The bride and groom - a flower of tenderness and love

Among the people, the Campanula flower, or the bell of equivalents, is called the “bride and groom” because its most common hybrids - Alba and Maya - have white (bride) and bluish-lilac (groom) colors, respectively. This ampel plant is ideal for growing in hanging flower pots. Such luxurious white and blue garlands of flowers can often be seen in the windows of private houses and city apartments.

flower bride and groom

Planting and reproduction

The bride and groom is a flower native to alpine mountains and meadows, where in the wild it grows well on rocky soil and can even be found on rocks. That is why the campanula is undemanding to the soil, but it is better to choose the soil loose, airy, so that the roots of the plant have the opportunity to breathe. Like many herbaceous plants, the bell of the equifolia has a short life span of only 2-3 years, and in order to preserve this species in its garden on the windowsill, it is better to prepare fresh planting material in advance. Most often, the bride and groom propagate the flower by cuttings, which are cut from an old plant in late winter - early spring. Shoots take root very easily, with virtually no need for watering. Regular spraying is sufficient, since waterlogging of the substrate can lead to rotting of the roots.


During active growth and flowering, the soil must be constantly moist, but not excessive. Do not allow stagnation of water in the pan. Like many indoor flowers, the bride and groom “fall into hibernation” in the fall, watering is reduced at this time, and very rarely watered at all in cold weather.

indoor flowers bride and groom

Indoor location: temperature and humidity

The bride and groom is a photophilous flower, but do not overdo it: protect the plant from scorching sunlight, as they can cause burns on the leaves. The ideal option is to place the campanul in partial shade on the south window. If the plant has little light, the shoots will begin to stretch, and the bush will no longer be so lush and attractive.
An equal-leaved bell does not impose special requirements on humidity and air temperature, however, with excessive dryness and heat, a spider mite may appear on the plant .

bride and groom flower
Periods of flowering and dormancy

The bride and groom - a flower that actively grows and blooms in spring, summer and early autumn, and in October-February "rests". At this time, the growth and appearance of buds slows down. In February, it is recommended to trim the shoots, leaving 5-7 cm of length with several sleeping buds. In spring, when watering resumes from these buds, new shoots will quickly begin to develop. The trimmed parts of the stems can be used as planting material when propagating the campanula. From spring to autumn, the bride and groom bloom abundantly, and so much so that due to the numerous bells with undivided petals, even leaves are not visible. In order for the campaign to bloom as long as possible and more abundantly, it is necessary to pick off withered flowers in a timely manner.

As you can see, the bride and groom - a flower unpretentious in the care, but what a delicate, fragile and beautiful! Such a plant will become a real gem in your mini-garden on the window.


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