How teeth erupt: growth sequence, symptoms, timing and parental feedback

The average child becomes moody and restless from teething. This is due to painful bone growth and gum damage. This period is remembered by almost every parent, since at this time the child needs much more care and attention. In isolated cases, this process is easy and asymptomatic. However, each parent should know how the teeth erupt (a photo of the swollen gums is presented below) in order to take timely measures aimed at improving the well-being of the baby.

Gums before teething


According to numerous reviews, the first signs of bone growth are similar to the clinical manifestations of colds. Despite the fact that teething is a normal physiological process, it gives babies a number of uncomfortable sensations.

Parents need to be calm about changes in their child’s behavior. It is important to understand that the baby is suffering from pain. Parents need to help him get rid of discomfort, and not shout at his child because of frequent tears and moods.

The severity of symptoms depends on the individual characteristics of the health of each child. Some parents do not even notice how their baby's teeth erupt. Others do not sleep at night and hourly treat crumb gums with local anesthetics.

The main symptoms of bone growth are described below, having studied which each parent will be able to determine whether his baby’s teeth are teething:

  • Edema. The gums swell a lot, you can see this with the naked eye. The tubercle is also easily palpated. Before the teeth erupt in infants (a photo of the first incisors is presented below), a small hematoma is often formed at the growth site. It has a blue color, due to the accumulation of blood. This condition is not pathological, it is considered a variant of the norm. In most cases, the hematoma goes away on its own right after the tooth erupts. Even with the addition of a secondary infection, the formed abscess disappears in a rather short period of time. However, if this does not happen and the baby has a high body temperature, it is necessary to show the child to a pediatric dentist.
Lower incisors
  • Excessive salivation. It begins long before teeth erupt in infants (a photo of excessive secretion is presented below). A lot of saliva is produced. Moreover, its selection in large quantities occurs during the eruption of both the first teeth and, for example, fangs.
  • Severe gum itching. The tissues itch so hard that the child tries to stop the uncomfortable feeling in any way. In order to get rid of itching, the baby bites almost any object that comes in his way.
  • Impaired appetite. Some children completely refuse food during teething. In an average child, the appetite decreases and taste preferences change.
  • Moodiness, increased irritability. Changes in behavior due to the presence of pain. In addition, against the background of excessive salivation, a rash often appears on the skin of a child, which also causes discomfort.

These are the main symptoms that indicate that the baby is teething. As practice shows, the following symptoms may be added to the above:

  • Cough. It occurs against the background of excessive production of saliva. Breasts can not swallow it, this process is fraught with certain difficulties. As a result, the secret accumulates in the throat. A natural consequence is the occurrence of cough. With its help, the child tries to clear the airways of accumulated saliva. For the same reason, some children have a runny nose and wheezing. The first is associated with saliva entering the middle ear. Wheezing appears due to the secretion entering the nasopharynx.
  • Diarrhea. Stool disorder is also a consequence of excessive salivation. A large amount of secretion enters the stomach with food. This organ in children is extremely sensitive, it immediately painfully responds to saliva. A large number of it liquefies fecal masses, and the bacteria contained in them become the cause of digestive disorders. If diarrhea lasts more than 72 hours, you should consult a pediatrician.
  • Vomiting Occurs in isolated cases. This condition is caused by the rejection of the stomach by too much saliva. Vomiting combined with diarrhea and fever is not the result of teething. Parents should be aware that a combination of these conditions indicates the development of a viral infection.

The above symptoms can have varying degrees of intensity.

Increased salivation

Teething fever

This is a separate issue with a lot of controversy. Some doctors claim that the natural physiological process is not associated with fever. A greater number of doctors are confident that this condition is a variant of the norm during bone growth.

It is important to understand that increased body temperature is a kind of response of the immune system to the inflammatory process that occurs in the gums. Bone structures damage tissues during growth; in some children, droplets of blood on the mucosa can be seen. In addition, the integrity of the gums is often disturbed before the teeth erupt in infants. This is due to the fact that the child pulls different objects into his mouth, as a result of which the tissues are damaged a little earlier.

When teething, body temperature should not exceed 38.5 ° C. It can be deviated from the norm for several days. If a high temperature persists for a long time, it has nothing to do with the growth of milk teeth.

The timing

In a child, the first teeth erupt at the age of 6 months. A few years ago, pediatricians were categorical in this matter. Doctors claimed that the appearance of two central incisors located on the lower jaw should occur at exactly 6 months.

Currently, pediatricians are not so categorical. This is due to the fact that more and more often in practice it happens that the first teeth erupt in children at 3, 8, and even 10 months. Isolated cases of the appearance of central incisors in 1.5 years have been recorded. However, this situation is not a variant of the norm, as it indicates a delay in physical development. If the first teeth did not appear in 10 months, you need to contact a pediatric dentist. Initially, he will conduct a study, based on the results of which it will become clear whether the child has the beginnings of bone tissue in the gums.

Dentist examination

Timing Factors

Both the first and subsequent teeth appear in children at different ages. This is due to the following factors:

  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Nutrition features.
  • Environmental conditions in the region of permanent residence.
  • The quality and composition of drinking water.
  • Various diseases.

In addition, child care is of no small importance.

Teething procedure

Bone tissue growth occurs in a certain sequence. How teething in infants and older children:

  1. The first incisors are the central incisors located on the lower jaw. As mentioned above, this can happen at 3 and 8 months. However, most often the first tooth erupts at 6 months.
  2. Then the upper central incisors appear. What time do teething occur? According to the average terms, they appear in 8-9 months.
  3. The upper lateral incisors begin to erupt. As a rule, this process occurs between the ages of 9 and 11 months.
  4. Next in line are the lower side incisors. They begin to erupt at the age of 11 to 13 months.
  5. Then on the surface of the gums you can see small molars. First, they erupt on the upper jaw. This occurs between 12 and 15 months.
  6. Simultaneously with the upper, lower small molars appear. Their teething occurs at the same age.
  7. The top fangs appear next. They can be seen in children aged 16 to 18 months.
  8. Lower fangs grow after the upper. They can be seen as early as 18-20 months.
  9. Then the lower large molars appear. They erupt in 24-30 months.
  10. At the same time, the upper large molars grow. They can also be seen in a child at 24-30 months.

This is a classic sequence. How teething in each individual child depends on the individual characteristics of his health. This means that parents do not need to panic if the above sequence does not apply to their baby.

Regarding how long the teeth erupt, we can say that this is a very long period for which parents need to be patient. The teething process is completed by about 3 years. At this time, in the oral cavity in a child, 20 milk teeth can be counted.

The loss of milk teeth begins at about 6-7 years. This period is marked by their change to permanent. This indicator is also purely individual. The last to erupt wisdom teeth. This usually occurs between the ages of 14 and 25.

Teething procedure

How long does the process of teething of one tooth take?

The bone growth rate is individual and depends on many factors. However, almost every parent is interested in the pediatrician about how much the first tooth erupts, how long to wait for the incisors to appear. According to the average data, from the time the gum swells to the moment the dental unit appears on the surface of the tissue, it takes from 1 week to 2 months. No parent can influence how much a tooth erupts in a child. The speed depends on the development and characteristics of the baby’s health.

Reviews indicate that in some cases, the process of cutting the gums takes a long time. In some children, this happens in 1 day, in others in 1 week.

Pathological conditions

If the child’s mouth doesn’t have a single tooth in a year and a half, consult a pediatric dentist. Such a condition may be a symptom of adentia. This is a disease characterized by the absence of tooth rudiments. Pathology can be either partial or complete.

The process of laying the rudiments of primary teeth occurs from the 7th week of pregnancy, permanent - on the 17th. Under the influence of various adverse factors, failure may occur. Of particular importance is burdened heredity.

A pathology of a congenital nature can also be a consequence of violations of the organs of the endocrine system, the progression of infectious diseases, hypothyroidism, ichthyosis.

Adentia is a pathology that manifests itself not only in the absence of teeth. Other symptoms of the disease:

  • Lack of perspiration or, conversely, excessive secretion.
  • Dry mucous membranes.
  • Lack of eyelashes or eyebrows.
  • Pallor of the skin.
  • Underdevelopment of the nail plates.
  • Skeletal bones (fontanelles) not grown.
  • Disorders of the nervous system.

The clinical manifestations of the disease are quite specific, in connection with which, to confirm the diagnosis, it is enough for the doctor to study the x-ray of the jaws.

Rickets can also be the cause of a lack of teeth. This is an ailment that develops in infants due to a lack of vitamin D. In the body, the latter plays a major role in the absorption of calcium, which is so necessary for the full growth of bone structures.

Baby teeth

How to alleviate the condition of the child?

It is important to remember that the process of teething gives the baby a number of uncomfortable sensations. During this period, it is important to help him deal with them.

For this, doctors recommend that as often as possible offer the child to nibble the teether. This is a special device that can have any shape and size. Teethers can be made of plastic and rubber. All materials used are only high quality. Devices are filled with water or gel. They can be refrigerated. Reviews confirm that after a child gnaws a chilled teether, it will become a little easier. This is due to the fact that low temperatures are able to temporarily stop the pain.

Another effective remedy is gum massage. It can be carried out using either a special finger nozzle or a gauze swab.

Using a teether

Drug use

Any medication should be prescribed by a pediatrician. It is important to know that potential allergens may be present in dental gels and pain relievers. In this regard, they can only be recommended by a specialist who is aware of the individual health characteristics of a small patient.

Currently, the pharmaceutical market is selling many products designed to relieve pain during teething. Dental gels are recommended. Only a doctor can prescribe “heavy artillery” in the form of drops or suspensions based on complaints.

List of the most effective teething gels:

  • "Kamistad Baby." The composition of the drug is represented by lidocaine hydrochloride and infusion of chamomile inflorescences. The gel has not only analgesic, but also anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Thanks to the drug that is part of lidocaine, it quickly eliminates unpleasant sensations in a short time. The analgesic effect persists for several hours. Chamomile also has anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, it speeds up the healing process of the gums after eruption. The gel is contraindicated in children whose age is less than 3 months. The tool has no side effects if used correctly. In isolated cases, a burning sensation appears in the area of ​​application. To treat swollen gums with gel is necessary three times a day.
  • Holisal. The second most popular drug. Its composition is represented by choline salicylate and cetalkonium chloride. The gel has the following properties: analgesic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory. The drug is not recommended for use in children under 12 months of age. If used incorrectly, an allergic reaction can develop. It is permissible to use the gel no more than 3 times in 24 hours.
  • "Kalgel." This tool has analgesic, antibacterial and antifungal properties. The gel is allowed to be used in children from 5 months. The composition of the drug is represented by lidocaine and cetylpyridinium chloride. If used improperly, the risk of developing an allergic reaction increases. The drug can be used up to 6 times a day.

According to the reviews of pediatric dentists, the Kamistad Baby gel is the most effective. It is designed specifically for extremely painful teething. According to the reviews of the parents, the drug really does stop the discomfort for a long time. After using it, the child can calmly eat and sleep all night.


Teething is not only a long, but also a very painful process. A complete set of deciduous teeth appears around the age of 3. Until this time, every few months, children are worried about the growth of bone structures. During these periods, it is necessary to give the child as much attention as possible, as he becomes moody and irritable.


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