Purpose of pension: procedure, calculation features and rules

Of great importance for the elderly in Russia is the appointment of a pension. Today it is necessary to understand how the size of state support of the population laid down by law is calculated, to whom it is issued and what is required for this. The pension reform has brought about certain changes. Not everyone knows about them. So what features will have to pay attention to all future and current retirees?

Pension is

For example, what is a pension in principle. Not everyone understands what kind of state support we are talking about.

pension assignment

Pension is a monthly payment of a certain amount, calculated as a state security of the population. Payouts can be of several types. They are formed with certain features. They will be described later.

The appointment of a pension occurs only if certain conditions are met. There are a lot of them. And they depend directly on what type of state support we are talking about.

Types of Pensions

What are retirement benefits? To date, the following pensions are distinguished in Russia:

  • old age;
  • on disability;
  • labor;
  • loss of breadwinner;
  • for length of service;
  • cumulative;
  • basic.

Most often, pensions mean labor payments. They are assigned to all citizens who have gained a certain length of service. Nevertheless, all other measures of state support should also not be forgotten.

Age and experience

And when can you apply for such material assistance? The main conditions for its registration is the age of the citizen, as well as seniority. To assign a pension, a person must reach a certain age and work out a specific number of years. Nevertheless, in the absence of any seniority, a pensioner will not be left without a livelihood. He will still be paid a pension. But not too high. This will be discussed later.

old-age pension

In Russia, men and women today retire at different ages. A strong half of society has the right to access a well-deserved rest of 60 years. Women are retiring at age 55. In this case, it is allowed to continue to work.

Work experience in the Russian Federation is a value that has been steadily increasing for some time now. In 2016, it was necessary to work at least 5 years. In this case, you can apply for a retirement pension. And in 2017, the minimum length of service increased to 7 years.

Until 2025, Russia has a system for increasing the requirements for granting pensions. The plan provides for an increase in the minimum length of service to 15 years. But it should be borne in mind that there are unearned periods in the country that will be counted as work.

About unearned periods

What exactly is it about? According to the established rules, a person does not always have to work and gain seniority. Under certain circumstances, the lack of official employment does not prevent the minimum required for the appointment of state support in old age.

Unearned periods that will be considered as work include:

  • newborn care;
  • supervision of a disabled person over 80 years old;
  • military service;
  • stay with a spouse who is in the service in the regions having problems with the employment of the population;
  • time of receipt of benefits for temporary disability or unemployment;
  • care for a disabled person of the 1st group;
  • illegal stay in prison;
  • the time of residence of the wives / husbands of diplomats and consuls abroad.

Accordingly, you can actively use all of these periods to obtain seniority. But each item has its own characteristics. For example, if a citizen was registered as caring for a disabled person, after the end of this period he must get a formal job. For spouses of consuls and diplomats, the length of service accrued for living outside the Russian Federation cannot exceed 5 years. And you can get 6 years old for caring for children under 1.5 years old (for only 4 babies).

appointment of a retirement pension

The government urges the population to actively use all unearned periods so that they are guaranteed the appointment of a pension in established amounts.

Early exit

Under certain circumstances, you can become a pensioner ahead of schedule. A similar practice takes place and is actively used by the population. The right to early appointment of pensions is regulated by Federal Law No. 400 of December 28, 2013. What does it say?

Some individuals, subject to specific conditions, have the right to a well-deserved rest earlier than other citizens. The following situations may serve as grounds for this:

  • performing hazardous or hard work;
  • work in the public sphere (medicine, education, public service);
  • work as pilots or staying among the participants of flight crews;
  • if a citizen has work experience in the Far North and in other areas equated to him.

This is not a complete list. But it is he who is most often found in practice. It is important to remember that the appointment of a pension occurs if a citizen has at least 30 pension points. In some situations, it is additionally required to have continuous work experience or to reach a specific age.

Pension components

To date, pension payments include 3 main components. Among them are:

  • base part;
  • cumulative;
  • insurance.

From these payments the size of state support of the population will be formed. What does each of them mean?

assignment of insurance pension

The basic part is the fixed payment of funds established by the state. It is necessary to maintain the life of the population.

The funded part is, you can say, the contributions that the employer makes for the citizen. Contributions to the Pension Fund. A person has the right to make appropriate contributions himself. The funded part of the pension fund is determined by the size of all deductions made.

The insurance part of the pension is a kind of compensation for labor activity in Russia. It is called labor. It depends on the length of labor, salary in a particular position, as well as the age at which the pension was awarded.

About counting rules

A huge role is played, as has been said, the payment of the labor type. Assigning an insurance pension is a very important nuance. In Russia, a simple system for calculating the amounts due for payments has appeared.

According to the latest information provided by the Pension Fund of Russia, citizens can find out the amount of state support for the population as follows - to multiply the number of accumulated pension points for a lifetime with the cost of one point. Next, add the basic pension to the amount received. In the end, the amount of the pension assigned by the state will be obtained.

The main problem is to calculate the available retirement points, as well as to obtain information about the cost of one such point. These components change annually. In 2017, one point costs 78 rubles 28 kopecks. And the base payment is 4,805 rubles 11 kopecks. Such information is relevant on February 1, 2017.

pension conditions


Pension savings in Russia are indexed annually. This is a kind of measure to maintain a disabled population in a viable state. As a rule, indexing is carried out 2 times a year. It does not affect the appointment of a pension; all recalculations take effect automatically.

In 2017, indexation was not carried out. Instead, pensioners are guaranteed a lump sum payment of 5,000 rubles. A similar measure is forced. It was adopted during the reigning crisis in the country.

However, indexing was not completely canceled. You can count on her again. Recalculation of pensions is carried out by the state. You should not think about how this is done.

Social pension

The conditions for assigning pensions are diverse. Not all citizens can gain the required work experience by retirement age. In this case, they are able to rely on a social pension.

But at the same time, it is still necessary to observe several simple conditions. Namely:

  1. A citizen must have Russian citizenship for at least 15 years. Or permanently reside in the country of the previously indicated time period.
  2. Reach a specific age. A social pension is due to all citizens, but it is paid later than labor. Women receive it at age 60, and men at 65.

No more requirements. The size of the social pension will not be as high as in the case of labor payments.

pension procedure

About appointment

And what will be required to receive state support in old age? What is the procedure for assigning a pension? Where do I need to apply to become a pensioner?

Each citizen, subject to the above conditions, must appear in the territorial Pension Fund of Russia and write an application for the appointment of pension payments. He brings certain documents with him. Their list varies depending on the category of citizen.

Most often required:

  • an application of the established form (taken in the FIU, filled out there);
  • identity card (passport);
  • SNILS;
  • details of the account to which the money will be transferred (preferably, but not required);
  • certificates of family composition (optional);
  • birth certificates of all children;
  • military ID (for men);
  • certificates indicating those or other unearned periods that will be considered work;
  • work book;
  • documents confirming the conduct of business (if any).

No further inquiries are required. Assignment and payment of pensions is made in the shortest lines. The list of required papers varies depending on the situation. Most often, disability certificates must be attached.

Conclusions and Conclusions

From now on, it is clear how the appointment of a retirement pension or any other happens. Retirement benefit calculation systems are also known. Recently, the formation of the funded part of pensions has been of great importance in the Russian Federation. Often, citizens make voluntary contributions to private pension funds, so that later they receive certain funds from the established fund.

length of service for pension

The pension system of the Russian Federation is an extremely difficult sphere of life for the population. She is constantly changing. Therefore, every citizen must follow the changes. Assigning an old-age pension, like any other, will not cause problems for the population.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26960/

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