Which writer wrote the most books? Who wrote the most words?

What determines the fertility of writers remains a mystery. Why do some people write novels for decades, while others give out books every month? Is it a matter of inspiration, speed of writing, or something else? One way or another, there are authors in the world who amaze with the amount of writing and publishing. Which writer wrote the most books is definitely impossible to say. Not all works were published immediately after writing, many were forgotten or lost. To date, not everything that has been created in the literary field is known. You can only make an approximate rating of writers by the number of books they write. This list will include not only prose writers, fiction writers.

Books of foreign record-holders

The first place with honor is occupied by Corin Tellyado, who wrote four thousand books. This is a Spanish writer whose real name is Maria Del Socorro Tellado Lopez. After Cervantes, she is considered the most widely read Spanish writer. She worked in a love-romantic genre and released from her pen under various pseudonyms about forty erotic novels. In 1994, thanks to her creative fecundity, the writer entered the Guinness Book of Records.

which writer wrote the most books

If you ask the question of which writer wrote the most books, the second place with confidence can be given to Lope de Vega. He is also a Spaniard, who wrote 1,800 plays in poetic form during his creative life. Scientists even calculated how many lines he had piled. An impressive figure was obtained - 21,316,000.

Half-Japanese-born, Ryoki Inue has produced 1,100 science fiction novels, thrillers and westerns. Having abandoned his career as a surgeon in 1986, he began to write detective, adventure and love affairs.

Barbara Cartland is an English writer who has published 667 romance novels and another 56 books on housekeeping and health. However, this, as it turned out, is not all. And in 2000, after her death, there were still about a hundred manuscripts that no one knew about. They were published posthumously.

writers rating

In fifth place is Alexander Dumas, so well known to everyone from the novel “Three Musketeers”. According to various sources, he wrote from 650 to 675 works in various genres.

Pole Jozef Kraszewski ranks sixth in the ranking of the most prolific writers. His literary heritage is impressive - six hundred volumes of short stories, novels, poetic works, as well as critical articles and historical works.

The writer, who worked almost without holidays for twelve hours a day and typed his texts at a speed of ninety words per minute, is quite a bit behind Krashevsky - this is Isaac Asimov, who published about five hundred books. When in an interview he was asked what he would do if he only had six months to live, he said that he would start typing faster.

books of foreign writers

The Frenchman Georges Simenon wrote more than four hundred novels, most of which are detectives. The writer, like a boxer before the fight, was always weighed before writing a new novel, and then after finishing work. He said that each book takes about one and a half kilograms from him.

Which writer wrote the most books in Russia?

Andrei Timofeevich Bolotov is the most prolific of Russian writers. If they began to publish the complete work of all the works of the author, then it would have turned out 350 volumes. The writer was versatile. He published not only poems and plays, but also philosophical treatises, as well as books for children. Andrei Timofeevich lived 95 years, made a huge contribution to the country's agronomy and outlived seven kings in his lifetime.

One Hundred Million Words and One Hundred Detective Stories

In the "Guinness Book of Records" was Charles Hamilton. During his literary career, he wrote a hundred million words. These were mostly stories for boys. The writer lived for 85 years and was never married.

which writer wrote the most books

In the "Guinness Book of Records" was included and our modern writer - Daria Dontsova. This happened in 2009. For ten years, she has released a hundred detective novels, some of which were filmed. Now the number of her works is approaching two hundred.

Author but not writer

If we talk about which writer wrote the most books, then this person should not be present in this rating. However, formally, it is he who deserves to be in the first place. This is Philip M. Parker, a professor of management and part-time entrepreneur. His books number in the hundreds of thousands. Parker, who had a weakness for reference books since childhood, began to write them himself. But not independently, but with the help of a program that programmers helped him to make and which he patented. She writes a book no more than twenty minutes, choosing the necessary information from various databases on the Internet and arranging everything according to the template.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26986/

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