Flower with red leaves: photos and reviews of gardeners

Every housewife wants to see indoor plants in her house . Flowers on the windowsills give comfort to the living room. Also, many people want a peculiar nature in the house. Plants make the room beautiful, fresh, during the cold weather it is pleasant to care for them. A flower with red leaves will decorate any home. It’s easy to plant ornamental plants, the main thing is to know how to properly care for them.

flower with red leaves

Beautiful poinsettia

A flower with red leaves looks very beautiful. Such a plant will be a great gift for relatives and friends. "Christmas star", or poinsettia, is what a flower with red leaves is called. When the New Year arrives, a person always wants bright colors (which is probably why they called him that). The homeland of poinsettia is Central America and Mexico. Most recently, the Aztecs used dye from bracts in cosmetology and textiles. Another "Christmas star" was considered healing, juice was extracted from it and added to the drugs for fever.

The name "poinsettia" the plant received thanks to Joel Roberts Poinsett. This was the first Mexican minister, nerd and doctor. He was first struck by a beautiful flower. J. Poinsett brought it to South Carolina 189 years ago, began to grow it on his plantations and send it to other gardens.

indoor flower with red leaves

"Christmas star"

The flower with red leaves gained real popularity thanks to the emigrant from Germany, Albert Ecke. He was a true fan of plants. In 1911, a lover of flora founded a greenhouse. Together with his son, he saw that the coloring of poinsettia is perfect for the symbol of Christmas and New Year. The family began to grow an indoor flower with red leaves in the sixties. And for over forty years, the Christmas Star has been decorating the homes of American families for the New Year holidays. It has become a good tradition to acquire a room flower with red leaves for celebrations in the cold season. First, poinsettia was grown in open ground, then in greenhouses, and only then in room conditions. On the eve of the Christmas holidays, a flower with red leaves is the most sought after plant market in America. More than fifty million poinsettias are sold during the New Year season. In the Russian Federation, a room flower with red leaves is still not well known and loved. However, every year more and more buyers acquire a beautiful overseas plant. It is rarely possible to go past such charms.

flowers with red leaves names

Poinsettia care and gardener reviews

"Christmas star" should be out of the reach of children. The juice of a Mexican plant is very toxic, with the slightest contact with eyes or mucous membranes, thoroughly rinse this place with water. Also, after working with the flower, you need to clean your hands well.

Poinsettia does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature and drafts. If something does not fit the flower, it will begin to fade and lose leaves. According to gardeners, the plant does not like direct sunlight, it can be transferred to the balcony without drafts in the warm season.

As the lovers of this plant say, the "Christmas star" should not be flooded. The liquid should not be cold. You can also spray the leaves of the flower themselves with warm water. At the end of spring (in May), a plant transplant must be carried out. The pot will fit a little larger than the previous one. Humus, sand, peat and leaves are added to the ground.

There are a lot of reviews of gardeners about a beautiful flower with red leaves. Florists say that they associate poinsettia with the New Year. Her bright colors cheer up even on gray cold days. It is a flower with red leaves that stands on the tables for Christmas in many families. Reviews gardeners about poinsettia are always flattering. Such beauty cannot but please!

Beautiful flowers

In nature, poinsettias there are very few species: sparkling and spherical, large-horned and beautiful, "mile". Flowers bloom in the cold season, delight amateur gardeners all three months of winter. But they themselves are of no interest. The flowers are completely invisible, but the bracts (these are modified leaves) are vice versa. They are not only bright red, but also white or pink.

Bracts can be on the plant for up to six months. Because the beauty of the flower man manages to stop looking. In order for the red "stars" to remain on the plant for as long as possible, you need to buy it with buds that have not yet had time to blossom. So many amateur gardeners write on forums where there are many different reviews about interesting flowers.

After flowering for poinsettia, a dormant period begins. She drops all the leaves, and only the stem remains. This species does not look very beautiful, but this is a normal condition for this plant. If you do not throw it away, but save it, then on the next New Year holidays there will again be a flower with red leaves.

flowers with red-green leaves

Short description

The Mexican plant belongs to the genus Euphorbia. It blooms on cold winter days, somewhere around the New Year or Christmas. The entire period lasts about six months. The flowers are small, yellow-green. In indoor conditions, mankind has learned to grow annuals and biennials. The stems of the plant stand straight and branch.

Bracts of the "Christmas star" are not only monochromatic (red, pink, cream, white), but also two-tone. Shades depend on the plant variety. For example, “emperor” is red, “regina” is white and cream, “doroth” is pink.

To poinsettia bloomed for the New Year holidays, you will need to tinker a bit. The start of the preparatory process should begin in September.

flowers with red leaves photo

Harmony in the interior

Plants always decorate a person’s house; they give him coziness, purity and beauty. Currently, people are trying to make the interior of the living room as original as possible. To bring this idea to life, flowers with red leaves are great. Photos of plants are full of magazines directly in combination with the decor or color scheme of the interior of the house. You can view several options at once. There is also information about the prices of indoor plants, a description of their care. Flowers with red leaves are considered a good and expensive gift. Such a present will appeal to every person. A piece of overseas nature in the house will only decorate the corner of the living room. There are a lot of reviews of gardeners about the perfect combination of flowers with red leaves with other trifles in the interior of the house. Plants look very harmonious.

Flowers with red leaves

People in the modern world are actively engaged in breeding indoor plants. A large number of beautiful flowers allows you to choose the brightest for the interior of your home. Particular attention of people is attracted by flowers with red leaves. Plant names can be asked from florists in a flower shop or found in the literature. In modern times, a lot of information is provided.

These are flowers such as coleus and the previously described poinsettia, columnae and croton. Such vegetation is quite unusual for Russian people, therefore, special attention is now being paid to it. After all, flowers have red flowers, not leaves. That is why they are interesting to the Slavic people.

red flower with long leaves

Red flowers

Amateur gardeners often choose plants for their appearance and ease of care. The less the flower is whimsical, the better for the person. Indoor plants should please the owner, and not be a burden to him. One of these colors is coleus. It has over one hundred and fifty species. Shrubs grow up to eighty centimeters. Their smallest height is about twenty-five centimeters. This is an unusual red flower with long leaves, they are serrated at the edges, like nettles known to all. He is very loved by gardeners, as he is not particularly fastidious in care. In the people it is called "nettle".

Red flowers should be in every home, it is a symbol of material well-being (according to Eastern wisdom). In the flower market, begonia and pelargonium are still the most sought after. They delight the owner for a long time. Also do not require painstaking care. The shape of the flowers themselves is very beautiful. Often plants are used in a romantic interior.

flowers with green-red leaves

Original gift

The more bright colors in a room flower, the more effective it looks. There is always a demand for such a product. Flowers with green-red leaves can also be found in the homes of Russians. This is no longer a novelty, for example, croton. The plant has an interesting color and shape of leaves, green-red color and carved ends.

In order for the croton to remain dark green, it must be kept in a place without sun. If the sun's rays fall on the flower, then the leaves turn red.

In nature, there is another very interesting houseplant. Columnea consanguinea is a flower with green leaves that have red hearts. A plant with such romantic spots is often presented to its lovers. This is a very original surprise for a loved one. Flowers with red-green leaves look original and unusual.

Plants in the house give not only beauty, but also give freshness. It is always nice to look after greens in the winter cold season. When the flowers are full of bright colors, a holiday comes to the house.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26979/

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