How to grow and how to feed hydrangea?

how to feed hydrangea

An amazing elegant plant is grown by many gardeners in our country. How to feed hydrangea so that the flowers are more magnificent, and the bushes stronger and not hurt? The variety of colors is complemented by an amazing effect - some varieties change color by the end of the season, a few days or weeks before withering.

To get bluish inflorescences, hydrangea is necessarily planted in acidic soil, and for the cultivation of pink flower balls, the soil must be slightly alkaline. Thus, the color of the plant depends on the existing soil reaction. For example, how to feed hydrangea so that the flowers are saturated blue? For this, a special soil mixture is applied under the shrubbery. The composition of this top dressing is quite simple - take ordinary coniferous needles and combine with prepared peat. For one garden bucket of peat, you need 2 tbsp. l chloride and the same amount of potassium sulfate.

how to feed panicle hydrangea

To obtain pink shades, the composition will be different: take one volume of high-quality dung humus, 2 cups of ordinary wood ash and fluffy lime (in the amount of one cup). On acidic soil, the flowers will have blue hues due to the high aluminum content, which can be achieved by introducing special soil substrates with suitable acidity. You need to apply this dressing after planting or in the summer. How to feed panicle hydrangea so that the brushes acquire a shade of indigo? For blue inflorescences, you can make the following fertilizer: 1 tbsp. l potassium sulfate is mixed with the same amount of ammonium sulfate and diluted in 10 liters of water. The resulting solution is applied directly to the bush of 8 l before direct budding or during the first days of flowering. Pink varieties are fertilized with a mixture of liquid manure (1 l), top dressing "Agricola-7" and "Flower" (1 tbsp. L.), Diluted in 10 l of water.

How to feed hydrangea of ​​white or reddish varieties? Soil is also chosen acidic, as is the case with blue shades, however, the recipe for the mixture is different. It will take heavy, well-dug loamy soil, which is fertilized with peat, clean river sand, pine forest litter, high-quality humus and top dressing - potassium sulfate, Agricola-7 and superphosphate. When deciding how to feed hydrangea in the spring, it is recommended to use this particular mixture. The fertilizing ratio everywhere is 1: 1, and such fertilizers are applied to a depth of 12-15 cm a few days before planting.

how to feed hydrangea in spring

Gardeners also recommend how to feed hydrangea for prolonged flowering and the appearance of more fluffy inflorescences. To do this, the first fertilizer is carried out at the stage of foliage and shoot growth. Take 1 tbsp. l potassium sulfate and ordinary urea, mixed with a bucket of clean water. One bush of a plant needs 5 liters of fertilizing - a minimum, but it is not worth pouring it. The second fertilizer consists of nitrophoska and Agricola, diluted according to the same recipes as all previous options, with clean water. It is introduced during the initial budding, a third top dressing will be required with the full disclosure of 5 flowers. The composition is made from an equal amount (1 tbsp. L.) Of fertilizers "Agricola Rose", "Flower" and a bucket of water. The fourth solution, how to feed hydrangea, offers to add superphosphate (1 tbsp. L.) And potassium sulfate (1 tbsp. L.), Necessarily diluted in a ten-liter bucket. This mixture of fertilizers should be used at the end of flowering in the amount of 7 liters per bush.


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