How to measure hips correctly

Each person has his own specific body parameters. According to them, the fact is determined exactly what size of clothes he will wear. In this article I want to talk in more detail about how to measure hips correctly and what should be taken into account.

how to measure hips

What is it for?

A question may arise about why a woman needs to know the circumference of her hips. There may be several options. The first of them and the most common - if you need to sew something (for example, a skirt, pants or dress). In this option, you need to know several parameters, one of which is the volume of the hips. Also, girls who want to meet the ideal world parameters, which for a long time have been relevant for models - 90-60-90, where the last 90 - this is the hips, may need this. It is worth saying that there may still be quite a lot of options.

How to measure

You need to know not only how to correctly measure the volume of the hips, but also how to do it better. So, the simplest and most common way is a regular centimeter tape, which is not difficult to acquire. There is one caveat: very often when ordering clothes in foreign stores they require measurements made in inches, and not in the units we are used to. So it’s better to take a centimeter tape so that on one side there is one counting system (centimeter), on the other - inch (for reference: 1 cm - 0.394 inches). If you don’t have a centimeter tape at hand, you can also use any non-elastic belt or tape (it is important: they should not be stretched, because then the measurement result will be wrong). To do this, on the one hand, after measuring it, you just need to tie it on a knot, mark it with a chalk or a pen (to fix the required length). And after that, just measure the waist with a standard ruler.


how to measure hips

So how to measure your hips? If this is done at home, on your own, for this you need to take off your clothes, undress to underwear and become as comfortable as possible. The best option: for someone else to take the measurements, so they will be more accurate. However, if there is no such person, you can just stand in front of the mirror for convenience to control the position of the tape. It is important that it is always parallel to the floor, so the measurements will be correct. It will approximately be located at a distance of 16-22 centimeters from the waist (it all depends on the height of the girl). How to measure the hips in women so that the measurements are correct? To do this, you need to find the most protruding points on the buttocks and lay a centimeter tape on them. This will be the necessary figure that the lady was looking for. An important point on how to measure your hips: legs should be placed next to each other, and not shoulder width apart (if this is not taken into account, the volume of the hips will be wider and the measurement will be incorrect).


how to measure hips in women

However, not everything is so simple, because not all women have perfect figures. So, there are situations that a lady has protruding points on the sides of her legs, the so-called β€œears”, more than protruding points on the buttocks. You need to remember that you need to measure the most prominent parts, regardless of where they will be located. It is also not uncommon for women to have a protruding tummy. How to measure hip circumference in such a situation? The bulge of the abdomen when measuring the hips also needs to be taken into account, i.e. on a centimeter tape, you just need to add the few cm on which the stomach protrudes. In order to correctly know this figure, you need to become even and relax, do not retract your stomach. You can attach a ruler to its most convex part, which will go down, and then just bring the measuring tape to the ruler. This will be the required measure. If the measurements are made by a pregnant woman, however, she will not only wear the item during an interesting position, the convexity of the abdomen should not be taken into account.

About numbers

how to measure hips

Having figured out how to measure the hips, it is also worth a little understanding of the notation. Often women can meet the abbreviations OB or VOB. What does this mean? OB is the hip circumference, which is measured as described above. POB is a semi-girth of the hips, a measure used by seamstresses in an atelier. To do this, the figure found by measurements needs only to be divided in half. For example, if the lady’s hips are 92 cm (this is OB - the circumference of the hips), the measure of PoB (half-circumference of the hips) will be 46 cm.


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