All kinds of thread applications

There are a huge number of various ways to express your creativity by creating something. And if most people are familiar with such types of needlework as embroidery, weaving from beads, crocheting or knitting, then with applications from threads on a cardboard, not all may be familiar.

thread applications

How to do the easiest job

In winter, it is very cold outside and it’s not always possible to go out for a walk, which is why children spend quite a lot of time indoors. Why not keep your child entertained? So, the application of threads for children is the sun.

What you need for work

Before you start creating a very simple craft, you need to take care of the following materials:

  • colored cardboard;
  • woolen threads of different colors;
  • glue stick;
  • scissors.

Stages of execution

First you need to take any children's book to find a suitable drawing and transfer it to a cardboard. For example, the main color of thick paper may be blue, then the impression will be that the sun is in the sky.

After the drawing is transferred to the cardboard, it remains to cut the threads and stick them on the picture so that the entire base is filled. Then you get a completely shaded sun. Longer threads will become rays, they are glued to the sides of the sun.

You can make eyes from beads or buttons. At the last stage, a mouth should be marked with a red thread, and as a result, you can hang a wonderful picture with a smiling sun on the wall that will delight everyone, even in gloomy, cold weather. The simplest thread applique is ready.

applique from threads master class

How to make a more difficult option

This option will require more perseverance and labor. To make a charming kitty you have to prepare a template. It is done very simply: a suitable drawing is found and then transferred to a paper or cardboard base.

What materials will be required

For the application of threads on cardboard, the following materials will be needed:

  • cardboard or thick sheet of paper (base);
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • brush;
  • threads
  • prepared template.

Work Stages

First, the threads are prepared - they need to be cut. It’s best to do this on some kind of container so as not to lose the necessary trim.

A thread of dark color will be needed for pasting the contour. Then the glue is carefully applied to the entire template image, and now you need to glue the material so as not to climb over the contours. You can add similarity of applications from threads to a real cat by pasting buttons on it, which will play the role of an eye.

A little more dark thread will be needed to highlight the mouth. After the applique from the threads dries, the craft must be gently shaken so that the threads that do not sit on the adhesive crumble.

applique cat

How to make a flower

This version of the craft may seem more complicated than previous ones. But, as they say, eyes are afraid, and hands do.

Necessary materials

Here for work you need to take the following things:

  • colored cardboard;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • multi-colored threads (for example, red and yellow).

Thread applique. Master Class

  1. In the middle of the leaf you need to drip glue. Then take the yellow thread and make a few spiral turns where the glue is applied.
  2. Then the contours of the petals of the flower are applied, and they are coated with glue.
  3. The yellow thread is finely cut and glued to the petals. Thus, the base appeared in the flower. Now comes the turn of red threads.
  4. The contours of the following petals, glue and then threads are also applied. To make the craft more original, red strings are used to fill in the empty space in the yellow petals.
  5. To fill the gaps, material of both colors is used.
  6. At the final stage, you need to make a contour, for this it is worth using a red thread.
    yarn for applications

As a result, a beautiful flower should appear in the middle of the leaf, but the question arises of what to do with the rest of the free space. Everything is pretty simple here. You need to draw leaflets that will be harmoniously located throughout the applique of threads. The number of leaves depends on the imagination of the needlewoman.

To make everything turn out beautifully, you need to make the contours of the leaves, glue them and then decorate with veins. They are also made of threads, you can even split the yarn a little to get a finer thread, but this remains at the discretion of the person performing the work. The application of flowers from the threads is ready.

How to make a rowan branch

This is another very interesting thread and cardboard craft related to applications. Before making the original picture you need to take:

  • white paper
  • a pencil is simple;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • threads
  • a brush.
    red yarn

Work on a masterpiece

First, the threads are cut, which will go to the coloring of rowan leaves. The picture in this case is autumn, and therefore you need yellow, red, orange, brown and other thematic shades. Multi-colored leaflets will look much more interesting than plain ones.

All threads are cut into different containers so as not to get confused about where to get which color. Each tank has its own color.

After this work, you can begin to sketch. On a white paper draw a rowan branch.

There should not be any problems with applying threads to the applique. Everything is done similarly to the methods described above. The contours of leaflets of dark threads are also made, glue is also applied, and then comes the turn of multi-colored strings that will make the leaves in autumn colors.

After completing all the work, the crafts should be left for a while and allowed to dry properly. Now the picture can be hung on the wall or presented to someone as a gift.


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