Cat munchkin: description, character traits, care and reviews

Cat munchkin is one of the most amazing and discussed around the world. A lot of lovers of pretty beautiful animals will not remain indifferent when they see these pussies, to say nothing of cat-lovers.

Munchkin lies

A few words about the origin

Munchkins look almost the same as any other representatives of this genus. True, they have one significant feature, due to which they have become so popular: they have very short paws, which is why many compare them with Welsh Corgi dogs or dachshunds.

It is assumed that the "founder" of this amazing breed is a cat named Blackberry (from the English Blackberry), which was sheltered by an American. This happened in 1983 in Louisiana. The blackberry was pregnant, but it did not bother the good woman at all. Subsequently, the cat gave birth to offspring. Most kittens were as short-footed as their happy mother.

In the US, the new breed became popular after it hit the front page of the Wall Street Journal in 1995. Later, the Manchkins began to gain popularity in other countries. As a result, the price of the cat breed Munchkin began to skyrocket.

Appearance and features

Munchkin cats have a very original appearance. If you do not take a closer look, you may not notice any differences between these cats from any others. Small short legs are their key feature.

Male munchkins are slightly larger in size than females.


In shape, the head of such cats is very similar to the representatives of the Siamese breed. Its size depends on the amount of manchkin's wool.

The neck is also long and not very, each cat is individually.

The eyes are similar to two voluminous raindrops, their color varies. It can be blue or brown - it all depends on the genetics of the cat.

Ears are not too big. Mostly they are medium in size. They can be planted in different ways. All these signs depend on the ancestors of the pussies.


Cat torso

Munchkin cat has a large oval torso, strong shoulders. Since their paws are very short, the entire main burden during the vigorous activity of these cats rests precisely on the shoulders, which is why the brachial muscles are very well developed.

The back of some representatives of the breed may look like a hunchback. The shape of the arc occurs due to the fact that the length of the body is disproportionate to the length of the legs.

The tail is almost the same length as the body. It has no special differences.

Features paws manchkina

Cat's paws

Due to the fact that these cats have very short limbs, in movement they resemble a ferret or gopher. But the special length of the legs does not prevent them from remaining as active as other cats. Of course, they will not be able to jump from the nightstand to the closet, but they can’t easily jump onto a chair or bed.

The length of the limbs of Manchkin is considered a completely normal phenomenon, which does not cause the animal trouble in everyday life. Also, this is not a genetic abnormality and will not bring a representative of such a breed health problems.

But if you knit two munchkins with equally short paws, then it is likely that most kittens will die, as a genetic malfunction occurs. Munchkins can be crossed only when the length of the paws of both is markedly different. Otherwise, the gene responsible for the mutation of the legs of these cats becomes a threat to their life.

Speaking about the length of the paws, three varieties can be noted:

  • The shortest. These legs can be much smaller than regular cat limbs. Such munchkins are considered the rarest and have the highest cost. They are very easy to distinguish from the rest, since they are very small in size and weigh no more than 2 kg.
  • Short. Most of the representatives of this breed has just such a length. Their paws are 1/3 shorter than those of ordinary representatives of the genus. By the way, the price for short-legged munchkin cats can be significantly lower than for an animal with the shortest limbs.
  • Ordinary or long-legged. Munchkins with such paws are least valued. They are difficult to distinguish from ordinary cats. The limb mutation gene bypassed them. You can buy animals with such a distinction for a small cost.

Wool color

Short-legged munchkin cats can have wool of absolutely any color, from the usual plain and ending with intricate spots or stripes.

When breeding these cats there is no strict assessment of color. Allowed the combination of any colors. Only if you have a desire to stand out, you will have to suffer with the choice of color, so that your animal is more different from its own kind.

Manchkin wool can be either long or short. This criterion is also not of particular importance for breeders.

Long hair does not have a very thick undercoat. With proper care and feeding, it will shine and gloss. Shorthair cats may be slightly denser to the touch. Feels like their coat is associated with a velvety surface.

Fluffy cat

Breed subcategory

There is another variety of short-legged munchkin cats, which, although it is popular among lovers of this breed, is rejected by felinologists' societies due to some health problems. We are talking about folmaks. This subspecies is considered experimental.

It differs from its ancestors only by hanging ears, but otherwise it’s all the same munchkins.

Lop-eared munchkin

Some hope to breed a new interesting cat breed, crossing munchkins with other species. This is not recommended because of the high likelihood of health problems, and sometimes fatalities.

Natura Manchkin

It is the cats of this breed that are considered the most friendly, sweet and kind towards people. They can be said to have been born to live in an apartment.

Animals are also good for communicating with children of any age, since they are very calm. To drag them by the tail, squeeze, carry on their hands - this is please, they will only be happy with such attention.

They tend to get used to one owner, because they are especially faithful. Munchkins often do not like to meow, but prefer to communicate with gestures or signs. These cats are ideal for those who can not stand the constant noise.

They can safely be called neat.

They love to play with all kinds of objects, which will remind dogs. In addition, they are almost impossible to piss off. They avoid conflict situations, which is great for keeping with other animals. They will easily find contact with everyone, but still, a lot depends on the nature of the pet with whom you want to keep manchkin.

Speaking of activity, such cats are in no way inferior to all other fast and dexterous representatives of the cat family. They lead a mobile lifestyle almost always. In this regard, they need to devote at least a little time to play. Outdoor walks with a leash are welcome.

It's funny that, unlike the rest of the cats, the munchkins do not stand on their hind legs, but rather sit on their hips. In this position, they are able to sit for a long time, because of which they are often compared with gophers.

A cat stands on its hind legs

How to take care of them

Representatives of this breed do not require special attention or care.

If a long-haired munchkin lives in your house, you should comb it at least 2 times a week. Otherwise, the formation of warlocks is possible. If desired, you can comb more often, the animal will only get better.

Of course, the pet’s coat will look prettier with a good diet.

Shorthair cats require less care. Those who are worried about cleanliness in the apartment should give preference to just such munchkins.

Wash short-footed ones no more often than a couple of times a year, or in special cases (get dirty on the street).

Claws should be cut at least once every two weeks. Otherwise, you will witness strange clatter clatter sounds across your gender. This does not harm the interior, but some can be annoying. In addition, if there are children in the house, it is worth trimming the sharp ends of the cat's claws.

Proper nutrition

You can feed manchkin as you wish: home-made food or prepared, high-grade balanced food.

But you must take into account the fact that at home food you will have to carefully monitor the availability of all the necessary vitamins and nutrients in food. And, of course, preparing such food will take noticeably more time than buying ready-made food in the store.

Necessarily food should consist, for the most part, of meat. Vegetables, cereals, dairy products are given in much smaller volume. You can mix cereals with meat products and vegetables. It will turn out tasty and varied.

You can buy vitamins-treats separately, but you should not give your animal any special medicines without the recommendation of a veterinarian.

If you decide to buy food, you should pay attention to its quality. Cheap options can adversely affect the health of your animal. So it’s better to buy premium food.

How long have they been living

The lifespan of these cats is no different from the rest: from 10 years and above. In fact, it all depends on your care and proper care of the pet.

No particular genetic diseases inherent in this breed have been identified, but it must be said that there is one common ailment that can occur - lordosis. With this disease, the spine weakens over time, and the back seems to β€œsag”. Also, the disease has a negative effect on the lungs and heart of the animal.

To avoid these problems, you should periodically take your pet to the vet, and then everything will be in order.

Visit to the vet

Which munchkin to choose and how much does it cost

There are no important criteria in choosing a kitten. You can buy the one that you like the most. Be sure to get acquainted with the signs of this breed, so as not to be mistaken. Well, of course, you need to calculate your financial capabilities. Many are interested in the price of a cat munchkin.

In the event that it is fundamentally important for you to choose a rare and very thoroughbred pet (the shortest paws), be prepared for spending. The price of a cat breed Munchkin with this feature starts at 35,000 rubles.

Thoroughbred kitten

By the way, a lot depends on the documents that are attached to the cat. A good pedigree will allow you to prepare your pet for exhibitions and competitions, and will also guarantee a high price tag for a future litter if you decide to breed cats.

The cost of munchkin cats with ordinary paws can go up to 5000 rubles. This is already more interesting for those who want to save money, but do not forget that if you buy a cat from lovers, then you can easily stumble on a hoax. You can slip a mongrel cat or, worse, a sick one. Be careful when looking for a future pet. It is best to buy it in a nursery. Nevertheless, it is up to you to decide how much the cat munchkin costs specifically for you and how much you are willing to pay for it.

Reviews about this animal

Some hosts on the forums share their impressions of these amazing cats, so you can conclude whether it is worth acquiring such a handsome man. Some are surprised at how these cats are able to move smoothly and gracefully on their very short paws. Others note their activity and good nature. Most owners of Manchkins are sure that cats of this breed are very different from ordinary cats, and for the better.


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