Tips: what to do if a baby was bitten by a wasp

Sweet pears, peaches, plums attract not only kids, they are loved by wasps and bees. Sometimes they get to these fruits first and, having climbed inside, regale themselves there with sweet pulp. Therefore, in the summer, wasps and bees are dangerous not only when curling around you, but also when you eat fruits or other sweets, especially on the street.

what to do if a baby was bitten by a wasp
What is the danger of a wasp sting?

For some, it can be fraught only with short-term pain, a small swelling and redness of the bite, which will disappear in a few hours. For others - the occurrence of an allergic reaction, extensive and severe. It will be manifested by the appearance of a rash on the body, itching, shortness of breath, dizziness, and even loss of consciousness. There is a so-called anaphylactic shock. True, hypersensitivity to aspen poison is not very common.

Wasp bitten by a child: first aid

What to do if a baby was bitten by a wasp? In no case do not panic, but try to help. To relieve pain from a wasp sting, you first need to disinfect the bite site and attach something cold to it, such as a piece of ice or a damp cloth. Then you should give the child hot tea and a pill for allergies, for example, Suprastin, Diazolin, Claritin or Cetirizine. If the bite site is very itchy, you can use special ointments such as "Psilo-balm", "Irikara".

baby wasp bitten by first aid
What to do if a child was bitten by a wasp in the mouth or tongue? This is very dangerous if the child is allergic. Laryngeal edema can lead to suffocation. You must immediately give a pill for allergies and call a doctor, perhaps the doctor will recommend injections or tell you which anti-allergenic drugs to take. Before the doctor arrives, you need to rinse your throat with cool water.

What to do if a child was bitten by a wasp on a picnic? At a picnic, a plantain leaf, parsley root, a slice of onion or cucumber, which you need to attach to a bitten place, will help you. You can lubricate the itchy place with dandelion juice or mint leaves, or you can apply a bandage to the wound with garlic or onion gruel, raw mashed potatoes.

If a child was bitten in the eye by a wasp, then there is nothing particularly terrible in this. You need to act in the same way as in previous cases. And most likely, you will have to walk a couple of days with a swollen eye until the swelling subsides.

It happens that the reaction to a wasp sting does not appear immediately. Therefore, if your child has been bitten for the first time, you should consult a doctor to insure yourself against anaphylactic shock. Finally, if the child was bitten by many wasps, you need to call an ambulance immediately.

Prevention of wasp and bee stings

Most often, wasps or bees can bite you in nature when you go on a picnic, in the village, to the cottage.

the baby was bitten in the eye by a wasp
In order not to attract their attention, do not wear bright clothes and use eau de toilette with a sweet or floral smell. Long hair is best gathered in a ponytail or hidden under a hat.

At the picnic, you should try to eat less sweets, do not leave foods and drinks open, wash your lips and hands after eating, especially for children.

If a wasp or a bee nevertheless flies to you, do not brush it off or try to kill it, it is better to step aside. You can use repellent insect repellents.

By following all these tips, you are more likely to avoid the need to look for the answer to the question: what to do if the baby was bitten by a wasp?


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