Connecting a heated towel rail to a hot water riser: diagram and description

A heated towel rail, installations in the bathroom, not only drying clothes, but also creates a favorable microclimate that prevents the formation of an unpleasant odor, fungus and dampness. Today, the market for this sanitary equipment is full of models with various design solutions and functions. In this article, you will learn how to properly connect a heated towel rail to a hot water riser. A diagram and detailed description of this plumbing equipment are also found in this publication.

connecting the heated towel rail to the riser

Design Features

Water heated towel rails can be in various configurations. The simplest among them is a coil that connects to a common hot water supply system. Usually this option was provided for in Soviet-built houses. In relatively new buildings, it is possible to connect a heated towel rail to a hot water riser (diagram below) on a separate outlet. This allows you to install this equipment of various modifications - from the classic U-shaped heated towel rail to the popular "ladder".

connecting a heated towel rail to a hot water riser

Most often they prefer the latter option: the housewives have already managed to appreciate its convenience in everyday use and functionality. The heated ladder is connected using the following elements:

  • Valves for shutting off water.
  • Water circulation system - supply and return pipelines.
  • Stopper plug.
  • Air valve (during installation, the Mayevsky crane is located on top).
  • Bracket for wall mounting.


How is the heated towel rail connected to the hot water riser? The wiring diagram depends on the type of device. Today on the market there are three types of this sanitary equipment: water, electric and combined. Let's consider them in more detail.

side-mounted heated towel rail


We have known this option since the days of the USSR, when such equipment was installed in all bathrooms. Such models remain the most popular to date. In this case, the heated towel rail is connected to the hot water riser (the scheme will help to do this correctly) or the heating system.

Valves are installed on the device itself, with the help of which water is blocked during replacement. These models are usually made of stainless steel, brass and copper. And most importantly, they have a low cost.

connecting a heated ladder


This model is used if there is no possibility of connecting a water heated towel rail. There are two main options - wall and floor. The first of them has the most diverse design and is used in small rooms. Having given preference to this option, special attention must be paid to the power consumption in order to calculate in advance the approximate energy costs. In this case, the connection schemes for the heated towel rail can be as follows:

  • Open - plug and socket are used.
  • Closed - wiring fits into the wall structure.

Main features of electric heated towel rails:

  • Often, such devices are equipped with temperature control.
  • They can be installed not only in the bathroom, but also in other rooms.
  • Thanks to a variety of design solutions, you can choose a model that fits perfectly into the design of the room.


This model combines the properties of electrical and water equipment at the same time, however, in design they are close to water models. In this plumbing equipment hot water flows, and there are also heating elements that allow it to function even when the heating is turned off. Unlike conventional models, such a heated towel rail will cost several times more.

Tools and materials

To connect the heated towel rail to the riser, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Heated towel rail.
  • Brackets needed to mount the device.
  • Polypropylene pipelines.
  • Polypropylene fittings and couplings.
  • Propylene cutting knife.
  • Apparatus for welding.
  • Ball valves - 2 or 3 pieces.

Main stages

Connecting a ladder or any other type of heater is carried out as follows:

  1. Dismantling the old device.
  2. Replacing the riser.
  3. Installation of ball valves and bypass (jumpers).
  4. Welding polypropylene pipelines.
  5. Installation and subsequent connection of a heated towel rail.


Sometimes before connecting a new heated towel rail, it is necessary to dismantle the old one. Currently, there are two main schemes for connecting an old-style heated towel rail:

  • Modern devices.
  • Coils of the old sample.

Dismantling a modern design

If modern equipment was correctly installed, with detachable connections, then it will be easy to replace it. It is important that the new plumbing device was similar to the old one and had the same dimensions in the centers of the connecting pipes.

New equipment must align with the center of the connecting pipes. It is necessary to remove the heated towel rail, which has already served its purpose, and then install a new one on the counterparts of the connectors, connect it to the system and fix it on the wall.

Dismantling the old coil

It is much more difficult to replace the old Soviet coil. In this case, a heated towel rail with side connection is installed together with the replacement of the riser. Moreover, it can be partial (in your apartment) or complete. However, it is impractical to change part of the old pipeline; it is advisable to completely replace the riser. To do this, you need to negotiate with the neighbors from below and above, so that they connect a new riser. This is often practiced, since it is very dangerous to leave old pipes in the ceiling.

Riser Replacement

As soon as all issues are agreed, it will be necessary to turn off the water supply. In most cases, this procedure is carried out jointly with the service organization. Then, using a grinder, a riser is cut out together with a coil: first in his apartment, then in the neighboring ones. Then you need to cut the threads on the pipeline at the lower and upper neighbors, connect the pipes and enter them into your bathroom through the floors.

Jumper setting

The jumper is a kind of lifesaver in unforeseen situations. Its installation is optional, but extremely desirable. So, for example, a leak formed in the joints of the heated towel rail, which becomes more intense every minute. And there is absolutely no time to call the emergency service and wait for more than an hour of their arrival.

So, in order not to depend on such situations, they set up a bypass. Outwardly, it is an ordinary section of the pipeline. To install it, ordinary ball valves are mounted on the ends of the heated towel rail, with which you can block the flow of water if necessary.

Water heated towel rail: side connection

This design option allows you to install plumbing equipment in a standard riser for a heated towel rail or in an existing hot water supply network. In other words, it does not require the preparation of an additional drainage system. However, water heated towel rails with side connections have one small drawback - the presence of welded elements. But with the proper quality of plumbing equipment, this model will last a long time.

heated towel rail wiring diagrams

When connecting this device, the following parameters must be considered:

  • Compliance with the diameters of the pipeline.
  • The center distance is the distance between the outlet and the inlet.

It is allowed to carry out lateral connection of the ladder heated towel rail using water couplings. At the same time, it is forbidden to make the transition from pipelines with a large diameter to pipes with a smaller cross section, as this can lead to an increase in pressure in the device, which will provoke leaks or even rupture of welded joints.

In addition, water heated towel rails with side connections are installed in situations where it is planned to close the water pipes with tiles. During installation, it is necessary to ensure reliable waterproofing of the pipeline and the connected device. For this, gaskets and couplings are used, which are pulled together with an adjustable wrench of the appropriate diameter.

When installing a heated towel rail with a side connection, it is important to remember that the water supply is carried out under pressure, respectively, the connection points must withstand sudden changes and strong pressure of the water supply.

How to make a connection?

Install equipment in the bathroom must be in accordance with accepted standards. Thus, the connection diagram of the heated towel rail to the riser of hot water supply must meet the requirements of SNiP 2-04-01-85. A similar design is connected to the heating system in private houses that are equipped with an individual heating system.

water heated towel rails with side connection

In multi-apartment buildings, installation is more expedient in full accordance with the project, if necessary, to a separate riser. This approach is fully justified, because the central heating system operates only in the cold season, and water is supplied continuously.

The type of heated towel rail does not affect the connection principle: it is important to correctly ensure the flow and outflow. As a result, regular water supply will be made. Depending on the design features, the following connection methods are possible:

  • Device with top connection.
  • Heated towel rail with bottom connection.
  • At the bottom of the plumbing device.
  • Diagonal connection (used for "ladders").

Thus, the connection diagram of the heated towel rail to the riser directly depends on the installation conditions and the type of structures.


To connect any equipment in the bathroom, you must have professional skills. Since errors in measurements of several millimeters can lead to great troubles and problems with operation. If there is a need to install a heated towel rail, then you should contact an experienced specialist.

heated towel rail side connection

It is important to consider the features and subtleties of the work:

  • Conducting accurate measurements.
  • Determination of the location of the structure.
  • The presence of couplings, fittings, brackets and other additional parts.
  • Choosing a connection method.

Installation of a heated towel rail in the bathroom belongs to the category of difficult plumbing. Therefore, if there is no certainty, you do not need to tempt fate and try to complete the installation yourself. The consequences can be very different: from the banal leaks of pipelines covered with ceramic tiles, to damage to the tiles in the process of hanging brackets.

Before starting work, it is important to decide whether you can do such work or not. Even if you decide not to do it yourself, at least you will know the installation sequence, which will allow you to control the quality of installation of hired specialists.

Attracting professionals is the most correct and balanced decision, so you can not only save time and nerves, but also get an excellent result. Quick drying of linen will become a pleasant reality, towels will be fresh and dry, and the bathroom will be comfortable.


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