanks to this, the fruit helps to cleanse the digestive tract from toxins and toxins, preventing the formation of cholesterol congestion in the vessels.

Marble pear strengthens the anti-inflammatory property of the immune system, accelerates cell production, raises the level of hemoglobin. For men, this variety is useful in the prevention of prostatitis.

Reviews and price

Of the cultivated trees, the Marble pear is the easiest to plant. Reviews of gardeners show that with a favorable climate and negligible care within a few years you can expect a large crop.

pear marble reviews
The cost of one adult seedling of this variety varies in the region of 1200 rubles. Wholesale young trees can be bought at 20% cheaper.

On the food markets, of all pears, Marble ones are very popular. They lure not only with their exotic appearance, but also with delicious delicate flesh.

The retail price of a marble pear per kilogram can reach up to 180 rubles., Wholesale - up to 100,000 rubles. per ton.


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