Who is this lachka? Laks nationality, history of the people, numbers, traditions and customs

Laks are the people of the North Caucasus. It is relatively few in number, but traditions, language and distinctive culture distinguish it from hundreds of other nationalities of Dagestan. In the article we will get acquainted with the history and customs of this amazing people. We learn the history of the origin of the nationality of the hut, where its representatives live. We will get acquainted in detail with their traditions and culture.

Place of residence

The population of Dagestan is multinational. In total, there are 102 nationalities. Among this diversity, the nationality of the lakk stands out clearly. Where do representatives of this people live?

They inhabit the central part of Dagestan, which, thanks to them, was called Lakia. This nationality is still predominant in this area. It very densely populated Lak, Kulinsky and Novolaksky districts.

Lakia village

In the mountains of the Caucasus, very harsh living conditions. Snow can fall in the summer. Forests that grow abundantly in the foothills are absent. Fruits and vegetables practically do not ripen. The nutrition of Laks is not diverse. The diet consists of flour, meat, cheese and herbs that grow in the mountains.

But here there are advantages. The air in the mountains is very clean, fresh and transparent. And thanks to the bright sun, the girls - representatives of the nationality of the lak (pictured below) - are the owners of the most ruddy cheeks in Dagestan.

latcha girl

Cows in the central part of the North Caucasus, due to the nature, are very miniature, which delights tourists.

The number of Laks

This nationality is not numerous. According to the latest census, the nationality of Laska has about 160 thousand representatives. Most (86 thousand people) live in the capital of Dagestan - Makhachkala.

The history of the people

Disputes about the origin of the nationality of Láčk have been going on for a long time. The reason is that many sources mention the tribes that have inhabited the North Caucasus since ancient times, but they have a different name in all documents. Today it is completely impossible to figure out what kind of people are in question. The hope remains that further study and comparison of the data will help to solve this mystery of history.

Despite the veil of mystery, there are many reasons to believe that statehood arose among the Laska people of one of the first in Dagestan. It is believed that at the beginning of our era there was a unification of all its settlements into one. Thus arose the capital of historical Lakia - Kumukh.

The struggle for sphere of influence

In the sixth century, mountainous Dagestan was part of the possessions of Persia; on the orders of the king, a fortress was built here. In the XIII century, this territory became part of the Arab Caliphate. Kumukh took the position of the center of trade and politics in the Caucasus. In the XV century, the empire collapsed and power passed to the khan, help in the administration was entrusted to the council of viziers and military leaders.

Turkey, Russia and Persia fought among themselves for the right to establish their influence here. The inhabitants of the Caucasus had to fight for their freedom and independence. Russia, in the end, managed to conquer this proud mountain people, but only after the Revolution in 1917 did the life of the Laks in Dagestan become worthy.

family of laks

Soviet times

With the coming to power of the Communists, mountain residents became available education. If before a large part of the Laks population could not even read, now representatives of this ancient nation have turned into excellent doctors, pilots, writers, and even scientists. Young people sought to study and acquire a worthy profession.

During the time of Stalin, 1,500 highland families were resettled in the Novolaksky district to the place of Dagestanis deported to Central Asia. Their houses were destroyed. 26 villages were partially destroyed and 18 completely. Immigrants were deprived of the right to communicate with relatives for four years.

lak school

After the collapse of the USSR

In 1991, after the return of the indigenous people, the Laks were forced to leave their homes. He was allocated land north of Makhachkala and funds for the construction of new settlements. Money often did not reach its destination, and the area intended for settlement, as a rule, turned out to be unsuitable for life. But the people did not give up.

In 2011, the flag and coat of arms of the Kulinsky district was adopted, and in 2013 - Laksky. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, education lost its relevance a little, but today youth again puts their priority on studying and entering universities.

Customs and traditions

Today, seventy percent of Laks live in cities. Despite this, the customs of the people are transmitted from one generation to another. Residents of the Caucasus are very hospitable and will accept any guest as a native. Since the living conditions in the mountains are harsh, Laks are always ready to help someone who is difficult at the moment. Any problem is solved jointly. The neighbors get together and work together on a common cause.

Each representative of the nationality of Laska knows the history of several generations of his ancestors. No matter how distant kinship these people may be, family ties between them are very strong. Each lakitsya values ​​his reputation. Having committed an unworthy act, he puts the whole family at risk, because the neighbors will remember this for several generations.

Laks reign a cult of men. Accordingly, children are brought up. Boys from an early age feel like men in the family, learn to be responsible and make decisions. Girls grow up feminine. Locks retain their harmony until old age, have an active character and keep the house in perfect order. In families, love for children reigns, respect for elders, care for the elderly.

Each village has its own language, which differs significantly from the literary, as well as its own rites according to which celebrations and funerals are held. This serves as an occasion for jokes on top of each other, since Laks have a wonderful sense of humor. Music is of great importance to them, but the main thing in the songs of the highlanders is the voice, so good singers here are especially honored.

bride bride


Laks are an ancient people. Over the centuries of its existence, it has accumulated many traditions, so all holidays are accompanied by obligatory rites. Meet some of them.

Wedding negotiations are conducted by matchmakers, which are the close relatives of the groom. He is not allowed to personally ask for the bride’s hands. Negotiations last three days. If it is possible to come to an agreement, a rite of passage is performed. Then a wedding date is set. Until this day, the bride must sew a costume for her future husband, and he, in turn, prepares a silk dress and jewelry for her.

Seven days before the wedding, the relatives of the named one bring gifts and henna to the girl, which is painted with the palms of the bride. After this procedure, she should not leave the house until the celebration.

On the appointed day, the wedding procession goes from the bride's house to the groom. The face of the named is covered with a veil. In the courtyard of the groom a fire is made and a carpet is laid on which the bride steps. The girl is sprinkled with grain and sweets, and the guy’s mother treats the future daughter-in-law with honey. Then the bride is supposed to look in the mirror and enter the house with her mother-in-law into the room prepared for her, where the groom will come at midnight. The girl at this moment sits at the laid table, the named one approaches and tries refreshments, after which the newlyweds are left alone.

In the morning, a young wife goes for water. There she is met by young people. The girl must give them a ransom. Having brought water, the wife gives her husband to drink it. After that, the girl has the right to take up housekeeping in the house.

The funeral of the Laks is accompanied by lamentations in which all the tested feelings and condolences to the relatives of the deceased are expressed. During the first year after the funeral, memorial dates are marked five times. In addition, Wednesday is one such day, since it is believed that the deceased on this day of the week comes to the house.

Before giving birth, the expectant mother returns to her parents, where she then remains for another forty days. In the water for a woman put a paper with a prayer written on it. A bundle of straw is brought from the mosque, set fire to it and fumigates the expectant mother.

dance dancing

A week days after the birth of the baby, a respected woman is invited to the house, who must put the baby in the cradle. Then all the relatives gather and collectively pick the name of the baby, most often, it belongs to a deceased family member. The next day, a respected man of the genus shaves the child's head. Curls are also weighed for money, the weight of which corresponds to the mass of cut hair, buy sweets and distribute to neighbors.

For forty days the baby is guarded by the elders. It is forbidden to approach adults with weapons or with gold. The child’s amulet is a knife or a broom. For his bathing, only a wooden container is used, around which a circle is drawn with charcoal to protect him from evil. Forty days later, the mother and child return home, relatives help them carry the baby's dowry, pilaf and halva.


Every year, June 22, even before dawn, the Laks climb Mount Vatsilu, where they celebrate the onset of summer. With the first rays of the sun they ask for all the blessings for themselves. Then, according to the ritual, everyone performs a festive dance and has breakfast on the mountain. Until evening, the Laks have fun and pray.

In the autumn, before the harvest, the highlanders arrange a feast. They pray and eat lamb meat.

Like everyone else, Laks celebrate the New Year. They burn bonfires and jump over them. So the highlanders are cleansed of sins. In addition, the Laks stuffed clay pots with straw, set fire to them and throw them from the mountain. It looks like a kind of salute.

In the spring, during the first rain, the Laks go outside for bathing to get rid of ailments. In March, the mountaineers choose a night with a full moon and spend the first furrow, and bring the land home. It is believed that this way you can increase prosperity and achieve happiness.


If the highlander returns home after a long absence, all the villagers will visit him and greet. In the event that grief happened to one of the neighbors during his absence, the returnee should pay them a visit.

In the old days, if a lak killed his relative, revenge was the honor of the family of the deceased. To avoid this, the offender had to wrap himself in a white cloth and cling to the victim’s mother’s chest, becoming the murdered’s brother.

crafts Laks


The territory of the mountaineers is poor in land suitable for cultivation, so they are forced to look for other ways to earn money. The craft of the Laks has been perfected over many centuries. The most developed was the processing of metal and precious stones.

In the village of Balkhar, women of nationality Lakka are engaged in pottery, their products are in demand all over the world. Here are made figurines, dishes, kitchen utensils, which are decorated with white painting. This craft originated in the XIII-XIV centuries. Products of Balkhar craftswomen have thin walls and are recognized as the best in the Caucasus. For painting, an ornament is used in ancient traditions.

Masters of the Lak nationality also develop needlework, make felt and carpets. Gold and silver embroidery are in great demand.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26968/

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