Romanian male names. List, origin

Romania is a European country. Its features, way of life and linguistic uniqueness are associated with the historical formation of Christianity and neighboring states. Romanian is part of the Indo-European family. It is one of the most unusual languages ​​of the romance group. Groups of features taken from various languages ​​of Balkan origin are noted in it. These nuances are reflected in the Romanian proper names.

The origin of Romanian names

Romanians and Romanians

As you know, Romanian male names are common not only in the territory of Romania itself, but also in the countries of Asia and America. This is due to their beauty and sonority.

The origin of Romanian names has several sources.

  1. Borrowing from ancient languages.
  2. Imitation of the names of gods and heroes of ancient literature.
  3. The origin of the original Romanian names from the names of phenomena, objects.
  4. Extract from the Bible.

Romanian male names. List

romanian man

The most common and popular names of men in 2018 are presented in the table.

1.AntonGreek "enemy"
2.AndrewGreek "courageous, brave"
3.AlinCeltic "rock"
4.Iorguroom. "plowman"
5.Aionutroom. "good god"
6.BesnikAlb. "faithful"
7.Boldolat "protecting the king"
8.Bogdanglory. "God-given"
9.BeniaminDr. Heb. "beloved son"
10.Boikoglory. brisk
eleven.Vesilroom. "king"
12.Valeryroman. "be strong, healthy"
thirteen.VasileGreek "royal, royal"
14.Virgillat peppy
fifteen.Gudadroom. "champion"
16.GeorgeGreek "farmer"
17.Gunarigypsy. "warrior, warrior"
18.GavrilDr. Heb. "Strong as God"
19.DoreenGreek "capricious"
20.DouroTaj. "medicine"
21.Danutzroom. "referee"
22.Georgiebulg. "farmer"
23.EugenGreek "noble"
24.IvanDr. Heb. "gift of God"
25.And heDr. Heb. "patient"
26.JosephDr. Heb. "God will increase"
27.Ioskagypsy. "he will increase"
28.Ionelmold "kind to everyone"
29.Carolpolish "feminine"
thirty.Konstantinlat "persistent, persistent"
31.Cornelllat "dogwood"
32.CosminGreek "beautiful"
33.Liviuroom. "bluish"
34.Lorentiuroom. "from Lorentum"
35.LusianSpanish "light coloured"
36.Lukeother Greek "shine"
37.Lukalat. "shine"
38.Loisebulg. "famous warrior"
39.Lorentiumbulg. "famous"
40.LucianSpanish "light coloured"
41.MihaiHungarian "like God"
42.Mirceabulg. "peaceful"
43.MirelTurkic doe
44.Marinroman. "nautical"
45.Mitikaroom. "loves the earth"
46.MarcoEnglish "dedicated to Mars"
47.Merikanoroom. "warlike"
48.Mariusroman. "belonging to the god Mars"
49.Milospolish "good fame"
fifty.Mikheitsaroom. "one who is like God"
51.NikolaGreek "winner of the nations"
52.NickEnglish "winner"
53.Nicusorroom. "victory of the people"
54.NikuleyGreek "winner of the people"
55.Nelumold "with character"
56.Nenedruroom. "prepared for the trip"
57.Nickroom. "victory of the people"
58.Octavianlat "eighth"
59.Orielgerm. "command and control officer"
60.Ovidlat "savior"
61.Octavelat "eighth"
62.PetreGreek "a rock"
63.PeschaHeb. blooming
64.PittyEnglish "noblewoman"
65.Punkgypsy. "rock"
66.PeterGreek "stone"
67.Petshagypsy. "free"
68.Pashalat "small"
69.Paullat "small"
70.Pitivaroom. "little"
71.RaduPersian. "joy"
72.Raulhim. "Red Wolf"
73.Romulusroman. "from Rome"
74.RazvanPersian. "fun of the soul"
75.RichardPersian. "bold"
76.Novelroman. "Roman, Roman"
77.Sergiuroom. "clear"
78.StephenGreek "wreath"
79.Cesarroman. "king"
80.Sorinroom. "the sun"
81.StevuGreek "victorious"
82.Silvalat "forest"
83.Traianbulg. "third twin"
84.TomaSpanish "twin"
85.Tomashpolish "dual"
86.Tobargypsy. "from the Tiber"
87.Tituslat "honour"
88.Walterhim. "commander in chief"
89.Wadinroom. "knowledge"
90.Florentinelat "flowering"
91.Fonsoroom. "noble"
92.Forkroom. "free"
93.ChoriaArab. "paradise maiden"
94.Henrichim. "home ruler"
95.Hanzhiroom. "good god"
96.Stefanlat "crown"
97.Sherbanroom. "beautiful city"
98.Chaprianroman. "from Cyprus"
99.JanosHungarian "grace of the Lord"
100.Jankobulg. "mercy of God"

Romanian male surnames

Romanian men

One of the unique features of the language of this country is the lack of differences between Romanian names and surnames. If we consider word formation and morphological features of these words, their full coincidence is revealed. Where the name or surname is located is determined on the basis of two indicators.

  • Word order in various speech situations. For example, in written official or colloquial speech, the surname will come first, followed by the name. In vernacular or books, the word order is reversed.
  • Abbreviations or affectionate forms have only names. Surnames are always used only in full.

Thus, when determining Romanian male names and surnames, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between situations and sources of their use.


Recently, the tendency to give newborns unusual, unique names is gaining momentum. Romanian male names are increasingly paying attention. Sound and smooth, special, they are suitable for discriminating parents.


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